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In his mind that likely is all she did. I think he is deluded enough to believe he only lost because of DNC rigging and because of those silly people who didn't realize they needed to get over themselves and their silly dramas about race or gender and support him. I doubt he will run again, because he always gets to be a hero and a martyr now, just as Trump would have been if he'd lost. Really he's not hugely different from Trump beyond social issues and maybe some monetary things - they're both egomaniacs who got rich off stupid people. 


There's this fantasy that makes many old white Democrats feel satisfied, because it's kept them warm at night ever since about 1972 and definitely since 1980 - that if only Democrats denounce or push away "others" and focus on Joe Sixpack, they will win. There's this fallacy that all you need to go is go drill into their minds all sorts of blather and they will be yours. I think Bernie realizes in a way that Hillary did not that many people are driven by fear, but he still doesn't get it, as he thinks he can lead the worried masses. He doesn't realize that most of those he wants to lead will see him as a rich, godless Jew, at a time when anti-Semitism (I wonder if those are also "identity politics" in his mind) is rampant and growing.

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OMG. Don Lemon playing parts of Richard Spencer's speech and  yelling "Heil Trump". Why, God would you give that man a platform however brief?

I'll admit I kept hoping they would come around to the idea that the rich are soaking them while turning the lower classes against each other, but I've finally realized it's not happening. The working class resents the poor on food stamps more than the ultra wealthy. I've finally accepted it.

Edited by Juliajms
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I heard about this segment, mostly about how toothless and typical of the media it was. They weren't kidding. That mousy woman from right wing RCP seemed particularly terrified of actually discussing blatant hate speech. Then Allan Colmes Jr. beside her tried to turn it into some twisty turny political irony because Romney and Trump have now had a meeting. Well, not really, and that has nothing to do with Tila and her Jew-hating friends having a big party and all but firing up the ovens in celebration. But that's the only way the media can see it, especially since the media assumes they are safe and always, always will, because they see themselves as far above all others. 



I think people can realize, but it's going to take a huge flashpoint moment, like Katrina and the Terri Schiavo fiasco and various other things with W. I think with Trump it's more likely because I don't know if he will stop Paul Ryan from gutting SS and Medicare as his tribute to Ayn Rand, and I also think he's likely to get on Twitter and start openly berating people from the "heartland" and "coal country" and so on if they eventually start to see he isn't bringing any jobs back to them. But it's still going to take a lot, and the sad thing is a lot of it is out of our control. What Bernie and probably Hillary never grasped is you can't talk to people. The whole cliche of the politician saying "I feel your pain" is meaningless. People may support you if they instinctively feel you are with them - as so many did with Trump, even if he repulsed them as a human being. You can't tell them their lives are crap and if this and that and this other thing happens maybe something will improve. And you can't pat them on the head. Trump just went straight toward hate and fear, and it worked. I don't want a Democrat to do the same, because you can't out-hate a Republican anyway, but there is a basic failure in messaging in the Democratic Party that needs to be fixed. 

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I see that Nancy Pelosi is out talking about there will be a big voter backlash against Trump. I just wish any Democratic leaders would stop saying that because it's wishful thinking this far out. Does she not remember that not even a month ago we were hearing about how well Democrats would do this year because of Trump? I imagine he will hurt Republicans in 2018, but with voter suppression and with so many just not wanting to vote and with Republicans being the proverbial cockroaches, it's not something to rest your laurels on. 


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^ Not just that, but how their party was in disarray.  Now here we are in it's our party that isn't really sure where to go from here.  This election was truly a reversal of fortunes, which is part of the reason people are so shell shocked I think.

Edited by Juliajms
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History dictates that the President's party loses seats in the midterms. With Republicans having total control, I can't see how they don't lose seats. The leadership has to offer something to look forward to in order to keep people engaged. The preparation for the midterm starts right now.

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