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Normally, Roman, I'd agree with you.  However, the GOP's victories in the last election proved to me that we've become willing to put party over our own interests.

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The GOP is determined to sneak some damn ACA replacement bill in, no matter how poorly written, even if they have to hide the contents. How despicable.


Speaking of despicable, come on, is this really happening?

A pro-Trump group is using Obama's voice out of context in radio ad for Georgia's special election

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Such bullshit. The bill was made public and there were hundreds of hours of hearings for over a year. Obama met with GOP members in the house and senate several times to discuss concerns. The GOP added over 160 amendments to the bill


Why don't you trolls try listening to something other than fox news filling you with lie after lie. You sound ignorant and stupid, Well look who you voted for.

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we'll see when between 19-24 million people lose their HC. I understand exactly what you;re saying......I don;t have much faith in the american people right now myself. but when things hit close to home...you maybe stop worrying about [!@#$%^&*] walls being built and campaign slogans and grow up to take care of yourself and your family. 

Jane, I know it's VERY hard....but people like this only post to rile people up, get responses and get pub. ignore, ignore, ignore.....because this person has NO INTENTION of listening to anything anyone says that they don't agree with, nor will they have a respectful passionate debate. L:ies are what they know because they must get their truth from clowns on networks....because they can't think for themselves. 


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They'll still find a way to blame somebody else. I feel like only a truly catastrophic event could bring a lot of people to their senses. Not even losing their insurance because a lot of them just got that insurance but still voted to get id of it. 

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That and they didn't realize they were even voting against their own health insurance.


They're damned either way because even if this doesn't get repealed, Trump will keep strangling the market until no providers will want to participate. 


Democrats will get the blame, because of terrible messaging, a media that worships Republicans, and a public that is apathetic and easily manipulated. And deep down I am starting to wonder how many leading Democrats actually want to win anyway - it's certainly easier, and more lucrative, to just tsk-tsk about Trump.

Edited by DRW50
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I kind of halfway agree with this but finally the democrats have agreed to withhold consent and people are now submitting amendments  - we need to get thousands of them in - to force a vote-a-rama.  I've pretty much given up on O-Care but if the democrats can accomplish stalling long enough to get the R's to release their bill, it's a big victory.  Now the question is will they squander it?


I've been very bummed out locally due to our own town council's recent decisions on min wage opt out. But some villages that have actually changed leadership in the last election won over. And I am finally convinced that single payer is the answer after being ambivalent. The costs are not nearly as high as projected. In fact my R friend who is mega conservative is also on the single payer bandwagon. He has a small business and I think he sees it as a cost saving and benefit to his business more than the idea of helping people, but whatever reasons someone supports the same thing, more power to them.

That an incredibly powerful ad. With GE leaving Waukasha, and Ryan being a reason why, it would be nice to see some people in WI wake up. This state is going to end up like Kansas in no time.

I know. I was going to pass it(he's already on my ignore list) but damn these people are stupid. They brag about the stock market numbers going up under Trump as if that helps them personally, celebrating in the 1% taking more of their own tax dollars for corporate welfare, like it helps them. Dumb. And I have no intention of responding to such troll again.

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