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But seriously.  I think White America was and is bothered by the Obamas, not necessarily because they are African-Americans, but because they are African-Americans who stay refusing to play into stereotypes about African-Americans.  IOW, Barack isn't strutting around like Chicken George, and Michelle isn't going around saying, "Ain't nobody got time for that!," like Sweet Brown.  They don't pander to White America, who's fine with African-Americans so long as they stay "non-threatening" and in their lanes.  They never have, and they never will.

Edited by Khan
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Count me among those thrilled to see Andy Lack go. Not only is he obviously a sexist. He's the one responsible for trying to rehab so many Fox News personalities. He's the one who gave Megyn Kelly that atrocious show on NBC. He gave Greta Van Susternen (sp?) and Hugh Hewitt shows on MSNBC. I've been waiting for this day for a while.

Hit the road Andy!

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Frankly, I don't think anything will change at the NBC News organization.  They'll continue to commit the same, old atrocities against the journalism profession.  They'll just have someone new to rubber-stamp 'em.


But, at least Lack's out the door.  So, I'll just celebrate that and move on.

Edited by Khan
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I don't think much will change either, and the recent antics of Trump enablers like Chris Hayes show that the left is no better than the right, but I'm also glad he's gone. What he and Matt Lauer did cast a pall over NBC for years, one that will never go away. I still have such awful memories of Lauer's failed attempt at being a big boy journalist, grilling Hillary and kissing up to Trump in primetime.


(speaking of Trump, I can't help being a little amused at how viciously he has dragged the hell out of Joe Scarborough recently. That [!@#$%^&*] and his perma-smirk girlfriend deserve all the scorn and more for what they put in the White House). 


@Vee I saw that about Trump's people worrying about his losing senior citizen voters. I have to admit I, like them, did think these voters were so loyal that even saying they should go kill themselves and also lose their social security would not shake their faith, but I'm happy if I was wrong. I just wish I believed they wouldn't run back to him.


I saw that Ayanna Pressley seems to be supporting Tara Reade. I'm mostly just singling her out because I have a lot of respect for her (I'd much rather vote for her than Biden, if I had the choice), but I just don't buy Reade's allegations, and I think in the long term she (Reade) has hurt the cause of other women and survivors very badly.

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That the media thinks this complete failure, who couldn't even get a job parking cars in an administration he sold his soul for, is some kind of an authority on anything other than ugly beachwear (why isn't he sitting on those beaches right now??) is a mystery.

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Pressley is eventually going to have to decide whether she wants to be a member of the Squad or taken seriously as a legislator. It can't be both.


What's increasingly pissing me off about Reade are the comparisons to Christine Blasey-Ford. Ford was run out of her home with death threats. She testified under oath in front of the entire country. Reade can't keep her story straight and keeps bailing on interviews. Dr. Ford is being dragged back into the national conversation all because of this grifter and the cosplay socialists elevating her.


I'm just going to keep asking: has anyone noticed how neither Ronan Farrow nor Jane Mayer has gone anywhere near this story?

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What gets me is the people who keep saying Reade has "more" corroboration than Blasey-Ford did. What they never mention is that this "corroboration" is very flimsy (her neighbor has said she only remembered after being prompted by Reade and her brother was coached by Nathan Robinson, who has been aggressively pushing this, to change his story). 



They also never talk about the fact that Eva Murray had "corroboration" from 5 or 6 people over an incident that has been completely and totally debunked. 


The only upside about any of this is if it leads more people to start tuning out the sick weaponizing of assault claims that has become so commonplace in the last few years. 


It's a very effective ad, if anything is still effective now. Many on Twitter were racing to talk about how terrible the ad was so that told me it had to be effective.

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