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Rachel Maddow apparently reported that Trump is (allegedly) looking for yet another campaign manager with Conway and co. being burnt through rapidly just like Manafort - she was especially humiliated on The View the other day, with everyone from Whoopi to Joy tearing into her - and that he is also considering pulling out of the debates.

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That's quite stupid if true (and knowing Trump it probably is) - Conway and that Breitbart guy are probably the best team he's had. The main problem is Trump, who can never stop self-destructing and is enabled by that CNN stooge of his. The irony is that everyone thought Hillary would be the one whose campaign team would implode this election season. 

Edited by DRW50
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Frankly I really want to understand why anyone here even gives the remotely possibility of Bill Clinton's affairs hurting her. Were any of you around then and know how her approval numbers went sky high during that time. And by a group of old white men who still live in the 1950's who have their own marital scandals. Has anyone even paid attention to the stuff going on with Ms. Universe and somehow these same old white men think it was a-ok to fat shame a woman. I must have missed all the support for that.



And again like AA and Hispanics Clintons numbers with millinials are good. Where are all these hidden votes Trump is getting? 2000 was a nail biter and the demographics were not nearly as diverse as they are today..GWB got 44% of the latino vote. Someone point me to a poll showing Trump getting that.  And while everyone pays attention to what the white MSM says about white people and they keep under polling AA and Latino's, Red Texas has a real chance of going purple this election. And ask yourself why not one MSM outlet is talking about this.


In other news the Trump kids are partially behind the potential campaign team shift. They are blaming the team for hurting Trumps brand and the businesses. Mark Cuban is saying the brand is potentially permanently damaged as Trumps own words have driven a significant amount of business away. Occupancy at his hotels is down by 25% and businesses are avoiding his properties like the plague. He has said he would not be shocked to see Trump bankrupt if he loses in 5 to 7 years.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Mostly because like a few have mentioned, in some cases it wasn't just about affairs, but claims of rape and abuse, and claims that she helped cover things up. I don't think the Lewinsky stuff would hurt her, but some of the others, I question.

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I really don't know how anyone would believe that. All this stuff has been was in the public eye in the 90's and you have to show me where any of this hurt her. And from a man who has a pending rape case coming of a 14 year old child? You believe what you do I guess. The Clinton's have been drug up and down for years and are still standing. I don't excuse a lot of Bill Clinton's actions but no way will I blame that on the wife.

Anyone reading this and thinking this is not delusional I don't know what to say.




GOP leadership is begging the man to let this stuff go because THEY remember and it was not just about Lewinsky. People who think this is going to really damage Clinton, who has dealt with this stuff for years, I don't know if I can say anything else.

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No you have no trust in democratic voters. The same coalition of Blacks, Latinx, and Women who helped get Bill Clinton and Obama elected, will again save the panicked white voters from themselves. And there are more of us.


I've learned a lot from reading some of @propan_janes material about the MSM and how the white males in the democratic party let the GOP talking points frighten them into negativity.


Edited by JaneAusten
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No, I have no trust in voters as a whole. To pick and choose random groups would just insult them and treat them as tokens to use or throw away. There are a lot of voters who are smart and who work hard, but there have been so many times that other voters, through apathy or stupidity, ruin it for all the rest. I hope this time won't be the same but it's hard to forget so many previous elections. 

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No you have no credit in democratic voters. I may be showing my bias, but people act like this group of people supporting Trump is some new group of voters who have taken over. WRONG. These are the same dimwits who have been conned into voting against their own best interests for the last 35 years. Clinton got elected in all fairness because some of those people woke up for a time and voted for Perot, someone who actually had business knowledge and was well intentioned and flawed in his own ways but spoke to what concerned many at the time. Clinton got re-elected because times were good despite the ugliness in his background. I think you're naïve to believe that this base of voters has changed somehow and that there are more haters and uninformed people. There aren't. And these people believe what's on Fox and Breitbart because they want to. And no I don't believe in general there are enough of those people. Maybe I'm wrong but I saw this same argument from many when Obama ran. And if you don't want to discount voters, please don't start on the lack of enthusiasm by AA voters. You would be wrong about that.

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Apparently, Newsweek believes they got hit with a DDos Attack (orchestrated by none other than Russia) just after they uploaded an article detailing how Trump's business dealings in Cuba violates the trade embargo.


Newsweek hit with cyberattack after posting Trump Cuba story



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I posted one article about one state which had various people, some of whom are AA, quoted in it. I thought we'd settled that but clearly not, so clearly absolutely nothing I can say is going to matter. 


I've never said that there are new voters supporting Trump. None of this is new. W won in part (beyond SCOTUS rigging) because of voter apathy and liberal third parties. Reagan won because of workers who fell for a huckster's spin job. And I do worry it could happen again and drown out the people who are working.


You can tell me I'm naive and tell me about how wrong I am - it's up to you. I'm not going to agree with you that I am insulting all coalitions of Democrats with this worry, nor am I going to agree that posting an article about AA and Hispanic voters (as the article mentioned her problems with Hispanic voters as well) in one state is insulting all coalitions of Democrats. If you think that's what I said, then that's your choice.

Edited by DRW50
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But Carl with what you're saying, you're repeating again MSM talking points. There have been record numbers of Latinx registrants this election, and it spiked even more with the Ms. Universe stuff. Trump's connections in Cuba has outraged Little Havana in Miami. Follow Ana Navarro. He likely lost Florida with that. Texas will likely turn purple this election. No one talks about that and that doesn't sound like voter apathy. I don't disagree with you on some things, but I do think you are underestimating voters. You want to revert back to GWB, a different election, different demographic makeup,  and a candidate who won because he got 44% of the Latino vote. Was there a huge amount of enthusiasm in that election? Not that I recall. I do recall the MSM pushing GWB and Gore blowing it by not leveraging Clinton's popularity. HRC has not made that same mistake. Is she a flawed candidate absolutely and she'd be in real danger if a Marco Rubio was running(not that I have any love for him) but he comes across at least normalized.


I don't mean to sound preachy, but you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't pay attention to BET or Telemundo or other media that doesn't sound like what all of us are used to hearing. I finally started paying attention to Latinx and AA radio and the talking points and lack of enthusiasm continually being brought up are not something I am hearing. Maybe they are wrong in their assessment of their own communities. But ask yourself who runs Politico. And that article they just published about the audio that was leaked  there was nothing wrong or hurtful in anything HRC said. Maybe she sounded elitist, but it wasn't a slam on millinials. You wouldn't know that from Politico's headline.

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