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I understand that....but my point still stands. this honestly should have been not this difficult, but Dems can screw up royally....and we better hope that if Bloomberg wins he will get black votes in the south. if that matters. Obama got black votes in the south and still lost those states. add that with voter suppression nationwide...

I'm not calling anything until after super Tues. and then we have a long slog until this fall.

seem as bad as trump's cult.


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So, Michael Bloomberg has qualified to participate in tomorrow (Wednesday) night's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.  This could be a real game-changer (for Bloomberg's campaign, as well as for the Democrats) or a real trainwreck.  Either way, it's bound to make for some good television!



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Was thinking the same thing - either way, it's going to be trainwreck TV. And at the end of the day, we will barely know any more than we already did about each candidate.... except *maybe* Bloomberg and what his stance/platform is on multiple issues, but that'll be overshadowed by Bernie screaming at him for buying his way in. 

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I think Klobuchar's recent rise has made people see them as more valid, but I think they mostly provide short-term boosts. All I know is I'm sick of them and I think they're a big reason why turnout is down and why so many people can't stand any of the candidates.

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Yeah. Klobuchar's rise was unexpected. I think her own camp figured New Hampshire was their last stop. Makes me wonder what could've been for Kamala... 


On one hand, these debates seem so repetitive and pointless. On the other hand, these endless debates seem to harm those who've been longtime frontrunners (Biden, Warren) while giving newfound hope for those we didn't expect to go far (Buttegieg, Klobuchar). One constant, sadly, is Bernie. 


Now, with Bloomberg's polls on the rise, this morning as I see NBC discussing tomorrow's debate, the top 5 does not even include Elizabeth Warren. Wow. I certainly didn't think Klobuchar would be the woman on top, outlasting Kamala and soon (?) Warren. 


Meanwhile, how long until the official announcement that Tulsi is running 3rd party? Jill Stein will be sure to give her tips... 

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And at this point, I'm sad to say I really can't, except Warren who doesn't seem to have much of a chance.  It really annoys me that once again we have to pick between people who are differing levels of racists and/or misogynists.


That piece on how Bloomberg treated women in his company was disgusting. Does it make me a purity pony to want a president who doesn't suggest happily pregnant women "kill it" to further his business interests? Then punishes them when they don't?  If so, that's what I am. Yes, I would still vote for him, but why can't we do better? Every one of these septuagenarians in the lead have varying degrees of issues with women and/or POC.


Right now my ranking is Warren, Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, whoever. I feel like the chances are very high that I'm going to have to pull the lever (again) for someone I know disdains me, but I imagine most of us here are used to that on some level.

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She is just a disgrace to me. She has COMPLETELY ignored minority voters, issues and events unless forced to attend because everybody else is. She’s finding a bit of success and NOW she wants to reach out? That is so disingenuous. We are literally to the point of voting and she’s only reaching out bc she has no choice. 

Of all the candidates I feel she’s been given the biggest pass, even more so than Bernie. Absolutely no vetting at all and the media never made her face the reality of her shortcomings. 

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I like Amy Klobuchar and I think she would make an excellent president. I agree that this is unfortunate and I think it points to a larger issue in the Democratic primary.


If you are a white Democrat under the age of 40 even thinking about running for president one day, start reaching out to black people in your community now.

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