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Since we're on the topic of Ben, I know Michael Filerman mentioned they tried to get him back but were unable to locate Doug Sheehan. I wonder what would've brought Ben back and what they would've done with him. I also wonder what season it would've been for. Maybe Ben would've spared us Danny Waleska? 

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Unfortunately, the timeline doesn't work out. Doug Sheehan was on the sitcom Day By Day, which didn't get cancelled until the end of the 1988-89 season. By that time, Sam Behrens was playing Danny.

Now, if it's between the return of Ben vs. Val's brain virus story? I think we'd all choose the former.

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Based on the timeline that makes the most sense. I still can't quite figure out what he would've done though. Unless maybe they planned to pair him with Claudia. I can't imagine they'd want to keep Val and Gary apart any longer at that point.

When it came to re-populating the cul-de-sac in the later years, I wonder what it would've looked like if Richard returned with his new wife. I loved Richard so I would've been all for it, but I do think that could've genuinely provided some great story. It also would've been nice to see Laura's boys back, older and into the mix. Perhaps a better idea would've been Robin Strasser as his new wife. They could've still kept her as a rival to Karen with Richard in the middle due to his friendship with Karen. 

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I know I wanted Ben/Douglas Sheehan for an episode during S14, when Gary was looking for Val.  I thought it would have made sense for Gary to run into Ben in Florida and have the two try and track her down.  In the meantime, Ben would have explained what had happened to him, and he and Gary would have found closure (with each other, and with the now-presumed-dead Val).

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I just streamed 1:1 on Plex. An episode a day, I'll be through a year from now. I've never watched the show straight through, most of my viewing came from TNT reruns in the '90s from season 6 and beyond. I have such strong feels about the final scene of the show which I have viewed several times so watching the pilot had me welling up, particularly when Val ran on the beach.

@Vee did you have a handy reference guide to watch Dallas and Knots in perfect sequence or did you do your own homework?

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The Wikipedia page for Knots is actually very helpful for the crossover episodes sync, and has a full section devoted to where they connect. That should be all you really need. But I also cross-checked airdates on occasion, and the now sadly defunct Knots Blogging site's recaps (still available through cache or the Wayback Machine) which interconnected them.

I am only fully watching KL Season 7 and Dallas Season 9 (the Dream Season) in sync though, due to the creative swap with the showrunners. Otherwise I have largely skimmed and dipped in and out of small or large chunks of the run of Dallas over time because frankly, it's often boring and repetitious.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I just loved Karen and Diana. I'm grateful we got a bookend on their story in season 14, but I do wish we had more of her. Claudia Lonow and Michele Lee had chemistry as strong as Julie Harris and Joan Van Ark, but it's often overlooked. They always pushed each other to deliver in scenes. 

Right now I'm I think 3-4 episodes into season 8, another controversial opinion being that I love this season. It gave us another re-fresh that I feel helped keep Knots Landing current and alive. We're starting to get out of the ultra-glam era and the show feels more grounded. The styling you can tell has also evolved to be more down to earth. 

Paige's introduction is one of the best they've done. I love how she just showed up at the end of season 7 and there is so much mystery surrounding her, but they don't play it in an over the top way. Then with Karen's kidnapping, I love how that tied into the history of Greg and Mack and also tied into Paige's introduction. The flashbacks were a nice touch and Doug Savant was an inspired choice as Mack, not to mention William's Devane's son as Greg. 

We're also seeing the beginnings of Jean Hackney's reign of terror which I've also strangely enjoyed. I'm also happy that Cathy is finally gone. She definitely outstayed her welcome for me. 

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I think in season 5, the show took away Diana's layers and her intelligence all for the sake of a plot.

Diana in the earlier seasons could be a know it all, but she also had vulnerabilities that were mined effectively.  She called out Karen in the same way as Olivia called out Abby.  And she was as close to Abby as Olivia was to Karen.

Out of three Fairgate kids, Diana was the only one that had the ability to handle stories as a lead.  Eric was never given the chance..and Michael never really functioned as more then supporting even when he had stories of his own.


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Michelle Lee, Joan Van Ark, and Donna Mills were just interviewed on Access Hollywood. I couldn’t make out what they were speaking about because I was in public surrounded by noise.

And You’re not alone. Diana was a great character, and remains in my top five favorites on this show. I agree we deserved more time with her. She was so rare and fascinating to watch. 

Edited by DemetriKane
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