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One more media darling gone. TPaw 2.0 indeed.




Trump and likely Carly will fade too, and I don't know about Ben Carson either. I have a feeling media darling Marco, a man the press has been humping the leg of for years and years now, may get the nomination. If so they will work very hard to get him in that White House.

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I think Carly Fiorino is a good candidate but she is too new for this presidential cycle.  I doubt she has the volunteers and workers needed to run a campaign.   She is a very good performer at debates and when she talks she sounds like a real human.  I didn't follow her failed run at the senate but perhaps she can use her fame from this time to recruit money and supporters for next time.  Marco Rubio will run afoul of his ultra conservative views.   If he is unfortunate enough to win the nomination he will find his positions are so outside the mainstream that he will finish out of the money.   Trump, assuming he doesn't get bored, will be there til the end but I imagine the republicans will eventually come back to Bush.   Ben Carson doesn't have a prayer.  I don't know why the media pretends he is a real factor in anything.  He's a doctor, what the hell does he know about nukes, terrorists and finance?  No one will vote for him except the true blue republicans.

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It's interesting to see various people at the pseudo-liberal clickbait site Daily Beast seeming shocked about Ann Coulter's anti-Semitic outburst. One of them said she "used to be funny" (she never was). Another writes a somewhat deluded article about how Ann Coulter used to be her hero (blah blah liberal campuses blah blah) and she's changed. 




Ann Coulter was on TV 15 years ago saying things like women never should have been given the right to vote (and this was not said as a joke - she meant it). It's amazing how many people gave her support and encouragement, either through wanting to lay pipe in her (that pig Bill Maher) or because she was a relatively attractive blonde "babe" before the Fox News hottie parade became so prominent. 


Now that she is going after the third rail of modern politics, suddenly they have had enough.

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I don't think the Beast writer realizes that if Aaron Sorkin brought Coulter "to life" as said, she would have been a West Wing villain and would have been made a joke out of. That's the thing with the GOP and their media heroes. They think that people think of them as "cool" when it is the total opposite.

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I think I saw a Wapo tweet debunking her debate with all the made up "facts" she used.  I think she can be a huge liar and still have won the debate though. Those things are far from mutually exclusive.


I feel like I woke up one day and a good portion of the Jewish community moved to the Republican camp.  I still can't get used to it, but I think AC is in the dog house because many elite Republicans like having Jewish support. It kind of deflects from some of the accusations of exclusion.

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Did Paul Ryan really say that Speaker of the House was a position suited for an Empty Nester??


So far, I've seen Paul Ryan walk off in a snit (he couldn't say the word No fast enough when asked whether he'd be seeking the position),  when Rubio announced the news in front of a room of his supporters, there was whooping and cheering with some people even standing to applaud.  Mitch McConnell was sympathetic, thanking Boehner for his service in the House.  There was another Republican Congressman saying he thought it was a good decision on Boehner's part.


The GOP has provided endless entertainment on a Friday!

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It looks like Kevin McCarthy is the most likely choice.


Anyway, looks like another far right favorite is involved in a hoax. Remember when they used to say only liberals did this type of thing? Of course most will stay quiet about it. I don't care for Glenn Beck, to say the least, but I'm glad his site knew this makes the "movement" look bad.



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No matter what political persuasion these parents are, they are derelict for letting their kid undertake such a weird and dishonest path.  About as bad as the desperate politicians who are willing to use a 13 year old to further their political expediency.  Talk about pathetic!  All the way around.  All of the adults around him are teaching him to lack moral scruples to get what he wants.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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No problem. I just think if it was difficult to get things done while John Boehner was actually in the House and as Speaker then it's going to be a complete nightmare with whomever is his next replacement.


I might be wrong and perhaps it was just more of a personality problem between him and his right flank but I don't think so. We'll see two months from now with the debt ceiling I suppose.

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