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This is the third time she's come through this dreaded disease.  She's a tough woman!




Just an observation from having followed his career since the days he lived in public housing (by choice) is that Booker seems very earnest, to the point of appearing over eager.  This likely springs from the days of him trying to make his way among a constituency that tends to be wary and distrustful of politicians.  

Whether people believe he was trying to bring the city or Newark into focus among the political elite (who likely would have gone on completely ignoring the city) or using his time among low-income and blue collar constituents as a stepping stone to higher aspirations,  Booker did get people to pay attention to the city of Newark and it's residents as something more than a city past redemption and an unfortunate holdover of the riots from the Civil Rights era.  People started to actually regard Newark as a city that could be revived.


And I seriously doubt John Edwards would've spent all that time living in public housing...by choice.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Me neither.  To him, "compromise" means "you give me what I want, and maybe I'll think about giving you some of what you want."


I just hope they don't add insult to injury by offering those gov't. employees who won't get paid for the holidays memberships to the Jelly of the Month Club.

Edited by Khan
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