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This is an interesting, if depressing, article, in that it basically shows how many reliable right-wing sources aren't bothering to pretend this tax cut is going to help the economy or is even a good idea. The part that made me raise my eyebrows is how many companies flat out admitted that the tax cut will just lead to them giving their shareholders more money and they won't be using it to hire more people. I guess they know they don't have to bother, and this way no one can accuse them of deceiving voters the way that Carrier has gotten such backlash over that.



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At this point, I’m so tired of fighting, writing, calling, and mailing that I’m just like f*** it... pass the damn bill. Let it all burn to the ground and make those who voted for IT feel every bit of his egotistical, heartless, self-serving wrath. 

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Did he used to write speeches for W? 


I'm still disgusted that Roy Moore is going to win, but this did make me laugh. I'm still not sure what it says about where we've gone that Ben Stein's grumpy sidekick and the host of the Man Show is some kind of national touchstone.



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This is unbelievable and further shows why Netanyahu despite Trump revealing Israeli intelligence agents/info to the Russians at the meeting in the oval office, is still up Trump's you know what.


"Flynn’s indictment and guilty plea for lying to the FBI are partly based on Trump’s effort as president-elect (not yet president) to defeat UN Security Council resolution reaffirming int’l law prohibition against illegal Israeli settlements which constitute a war crime."



This is what's likely going to get Kushner. He was the one who brought in Flynn in December for meetings with Kislyak likely due to the info below.





UN Vote on Israeli settlements



And the Russians tried to delay the UN vote



Edited by JaneAusten
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