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ICYMI: Cory Booker has suspended his presidential campaign; and as this article suggests, there is now virtually no chance of a POC becoming the Democratic nominee.




Of course, as I've suggested before, I never believed any candidate of color, male or female, had the right coalition of voters to defeat Donald Trump (and yes, I have come to believe that that, and not anything else, is what matters now -- sorry, @DRW50).  I stand firm on my belief that I will never see another POC elected president in my lifetime -- the fit hit the shan under Obama and especially Trump, so voters will fall back on what they know -- and in a way, I'm okay with that.  Witnessing the abuse the Obamas continue to suffer from many in this country truly makes me not want to subject any other persons of color to it anytime soon.

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I'm with you on the most important thing being Trump losing. I'm not sure what will happen in the future - I feel like if we survive the next 4 years, the 2024 election is going to have to be completely different as Bernie and Biden will be so old and Trump can't run again, and neither party has any real heir apparents. I never thought Obama could win the primary in 2008, so I try not to guess what will happen since. 


I think Cory was one of those candidates who was always talked about as being fantastic without ever really proving so on a national platform. He would try to go viral ("I'm Spartacus"), he would date a famous actress, he would give us platitudes, but for the most part I never felt he really connected. We would be told he said the right things, his debate performances we were told were incredible, but I just never felt anything. I don't feel anything for anybody running (other than disgust, in some cases), but when you are running a purely emotional campaign, as he did, then feelings should be easier to cultivate. 


And now we have this absolute hell with Elizabeth Warren's campaign people apparently leaking stories that Bernie told her a woman couldn't win, and Warren confirming it but then asking people to move on. I don't understand what her campaign is doing. They're just so reactionary but as always in ways that do nothing to help her or get her message out. And Bernie's campaign continues to exist just to do the superiority dance and trash other candidates and the usual media figures they pretend to be above. 


What any of this has to do with actually winning an election, or finding a coherent message, I don't know. I guess about as much as Bernie's #1 cult member, AOC, doing back-patting about how she's going to spend time and money on primaries because purity must win out. 


Have you ever seen the William Friedkin movie, Sorcerer? I saw it about a week ago, and it's haunted me ever since. I'm not usually that thrilled with nihilistic pieces, but it's superbly made, and the message of it (four men who are trapped by bad decisions, or by their own  beliefs, or their own greed, all desperately race to their last chance, even as fate stands in their path over and over and over) feels more relevant than ever today.


There's one sequence in the movie where two of the men who are traveling together end up having to go across a treacherous bridge. One of them says, "We took the wrong road!" They try to get across the bridge as best they can, their lives in their hands. A bit later in the movie, we see the other two men, who are also traveling together. They took a different road, the "right" road...yet they still ended up at the exact same rotting bridge.


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When I see these, beyond feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack, my main thought is why does this remind me so much of where this primary and campaign are? We were supposed to be in a better place in this party from 2016. Instead we're just in the same place - only even more rotted away, even more fragile. How did we get here? Why are we still in the same wretched Bernie wars, with no way out, with Trump and the media and all his other allies waiting at the other end, licking their grotesque chops? Is there ever anything to stop the same damn thing on a loop?

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It's also pretty much guaranteed many will be sitting home in November, no matter who is nominated. I guess we were always heading this way though. Pathetic.


I can't stand Bernie but from what I've seen CNN's coverage was a shambles. I hope more people are coming around to the realization that no cable news can be trusted. 

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Remember that old quip attributed to Trump about Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yuvanovich and how she'd be "going through some stuff"? Well, some documents were released regarding Giuliani associate Lev Parnas and other criminal GOP elements tied to Trump...alluding to her being assassinated.


And THAT is likely why she was given a heads up to leave ASAP.




And wisdom has it that it was Pelosi that released this. Unsure if this is really the case, but if so, a smart move. Because this bombshell now it puts McConnell's sham trial at risk.

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And so many out there don't want Biden to be the nominee because, as one Iowa voter just put it on NPR, "He just looks so tired."


Too many people just aren't getting it.  WE HAVE TO GET RID OF TRUMP.  But they'd rather sit home and accept another four (or more) years of Trump, which will -- mark my words -- kill the republic, because they can't get the candidate they want.




Anyways.  Here's more about Pelosi and her seven appointed impeachment managers going through the motions of what will end up being a complete and utter waste of time:



Edited by Khan
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None of this is the problem of the candidates. It's been the news coverage from day 1. Yes there have been issues with some of the campaigns and I stand by what I said about Warren. She's IMO brilliant and would be great but her political instincts are not good. But the media has been critical and played up issues to create conflict/horserace nonsense. They say they should focus more on issues they do. Then they say it's boring. And I don't for a second believe there is going to be any long term problem between Warren and Sanders. I just don't


You overestimate the influence cable has and I think more and more are onto it. I have been doing canvassing since November for Marie Newman in Il and we've been talking about her yes but we've also been asked to talk to people about the presidential race. For those willing to talk about it, most women were on the Warren or Harris teams and men Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg - in that order. But the biggest message from almost everyone is that the madness needs to stop and they will vote for whoever. Yes people have issues with healthcare. I talked to one woman who had 3 little kids she was feeding and didn't have time to talk until I told her my biggest concern with issues was healthcare because I am a breast cancer survivor, She then broke down and told me she is at this moment dealing with her own diagnosis.


The turnout is going to surround the AA community IMO and the biggest issue is and has been how they have been ignored except to crow about Biden still having high polling numbers. The only reason the media ever mentions AA voters is to prop up Biden. I still feel Biden is the wrong choice but if he's the candidate I'll support him.

I have come to understand the world doesn't live on social media or also on cable networks. Most people are just living their lives and are not political junkies.


As for impeachment, what on earth to people think Pelosi should have done. Ignore it. 


We democrats are our own worse enemy. Lord the Clinton impeachment polled far lower in support than trumps and I don't recall republicans backing down for one minute and his impeachment was IMO far less serious. And despite what the punditry says, it did not hurt the GOP at all. Lord Bush got elected as president right after.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Of course he's tired. So am I.


Joe Biden is running because he has to. There's simply nobody else who can do this. He's our best bet. I think that when all is said and done Joe Biden will have spent the last days, weeks, months, years of his life using his old white male privilege to save our republic.

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I highly doubt anyone is staying home in 2020, given what happened Ines in 5018 and the last 3 special elections that Trump campaigned for (don't let the Dems Impeach me) in Trump Districts and lost, just sayin!

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