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Yeah, the passage about our uncurious, bored manchild president taking a break to play Toot Toot Trucks was a real 'this is your life' moment.


Meanwhile: Not done throwing Ryan under the bus, Trump has also used the Enquirer to lash out at Flynn, calling him "a Russian spy" - likely afraid Flynn will flip on him. Trump is just now learning he can't operate like he does in business - lazy, bluffing and bored, trying to steamroll to get what he wants.

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This makes me question our way of seeing others and reminds me of Animal Farm's some are more equal than others.


A woman in Indiana voted for Trump because she thought "good people" would get to stay and now her undocumented husband is going to be deported. But she seems optimistic.

Doesn't this give Flynn a reason to flip on him? Nunes called off the public hearing scheduled for Monday and offered up volunteer Manafort. They're setting the standard for incompetence.

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Andrea Mitchell (of all people) just said on MSNBC that WH staffers are wiping their phones and devices for fear of subpoena.


Apparently Ryan has told Trump they don't have the votes. Time to go turn on this shitshow...



This is fantastic


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This is a good thread if you are on twitter from someone who was Harry Reid's Deputy COS and why Paul Ryan is pretty much a failure as Speaker and lays out WHY he was chosen,



Frankly I am glad Trump is insisting on a vote, dumb strategy that it is. Even if they don't have the votes, I want to see how a couple of reps from my own home state vote, both from districts Clinton won in November. Both have been non committal up to this point despite the fact that te numbers from people in their districts overwhelmingly do not want the ACA repeated or the AHCA.



And John Schindler claims that Flynn has already flipped. He hasn't been seen in days and today the Enquirer you know run by Trump friends had a cover accusing Flynn of being a Russian Spy.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Damn I wanted a vote. Would have been a great to use against those running in Clinton districts who voted for it. One district close to where I used to live where the rep, Peter Roskam, has been dodging constituents for many weeks now and was a yes but moved to undecided.

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Republicans are idiots. They have no real solutions because they were planning on 4 years of blaming Hillary for not being able to produce a replacement for the ACA.


And Trump, when you lose the popular vote by 3 million and have a 37 percent approval rating you can't force bills down Congress' throat. You have to build camaraderie with the Congress and form alliances--- not run off to Florida every weekend.


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What a failure in spectacular fashion!  Trump as The Closer obviously doesn't apply to governing. 


What have been Trump's successes, other than taking credit for employment successes that Obama already put in place?

The GOP as a whole doesn't know how to govern. Although I live in a heavily Democratic state, I hope many of these GOP Congressmen get voted out in 2018. Hopefully people will realize the power of phone calls, e-mails, petitions, protests and town halls. Democracy only truly works with active participation.

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