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The problem with Femme Fatale is that the songs are all too similar. I prefer Club Britney to Pop Britney, I actually really don't even listen to her first 3 albums anymore even though I loved them once upon at time. But Blackout is just the best Club Britney album. So many experimental songs with WTF different sound effects and synths and beats. Plus Blackout was just so unexpected.

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This isn't worse than Britney and ...Baby One More Time, but it's one of her weakest efforts because it's uneven.

Femme Fatale is one of her most dance heavy albums. Pretty much the entire album is dance. It's full of house, dubstep, euro-dance, trance, hi-nrg, and bass drops. Circus, Britney and Oops!... are probably Britney's pure pop albums. But I would say all of her albums post In The Zone heavily incorporate music from the dance genre.

Femme Fatale is a better album than Circus is, from the production alone. I would consider Femme Fatale her second best album in terms of production and sound (after Blackout).

It's a very cohesive dance record which is a good thing, but I don't understand why people want more of the same thing. If you want to listen to a hardcore dance record she has supplied fans with three of them Blackout, Femme Fatale and In The Zone. I think it's beyond past her time to move on from that and mine new territory, which is what I liked about Britney Jean.

I just wish there was an entire album with slower moments like Alien, Chillin With You, Don't Cry and Perfume because that's clearly where Britney's head space is as a 30 year old woman. I like that we get an album where we have moments where she really speaks sincerely about her life. She should move to progressing her sound forward instead of trying to recreate the same dizzying and spacey dance music which doesn't even relate to her right now. I don't want to hear about her partying, boozing and drinking Ke$ha and Rihanna under the table because it's beyond apparent she doesn't even live like that anymore and it's not connecting.

This is why I am fine with the personal moments, but don't really care for the uptempos even though they are still enjoyable. The album is a good listen, but the collaborations with Will.i.am, David Guetta and T.I. are gratuitous and are solely recorded for token radio moments and satisfy the fans who loved her previous dance efforts. It's mollifying, but not the purpose of the album (at all).

Edited by Skin
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Britney isn't a album artist. She never has been. Most sings on her albums usually are filler for singles. That's not a bad thing because the non singles are good and some are even better than the singles, but you can tell what songs are singles and why usually.

I'm just pumped for her Vegas show. I hope very little of this album is featured.

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Britney Jean only sold 107,000 copies, making it her worst first week ever, and it debuted at #4. I wonder if her Vegas show is even going to sell well.

Maybe Britney needs to reinvent herself a bit and include more love songs, ballads, where she's actually singing. And include more songs with instruments instead of the usual synthesizer sound and beats. Of course Britney doesn't have the greatest/strongest singing voice but I always thought she was okay when it came to those love songs/ballads - I think she still has a lot of fans (like me) who would welcome this. And more songs with a catchy/sing-a-able chorus.

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Which leads to the question, why didn't the record company promote it more? Did they not want to spend the money because they knew this album wasn't that great and that it wouldn't sell well anyways? And why didn't Britney go out and do more promotions. Usually when you have an album you make rounds to some of daytime/late night talk shows and perform live. I think she only did Ellen.

I also think if her first two singles were better, she would've done more than 107,000.

Maybe a change in record labels might also help with the new direction, if her current label isn't totally behind her anymore.

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Blackout is by far her least promoted album. Britney Jean got a full on press tour compared to blackout.

The differenc is blackout had solid songs and singles. Britney Jean doesn't.

Tours, her Vegas show is selling well. From what I know. A lot of dates are sold out/only have single seats left. I'm not sure how it will do going forward, she's doing a lot more shows than I expected honestly.

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I don't understand the promo for this album. I do think both of these singles, especially Work Bitch (an obvious 'popcorn' single) could've done well with promo. She's also had so many different major opportunities that her label could've placed her to perform. Considering her singing isn't her stand point, she NEEDS those performances. That's all she has basically lol. No performances? It's just nuts. She didn't even do one of the morning shows.

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The album and singles are flopping because they're terrible, but this is the type of music Britney has always wanted to make. If you look at the albums she had the most creative control over (Britney, In The Zone, Blackout, and now Britney Jean), it's evident that Dr. Luke and Max Martin were not her favorite producers to work with.

Also, the days of Britney selling music on her name alone are over. She's just not that type of star anymore. She's still famous, but her general popularity has faded severely. While others like Beyonce and Justin Timberlake have maintained a certain standard with their careers, Britney has not. As I mentioned before, she's past her peak and her career is in a very awkward phase. The public interest just isn't there anymore, and Britney doesn't seem to care anymore. I think she likes it this way, her personal life isn't on display 24/7 as it was once upon a time.

Britney hasn't done huge promotion for her albums since about 2004, she's literally a walking zombie in the game purely for money at this point. In the long run, I wonder how her Vegas residency will fair once the initial attention disappears. She's not like Celine with a built-in older audience that caters to the typical Vegas crowd.

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This pretty much proves everything you're saying:


I didn't even know she had a documentary. Years ago (up until 2004 or so), I would have wet myself if I heard there would be a documentary. Now I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother watching (although I probably will).

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