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Racism in China. Apparently they even had a commercial where a black man was turned into a "nice" Asian man when a Chinese woman threw him in a washing machine.




Here it is. Yikes.



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In the comments section a few people posted "And so it begins...", to which I want to reply "Folks it's already been happening!"


Various Chinese companies have already attempted to acquire chipmaking companies as well as other tech companies, posing some tricky issues for intellectual property, as well as proprietary software and security issues.  

Moneygram is probably the most visible example of this type of acquisition.  


@DRW50 That racist commercial is old news, at least to me, it is.  Racist stereotypes abound in many Asian countries and have been used to see toothpaste (Japan) to cosmetics and household cleaners.

This has very serious implications for the negative connotations and stereotypes these ads perpetuate.


Anyone who has any doubt about this should see the violence that African students face in India and Russia, which has been going on for many years.


African students hospitalized in roving mob attacks in India


Ironically, many Chinese men have gone to majority Black countries and marrying and having children with African women and women of African descent in the Caribbean/Latin America for at least 100 years.  In fact, I recently read about a new wave of young male Chinese entrepreneurs who are migrating to African countries and many have remained and married local women.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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No offense but how many times do we have to read how evil the Clintons are and how they destroyed the democratic party. Perhaps you caught me at a bad time as I listen yet again to Bernie Sanders a non democrat trash the party. Rather than show real leadership by standing along with those of our political leaders in congress, he spends days on trashing the democrats inviting the likes of real elitists like Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon to congratulate themselves on blowing up the country. I am all for reform and fresh blood, but spending endless hours trashing the party and not even acknowledging the grass roots efforts that have actually helped fuel a number of successes, even minor ones,  infuriates me. 


And now Sanders is being credited for introducing Medicare for all, a bill Rep Conyers from Michigan, a black man, has introduced into the house every year for the last how many years, is equally short sighted.


Sorry for going off, but some people like me are ready to move forward and keep getting dragged back by some of this. For what purpose.

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Sanders supporters love giving him credit for work done by others. That's why they love to say "Bernie's the only one out here fighting for us!" Fortunately I feel like more and more people are finally calling him out for the self-serving, treacherous [!@#$%^&*] he is.

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This is nice that the Dems are fighting Gorsuch, but it all feels like a waste since the Rethuglicans will just go nuclear. But their whining about Dems obstructing the process is RICH. At Lindsey Graham's town hall, another with a BUNCH of pissed-off constituents, they kept yelling Merrick Garland at him, as he stood there and complained that Trump should be allowed to pick the candidate he wanted.

Edited by Wendy
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