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Whew, that backlash was immediate!  Thanks for posting this. As soon as I put it up, the WH was singing a different tune.

Don't forget that Sanders was the 2nd person to "float" the idea that the U.S. might not participate due to 'security concerns'.  Nikki Haley was the first.

Clearly, they were going to try it.

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IKR?  And it's the same with Obama.  I swear, people talk about those three more today than they did when they WERE in charge.


What gets ME the most is that, for all their talk of taking responsibility for one's life, those within the GOP and Trump Nation are so quick to blame their personal troubles and those of the nation on others.  As Natalie Cole once said...


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For once, the [!@#$%^&*] was too crazy even for them to contemplate.




So, Al Franken's gone.  The Democrats can claim the moral high ground, but I feel like the GOP's the real winner here.

Edited by Khan
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I like Al Franken. He did a commendable job as senator but I kind of feel like based on where he came from something like this was bound to happen. I don't believe all the accusations were credible including the first one, but there were others that were believable. I believe he did the right thing for his constituents.


I think he has a real opportunity if he is serious about what he said(I believe he is) to use his voice as part of the MeToo movement. I think there needs to be a place to discuss the degree of sexual misconduct.. We don't penalize a shoplifter the same as we do someone who robs a bank if you get my point. It's not to diminish the accusations, but there should be some degree of consequence associated with the degree of sin committed.  Where things are now can possibly create an opposite impact. We cannot and should not equate sexual misconduct(tapping someone on the rear) with someone stalking and grooming teenage girls, committing rape, and using their power to commit sexual harassment. It's not to excuse the butt tap, that's not appropriate, but consequences should equal the sin.

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^ More than woman accused him of forcibly kissing them right? That's pretty gross and more than just tapping someone's bottom. Plus I think he grabbed some of their asses. I'll agree with those who say that as long as Trump is President there isn't much point in others falling on their swords. Still, if it were up to me every one of these grabby men would be out.  If you want to be a leader keep your [!@#$%^&*] hands to yourself.

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Maybe I'm getting the allegations mixed up. I thought that allegation was from the person who said he claimed he could get away with it because he was an entertainer. That to me sounds very flimsy, very much like trump saying he could get away with it because of who he is. As I said I'm not trying to justify anything,  but we have to be in a place at some point where degree of misconduct(like degree of criminal activity) equates with the sentence. That said I thought he should have resigned a couple of weeks back.


On another note I have found it kind of offensive how there was not a peep of discontent by anyone about Pelosi pushing the black caucus forcing Conyers out. But now the demands from mostly female senators is some kind of lynch mob against Franken. If zero tolerance is the policy, Conyers and Franken should be treated equally.

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Or maybe I am. There are so many allegations against so many people at this point it's hard to keep track.


I agree the sentence has to fit the crime, but of course none of these people will see a jail cell and Moore certainly should have (along with disbarment).  Everyone should lose their job for groping, especially lawmakers. Yet they seem to have more protections than anyone else, along with a tax payer funded slush fund to deal with settlements. The whole thing is incredibly corrupt.

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