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Ah ok. I am hoping Wednesday comes and goes and if nothing is revealed, things will continue to look upward. But if there is something, I don't think it's anything major, but I think it will be presented like it is.


Meanwhile, Trump had his own 50 percent gaffe and recently grabbed a female reporter's wrist and silence from the media. At least they are reporting the latest (I assume so anyway). 


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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After the GOP did its post mortem on the 2012 Romney loss, there seemed to be a lot more talk of shifting demographics but I think most of us have long known that the MSM has been avoiding the realities this time around, in favor of promoting a close race (and the false equivalencies that go with it) so that they can squeeze ratings for their channels, shows, etc. as well as subscriptions for their newspapers. 


Unfortunately, the Senate/House and local races are getting lost in the national (and I'd assume cable, though I don't watch it) coverage but this is where local media coverage (if they're smart) has a significant role to play. Despite all these mergers threatening to swallow newspapers, believe it or not there are some 'boots on the ground' doing yeoman's work for local blogs and small-town online papers, some of which even still have a component that still churns out a physical newspaper.  There are still community papers and NPR and PBS do have local components that function through their apparatus- although people must indeed do some work in locating them. Although the work can be as easy as doing a simple search or heading to the local library.

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They have tried making that comment from the audio by HRC a story and it went no where. She actually said nothing wrong and you even have Bernie supporters who don't like HRC coming out and supporting it. Sanders this morning on CNN with Jake Tapper make him look like a fool. He said "you're trying to make a non story a story when we have evidence of what we've been saying all along about how the rich don't pay taxes? And Trump's tax plan continues to favor those same people. I think your focus is misdirected."  Of course Tapper is basically a male hair model anyway.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Yeah, as I think was just pointed out, Bernie comes out and defends Hillary re: her comments on his supporters. As I said, nothing there.


I don't think the press is really that big on the story either, tbh. I think it's a desperate thing like Obama's Guns & Religion which will fizzle out overnight for all but the hardcore Bernie or Busters. And even if there is another Wikileaks story - I think it just got called off - history has shown they hype these weak tea nothingstories about the DNC that go nowhere and have no play outside a handful of angry far left bloggers, all of which die within a week. Trump's antics (and taxes) have stolen the spotlight, possibly for good.


Meanwhile: Rudy's doing great.

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But didn't the foundation story with the Huma's emails hurt her? I don't think the media even came close to covering Trump's foundation the way they did hers. IMO, the supposed surprise could go either way. Not a big deal like the Bernie audio or somewhat of a big deal like the foundation. I think the media had every right to investigate but once nothing was discovered, they should have let it go, and they didn't. 


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hurt her how. She got a huge bounce from the convention that was never going to last, she never fell behind Trump in the polls so? I think the fact is(PLEASE READ @PROPANE_JANE and not the MSM talking points) is if you follow Sam Wang(not Nate Silver this election) you find his methodology shows very little swing. What HRC has that is not not going to change and will support her are the democrats yes even the whiney Bernie supporters and same with Trump. HIs numbers will not change because his supporters are the SAME VOTERS WHO VOTED FOR ROMNEY. Actually a tad less. As long as democrats turn out(and we've already seen democrats killing the GOP in early voting) she's going to win and win easily. I'm no longer going to allow myself to get stressed over what might be that will never happen or the MSM talking points which still wants it to be a horserace.

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I have to say once I stopped checking out Nate Silver, I was a lot less stressed. Obviously, I am still worried, but not as much as I was before. I came across Propane_Jane's account awhile back but just started visiting again after it was mentioned here. Also, Obama's 2012 campaign manager tweeted to stop panicking; that she's going to win, so that's another positive. 


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Plouffe as part of Obama's hidden secret his data team. Clinton's is even better and she has a lot of the same people including the genius behind it. I put my money on their numbers vs data polls. Their team predicted Obama's win by 5000 votes. Polls underestimated Obama's lead. Things to be worried about. Russian's trying to tamper with our elections and voter suppression like what is happening in Wisconsin as we speak.

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This is the best position for her to be in. The polls show a small nice bounce but all Democrats are on HIGH ALERT and will turn out because we all know we can't let's this buffoon get into the Oval Office.


The press and Politico tried to make the tape thing a big deal. Apparently Politico had to change their headline title for the story because like all things Politico is spun and hyped up to make Hillary look bad. I'm so glad Bernie squashed it himself on CNN.  I need to find that's clip. 


Re the taxes story I dont think it will change much in the grand scheme of things but it does keep the negative press and the media solely focused on him which I very much want. That being said I find his refusal to release the tax returns hilarious and a huge middle finger to the Media and political pundit class. I actually am hoping he sticks to his guns and doesn't do it cuz at the end of the day I think it's meaningless and one of the few ways the media still try's to play "gotcha!". 

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FWIW: I've checked out Reddit and the Berniebros, and many of them seem to actually be happier with Clinton because of the leaked comments (and Bernie's ringing endorsement this morning).


The tax thing is a catastrophe on top of other disasters for Trump. Don't kid yourself. It's yuuuge and everyone knows it. And Trump not releasing is spitting in the face of the minimum standard of respect expected by the American public. We now know he didn't release them because he hasn't paid jack.

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Apparently the leak was also supposed to make Trump look bad. I wonder if that's the real reason.


I wondered how long it would take before certain people tried to spin Trump avoiding taxes for 20 years as brilliant, and it didn't take long (and no I don't think anyone will be fooled - I think he's mostly lucky that the people who are hardcore voting for him will vote for him even if he comes into their house and pisses all over the place). 




And for those out there who insist Hillary doesn't face any criticism for being a woman and America is so past all that, Fooliani is, as Vee mentioned above in that interview link, openly saying a woman isn't good enough:



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No what it means is they didn't have anything. I'm still waiting for all those emails showing Hillary and the POTUS funding ISIS that Assange said were coming in August then in Sept. I am still of the belief they have nothing and are waiting for info from their Putin hackers.


WikiLeaks has become Assange's personal grievance tool. After he released the names of those Turkish women, I lost all respect I had for him if I ever had any.

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