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In the past several hours, I have read reports suggesting "top GOP leaders" are readying both an "intervention" with Trump as well as a backup plan should Trump either end his campaign or be forced out of the Republican party.  What do y'all think about that?  Is there any weight to these rumors?


Personally, I think it would serve the GOP right if they couldn't get Trump off the ticket.  They had their chance -- heck, they had several chances -- to neutralize this guy, right up to the RNC; and if they cannot be rid of the man now, it's their own damn fault.  But on the other hand, the possibilities here are just too delicious for this soaps-deprived boy to resist, lol.

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There was indeed an intervention today, or will be. I think I posted the link upthread. It's their last ditch effort to 'reset' Trump's campaign.


AMC vet J.R. Martinez (Brot) reads Trump to filth.


Even Newt is fed up:




Incidentally, Newt was supposedly in on said intervention. Since that announcement of the plan, we've since heard Trump may intend to dump Manafort and bring back Crazy Corey Lewandowski - his favorite advisor who the kids forced him to dump, and one who still consults him unofficially while presently on the payroll of CNN.

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Well Clinton sort of lucked out this week to an extent. She was called on her interview on Fox Sunday for her comments about Comey's findings on her which has sort of fallen under the radar with all the Trump drama this week. Plus more heads rolled at the DNC.

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Sorry, Vee.  I must've overlooked it.


Frankly, I doubt if anything, including bringing back Lewandowski, would make any difference at this point.  "You can't un-ring the bell," etc.

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Bringing back Lewandowski is a horrifically insane idea, so of course he will do it.

The article does claim the intervention didn't happen, but I wouldn't be shocked if Trump refused it.


Holy shît:




Much more at the link.

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Excellent. I was afraid he might actually quit but he's going to take this all the way and drag the party down with him. I hope they keep pushing him to further and further extremes so that he has a complete nervous breakdown the week before the election.

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Trump is too arrogant to quit. He is going to declare himself a winner no matter what the election outcome is, because he is already setting a narrative about phony polling and rigged election. On election night he'll come out on stage and rant about how Hillary Clinton stole then election.

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Trump is pretty much capable of anything, so who knows what insane stunt he'll pull if he loses.

As for that tweet, there are some real crazies in Riverside County, particularly the southeast part. It's not surprising that someone would tweet that sick picture.

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Another sitting GOP member coming out against Trump. It's beautiful seeing the GOP implode.




"Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said the Republican nominee is "beginning to cross a lot of red lines of the unforgivable in politics."

Kinzinger said on CNN Wednesday that he won't support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but suggested he may write somebody in at the polls or skip voting in the presidential race.

Republican House members Richard Hanna of New York, Pennsylvania's Charlie Dent and Florida's Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Carlos Curbelo have said they won't support Trump. Hanna has said he will vote for Clinton." "


Clinton 49% to Trump 38% in Pennsylvania



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:lol: This cracks me up.


I have this terrible fear that he isn't going to fade away after the election. I feel like he media has been covering him so heavily for nearly a year and it's just never, ever going to end.

She's lucked out this entire election cycle.  Trump just keeps saying these crazy things like he'd want Ivanka to find another career if she were sexual harassed.  It just proves how completely out of touch he is. He can't even fathom a situation were someone would be living on the edge and not be able to switch jobs, let alone careers.  It's hard to get worked up about all the lying HRC has done (and let's not pretend she hasn't) in the face of all of Trump's narcissism and elitism.

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