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Major gaffe by Clinton


And all the doubts I keep harboring about this election have now resurfaced. I think she's going to lose. Not that I may not agree with her in some capacity, but she needs to be above this. Look what the 47% comment did to Romney. And she's not Donald Trump who gets away with saying anything.


Maybe she needs to lose and this country needs to see what a disaster a Trump presidency will end up being. People want ISIS gone and Donald wants to bomb them, go ahead and watch the entire Muslim population turn on this country. A recession this country has never seen with massive tax cuts and a continual buildup of debt. Maybe we need to get down to the gutter to dig ourselves out.


I'm disappointed in her. In all of President Obama's years in office, he's held himself with dignity and grace and regardless of how many times I am sure he's wanted to say many of what she did, he hasn't. I still like her and I think she'd make a good president, but it doesn't matter. I'm disappointed in her. And saying it at a fundraiser with a bunch of liberal elite white's makes it no better than Romney's 47% comment in it's own way.

Edited by JaneAusten
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The alt right is going ape over it and trying to push the hashtag on Twitter, but no, it's not going to have legs in the way they hope. And yes, she was right to say it. She's talking about a good portion of Trump's base and she's not wrong. What Romney said was significantly different.

Edited by Vee
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People said that in 2000 and it didn't really work out very well.


It's hard for me to react because this isn't really anything new for Hillary. The media will go wild, and I guess it could hurt her, but surely people who were or weren't voting for her already had this type of view of her. 


Obama was always more intelligent and more cautious, as he knew he had to be, but even he was pilloried for the "clinging to their guns" and "bitter" comments.

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She called half of Trump's supporters "a basket of deplorables."



I don't think it will gain the kind of traction the alt-right wants, but it will be covered a la Romney's "47%" remarks though it's not the same. I don't think it will have legs, and while I wish she wouldn't apologize for it - I think the remarks are great as is - I suspect she will come out and 'clarify'.

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You can see much of the media salivating at another chance to help Trump. They are fine with America burning because they know they'll get a spike in viewers. If Trump said he's going to sell their children, they would thank him if they get to make sure their least favorite goes first. Their contempt and hatred for the world grows every day. 

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No, we don't need to see that. It could literally be the end of the world as we know it. This idiot will almost certainly get us into some kind of serious war. With everything happening with North Korea and China the last thing we need in the white house is some wingnut just to teach people a lesson. Next thing you know we'll be carpet bombing North Korea.


And yeah, I'm also disappointed in what she said. Good God, could she have sounded any more elitist? Yuck.  Here is a woman of high IQ who's had incredible opportunity in her life. The people she is talking about are by and large not coming from a place of such advantage to say the very least. The lack of self awareness is appalling.  It's one thing for the average person to say something like that. It's a whole other thing for an actual leader to say it. She was doing a whole lot better with the "better together" theme and when she said she was going to be everyone's president.  The worst part is it's a comment that really served no purpose except to make the people in the room feel superior to all the "white trash* out there.  She's too smart to make this kind of stupid comment in public.


Disclaimer: Yes, I know Trump says worse things hourly.





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A spade is a spade, let's not sugar coat it and accuse Hillary of being wrong or elitist for saying what we all know. Trump has attracted David Duke and most of the white nationalist bloc to his campaign, all of which are deplorable people. These people shout racist slurs and call for violence at rallies, which is deplorable. No one should walk on eggshells to preserve these people's feelings. Anyone offended by this comment was never going to vote for Clinton and was already backing Trump. The votes Clinton needs are not from racist whites.

If you are worried about the feelings of racists, then you should be voting for Trump. These people are not going to change or like you if you coddle them.

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I don't think anyone is worried or thinks HRC wanted those votes nor does anyone want her to want them. And what she said was right but the question becomes how do people outside this fringe element react to what she said. I am a supporter of hers and while in some ways I praise it, saying it at a fundraiser with a bunch of Hollywood liberal elites is not the place. While the gist of what she said is not the same and is certainly not the same volume, it reeks of Romney's 47% comment. I know some don't want to see that, but that is the overall impression left.

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Romney spoke to a closed fundraiser where he thought the public wouldn't hear the comment, but someone secretly recorded him. The same is not true for Hillary, as she said it and knew she would be heard. No one outside of the fringe element is reacting to this, because it is clear exactly who was talking about. She specifically mentioned racists, xenophobes, etc. What she wants is to get suburban whites in her column and to drive minority turnout.

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