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There is such a visceral hatred and resentment toward Obama on the left. I think partly because they were robbed of the moment to gloat about what a failure his policies were or how unpopular he became - he left office popular, and he his policies, flaws and all, are much more respected now because of Trump. They take any opportunity. Some of the hit pieces from Bernie bros about Pete Buttigieg make sure to mention what a failure Obama was. They aren't very subtle. 


Anyway, I'm glad that he made this decision. It's time for some of these people to drop out of the vanity parade and focus on the real problems this party has. 



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Hopefully someone will because only EW gave a decent amount imo, if these are the real numbers.  It's not really about the amount though. I'm a believer in the Widow's mite way of looking at it.  It's about the percentage. In Beto's case, I'm hoping he made some off book donations because otherwise I'm embarrassed for him.  If you want to be my leader lead and that means giving when you are relatively wealthy.



I'm really sorry you went through all of that.  It seems many people on this board had similar experiences, so you are not alone.

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Oh that liberal Washington Post, bending over backward for Mike Pence. 


The man is so dangerous in part because the media have tried their hardest to give him changes and support, likely because of their daddy issues, and because he hates the right people.



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I have no real objection to Buttgieg. I don't think he's ready and he's not my choice, but I think he's harmless. I do think he's getting undue attention by the press simply because he's white and male and that's their usual stupid [!@#$%^&*], but I can't begrudge a gay candidate who I think means well. My choice is still Harris and many others before him, though.




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I'm not going to post everything I see rn, it's too much and I'm exhausted. Even redacted, the report is quite damning. And it destroys Trump's election narrative. It also pointedly does not exonerate him and makes that very clear.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I almost want Bernie to get the nomination this time around, if only to prove my point that Bernie cannot, and never will, win an election of this magnitude.  If they deny him the nomination again, we will NEVER hear the end of it from his supporters.  Anyway, that's my belief.



That's partly because Biden never knows when to STFU and stick to the g.d. script.  Leave the improv at the Second City where it belongs, Crazy Uncle Joe, and just get off the stage.

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I hope Berners still feel that way if/when their guy is actually elected and proves himself to be as incompetent at the gig as the orangutan we have running things now.

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Looked into a few pages of the Mueller Report, particularly the details of interference. Much of the social media details of that we already knew, including the fact that they co-opted the Black Lives Matter banner. There is a portion that says that Russia got in contact with someone's family, but the name of the family is redacted.


Russia clearly violated our campaign finance laws with thousands and thousands of dollars in expenditures in favor of Trump. They basically acted a dark money PAC, so they should be heavily sanctioned.

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I, too, must applaud your grace under pressure, DD.  I don't believe I could suffer the same slings and arrows of racism and sexism with as much dignity as you have.  In fact, I know I couldn't.


At this point, I'm so over and done with the Mueller report (although I certainly applaud him and his team for their diligence).  We don't need anymore proof that Trump is as dangerous as they come; and as long as the GOP in the Senate refuses to do anything about him, it's all pointless anyway.



Again, though, good luck in getting the GOP even to admit there was malfeasance on Russia's part, let alone do anything in the way of sanctions, criminal prosecutions, etc.

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