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No more preposterous than Rachel Dolezal believing she's black.



It's just like the end of the episode of "The Jeffersons" called "Sorry, Wrong Meeting."  When the white supremacist (played by James Karen, who passed away last week) who was trying to get the Jeffersons and other "undesirables" evicted from their building learned that it was George who had performed CPR on him and saved his life after suffering a heart attack, he told his son, "You should've let me die."


What George said after hearing that remains just as true today: they ain't never gonna change.

Edited by Khan
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    This idiot thought it was a good idea to dress up as a Nazi and dress his 5-year old son as Adolf Hitler at a trick-or-treat event and then was upset that people reacted negatively!  





And apparently the mother is just as stupid!

In response to a critical social media user who shared the original post, MaryAnne Goldbach, whose Facebook profile photo shows her with Goldbach in SS uniform along with their four children, said that “the mass media has portrayed the Holohoax.”

“There is no objective proof of the six million Jews he supposedly murdered,” MaryAnne Goldbach wrote. “If there really was a Holocaust, then why does it have to be forced down your throat. Open your eyes people. I will not let my kids be taught stupidity.”

Edited by I Am A Swede
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This has nothing to do with current politics but it's a really fascinating "guerrilla footage" type look at things during the Ford Presidency. The last half, with the focus on DC society, is especially interesting.


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Although there are quite a few people who consistently write about voter suppression, they are usually quite marginalized.  Ari Berman is one of the few who have access to the mainstream media outlets who consistently writes about voter suppression.

A lot of these stats will make you shake your head, if it doesn't make your jaw drop altogether.  The margins were so thin in a number of battleground states.


How Voter Suppression Could Swing the Midterms

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Brazil just elected a far right bigot as President, a man who hates all the right people. He may also help push us completely into suicide mode as a planet, as he wants to gut the rain forests (what's left of them anyway).


I was on Twitter and some of the top tweets I saw were from someone saying it was all Steve Bannon's work as Bannon has ties to this man. All I could think was yet again Americans make everything about themselves. From what I've read Brazil has many reasons why they've turned to such dangerous territory. 

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I have to confess I don't know much about it.  I'll have to try to read up on it when I get a few mins.  It does seem like there is a wave of far right ideology that is making it's mark on the world right now.  It's chilling to witness. It didn't start with the U.S., but its really a shame that we've fallen for it.

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Many people are saying that Fake News won the election in Brazil.  However, there comes a time when people must use common sense to discern what is coming from a reputable news outlet and what is gossip, trash rhetoric and innuendo that is harmful to the health of a society. 

Brazilians need to take more time from watching some of those horrid telenovelas and watch a real news program and read an actual newspaper that reports actual news, not a WhatsApp or Facebook page.


As bad as the situation that the U.S. is in politically, Brazil is worse.  Corruption rules from every part of government, regardless of the political party and many of the politicians are equally as lawless as the street criminals they rail about.


What makes me SMH even more is that a country that has the highest concentration of African descended people outside the African continent could elect a racist right-winger like Bolsonaro. It's entirely sad.  One of two things will happen in Brazil in the next few years: either the majority of Brazilians will realize quickly that they've made a dreadful mistake and seek to correct this or Brazil will slide back into autocracy, just a level short of the dictatorship that they once had.  Either way, it's bad and they are more likely to lose more than they could've hoped to gain.


About a month or so ago, one of Brazil's major natural history museums burned to the ground.  The burning of the museum, which house many of Brazil's oldest cultural and archaeological artifacts, caused many to lament how much of themselves they've lost as Brazilians--and how unfortunate that this is irreparable as those artifacts are irreplaceable.  This election result feels like another moment in which Brazilians will lose more of themselves, the gains they've made since the days when the government used to hire hit squads to kill street children in Brazil.   Then again, perhaps Brazilians welcome a return to those days-- how else can we explain Bolsonaro as head of state?

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One of my aunt's friends called her, upset, about the synagogue shootings, as she realized she knew one of the victims. 


It just reminds me that as these shootings get more and more commonplace, they will start to become less of tragedies we hear on the news and more people who have been a part of our lives. 

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