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I'm no extremist but I personally find the whole finger pointing premature. I prefer to wait for whatever investigations are being conducted to conclude before I take a position. Unfortunately, the whole thing has taken a partisan twist which means that it could drag out a whole lot longer than it should. At the very least, the security measures should be thoroughly examined and in those nations where adequate security is not being provided by the host nation, the U.S. should supplement it.

I am lost on the contraception issue because I only know that it was a part of Mitt Romney's list of "free stuff" he claimed that Barack Obama used to win the election. Obviously the "free stuff" he was offering didn't appeal to the masses. While men are all bent out of shape over birth control, where does vasectomies rank on the list of "free stuff?" Is that a procedure that is covered by the same policy that gives women "free contraceptives?" Also, is viagra on that list of "free stuff?"

And back to Luke Russert, according to Wikipedia he majored in history and communications so no journalism for him. NBC's practicing some special form of nepotism regarding him out of their desire to either see him transform into his father or some sort of loyalty. Whatever it is, they should let him go back to the wonderful world of sports talk. Now that they've established a cable sports network and may be on their way to radio sports, they've certainly got room for him elsewhere....I mean they did hire Erik Kuselias. Or he could saunter back over to ESPN where there seems to be no real criteria for on air personalities. All he needs to do is be able to mention Tim Tebow gratuitously 99 times a day and he'll be fine.

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It is only two weeks since his re-election, and his second term remains two months away, but Barack Obama is already blundering again on the world stage, with the kind of gaffes that would have been plastered on the front page of The New York Times if they had been committed by George W. Bush when he was in the White House. Obama's first term was littered with foreign policy gaffes, and there is every chance the second term will be more of the same.


It is rather embarrassing, as well as sad, that the leader of the free world can’t even pronounce the name of the most famous human rights activist on the planet. Or that he is so quick to appease Burma’s authoritarian regime by calling it “Myanmar”. Barack Obama’s gaffes demonstrate not only a marked lack of attention to detail and a high degree of amateurishness on the part of the White House, but also a disturbing willingness to curry favour with unsavoury regimes. Hardly a good omen for Obama’s second term.

Of course, all of this is overlooked in the mainstream press here in America... Obama is a media darling and, as we've seen since his rise from obscurity in 2007, the mainstream press swoons over the guy despite questionable judgement, rotten policies, and scandal everywhere you look.

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I'd say it's untrue that not knowing how to pronounce a name is a "gaffe". It's a human mistake. If people criticized Bush it was because he played up an aw shucks image. He seemed at times very proud of not knowing or not caring. That was the foreign policy mandate of the Rumsfeld era.

The whole idea presented was that this was somehow something the US media would not cover. The US media outlets similar to the Telegraph cover Obama's mistakes all the time.

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Obama is President for four more years, so some people are going to have to get over their anger and learn to accept it, because complaining about everything little thing is not going to change that.

332-206 hurts really bad, but it is reality, so it's time for these right-wingers to get over.

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So a Fox News crony writing articles to express his disdain for Barack Obama is to be taken more seriously because it;s in print instead of his going on about it on the Fox studios sofa? The man hates Barack Obama and David Cameron. He's not doing any objective reporting. Nor is the mountain he's trying to build worthy of any attention. Not pronouncing the name of "the most prominent human rights activist in the world" is not the same as doing so for the leader of a nation's name. He should have gotten it right and she should have corrected him or someone else should. They could have laughed that off easily.

I found George W. Bush quite humorous but I know that bumbling didn't play well overseas. But then there were also the gems he produced at home that made me laugh and probably gave others fits. Does anyone not remember how he told the President of the Philipines something about how talented they are because his cook's dishes remind him?

I'd have to check on how conservative this paper is but I know they are not beyond praising Barack Obama. Here's a reminder of real noteworthy gaffes by the man who lost his Presidential bid and is choking on sour grapes with all the rest of those who cannot seem to move on:


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They did not get over when he was first elected so it is unlikely that they will now. If anything, it makes them more bitter that their deluded, racist, bigoted, anti-woman BS has been rejected by most of the country which is moving forward and leaving them behind. Check out their delusional view of our country:


Edited by Ann_SS
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This link works better for me.


That was an interesting article. Wyoming is a very complicated state. I did laugh when one of the conservatives invoked Kennedy. Wow.

National Review, as is to be expected I guess, has had some heinous articles up lately, including one which compared the decline of whites as a majority to genocide in Rwanda, another which says Romney lost because of the young, the women, and minorities, none of whom are cultured, none of whom read the Times.



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Or not Redd. They can keep going with this mess for two more years....and then they'll be in worse shape than they are now. McCain and Romney are so mad they lost to a black man their heads are spinning like Linda Blair. The whole party is in a shambles, but count on the CNM to push this garbage that they have learned their lessons and are now all of a sudden moderate. That is why I've given them a break. They are back to pushing false narratives and going forward with their agenda regardless of what the people have said.
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