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Like I've been saying for awhile, he's stupid and bad.  Just look at how he keeps coming for Haiti. Somewhere in the 80's he heard the CDC's comments about Haiti being one of the four H's of AIDS. So here he is in 2018 saying all Haitians have AIDS and trying to keep them out of the US.  His intellect is so crystallized that new information isn't able to permeate.  I can't believe we are being led by this idiot.


On that note, I'm thrilled that Conan O'Brian is in Haiti trying to counter 45's narrative.

Edited by Juliajms
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#Girthermovement #Girther 

How much do you pay a doctor today to lie?  If that man is 239 pounds then I'm the queen of England.  I'm 5'8 and 179.  There is no way he is that much taller than me and weighs only 60 pounds more than me.  No way.  But, he owned Miss Universe so of course he would pay someone to lie about his weight - for trhe Swimsuit competition. 

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Like Ollie North.  Who lied about something much bigger for the sake of the President's direction.  Then they backtracked and Reagan's answer under questioning was "I do not recall".  He had Alzheimers long before he actually got it.  Ollie did the bidding of a President even though it was a lie.  Some Doctor is now doing the bidding of a President who is White Fat Albert to lie about his weight. 

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