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I expected that Harris' attack wouldn't leave much of a mark. That said, people who keep trying to make this about Obama are looking for excuses why reality isn't playing out to confirm their narrative.



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I think a lot of candidates are focusing on the media more than the public because they still believe the media carries the day. The media does play an outsized role, but any Democrat who tries too hard to curry their favor will pay a price, because the media is always going to support a Republican and a right wing ideal. Obama froze out the media more often the not, and was right to do so. 


I think that a lot of people are nervous with Biden because he seems so shaky. Then there are others who have just never liked him, or feel he is never going to share their values, or use him as a proxy for Obama and their issues with Obama. If Biden were stronger then it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but between the apathy toward him from some voters who seem to be on the verge of sitting out another election, and his own frailty, I'm nervous about his chances in a general election. 


I don't really know if anyone else will be any better though. I would say Warren but I think she's going to be easily made into a hate figure and my guess is Bernie bros will stay at home. 


Kamala is difficult to gauge because she's very skilled and should do well on paper, but there is always such pushback - and very often from black voters I see online, who seem to intensely dislike her for various reasons. 

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I know it is too early, but Biden seems to represent our last "golden time" - when our government cared for all its citizens, rather than the "base" and the corporations. I will vote for whichever person gets the nomination, save for Bernie (I just can't with him! But I won't vote for Trump EVER...).


Frankly, though, I think Biden will hold on. People, for good or bad, seem to respond to him as a person. And, as we should have learned in 2016, while it should be, electability seems less about issues and is more about "cult of personality". And people like Uncle Joe. Shrug.

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I'm not necessarily talking about the run-up to the election.  Presidential races are hardly ever civil, lol.  But, if Biden were to defeat Trump, I do believe some measure of civility would return to the actual presiding over our nation.

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I had read somewhere that he did prepare, but he didn't follow what they had given him. I wish I could find the article, but I read somewhere last night that his staff was shocked at his performance and disappointed he didn't follow their advice. Even today, he met with a civil rights group and there's a video of him going around saying just because you see a young black man in a hoodie, it doesn't automatically mean he's a thug or criminal, he may be a poet as well. Ummm...can he possibly be someone who is cold? Someone wearing the hoodie because it's an ultra common thing to wear? Why do you jump to it somehow being criminal? He can't keep having moments like this back-to-back and stay at the top of the pack. His team is gonna have to clear up his message and he will have to listen.

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His team could try, but I'm afraid it'll all be for naught.  Biden's like Trump in that he possesses this curious knack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time; and if enough are convinced that Biden will be another Trump (only one who swings to the left...for the most part), then either they'll vote third party again or just stay home (again).


And yet, I still think he's the best shot we have at getting Trump out of the WH.


This is going to be one rough ride, folks.

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I don't believe anyone thinks Biden is like Trump. 2 old men is where it ends.One has gaffes, the other one lies endlessly.  My lack of enthusiasm for Biden goes back many years, but lord it's not like I wouldn't vote for him in a GE. 


Americans have a short memory. What happens if  Biden wins and 4 years after, people are again frustrated as heck with Washington and the GOP puts up Trump on steroids(IMO that is a Cheney like figure) - someone who is evil and smart and has smart people working for him. Perhaps I am not factoring in the racial resentment that was THE factor due to Obama being president that elected Trump. But for all Biden's return to norms idea(I am not entirely opposed) there are still foundational issues that are far more serious than some of the resentments the purists scream. Buttigieg is right about one thing. The most critical issue is to fix our democracy and that won't happen if the GOP stays on the crazy train and Biden thinks we can just turn the clock back to 2016. We need institutional reform - we have needed it for years long before Trump - would Biden help lead an effort like that? If not what would come after him? I actually think him coming out in support of HR1 or some of the policies surrounding it would potentially calm down some of the AOC's of the world a bit.


And on a side note, if the consensus is we need a white guy, follow Steve Bullock. Obviously he's not been visible due to his lateness in entering the race, but he's someone I have followed for a long time.  He's a pragmatist but he does have some progressive stances. He's affable and smart.  He's kind of a less clumsy version of Michael Bennett.

Edited by JaneAusten
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