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Mika and Joe are about as liberal as Roy Cohn. 


It was likely this guy, not AOC, who stopped Amazon. It's just that nobody wants to [!@#$%^&*] him, the way Joe likely does AOC, and she doesn't get them clicks and wagging tongues, the way that AOC does, so they ignore him.




The sheer desperation of the media to use her name for relevance is astonishing. These are craven, disgusting wastes of oxygen. 

Edited by DRW50
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Every city should start saying no to these demands for these outrageous incentives.  Amazon paid no federal taxes for the last two years and yet they feel entitled to $3BN worth of incentives, while they'd do nothing to alleviate the huge affordable housing crisis that NYC already has.  Just say no.


Even Mike Bloomberg thought it wasn't right for NYC and few politicians love catering to the wealthy as much as he does!


Someone subtweeted that Trump's hair must have also taken the day off.

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Now my hometown Chicago is reaching out again after Amazon's phony nationwide yearlong tour to find it's 2nd HQ, when they already knew they wanted to be in NYC. And the deal here was unknown since apparently the mayor of Chicago and Governor at the time had to sign NDA's. Seriously they use taxpayer money and they are legally bound not to tell the public how much.



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No city or town should be allowed to keep the terms undisclosed when it comes to the people's business.  Too many people think that desperation is a justified reason to let Amazon have its own way.  Chicago is a major city, it's not Detroit (which Amazon had no intention of even considering on a serious level), why should they bend over backwards to be spanked by Amazon?

Amazon's claim to want to "invest" in these communities is highly suspect.  And corporate incentives rarely yield the benefits that they promise to the cities and town.  Cities and towns are already starved for tax revenue and the GOP tax "reform" has exacerbated the situation.

Whatever "loss" NYC is suffering is political clout. 

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The joke here is they are being offered prime real estate in Chicago. At least with the Obama Library which there was a huge fight over, the 2 locations in Chicago are in areas that can actually benefit from having it there. As a resident of the area, I would have been less cynical about the Amazon deal here if they were being encouraged to go into areas that could also benefit from having their HQ location there, not a prime downtown location.


By the way same thing happened in NYC which is one reason residents were so upset.


Edited by JaneAusten
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I admire your continued optimism.  I've known so many people far more unhealthy (rural NY in the 80's/90's) that lived in to their 80's that I can't share it.  Sure he's obese, but look around you any given day in America and he's not comparatively large, he doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink. He also has the best medical staff and facilities moments away from him, while in upstate NY people are an hour from mediocre care at best.


Maybe we can hope that the rumors are true and he does coke, which weakens the heart.  Maybe he really does have dementia, but I'm pretty sure he's just stupid or it's early stage.  Maybe we'll just get lucky, but to quote Takeshi Kovacs,  luck isn't a word I'd associate with myself.  And yeah, I went in to morbid detail in this post, but I've spent a good deal of time fantasizing about this topic.

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