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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)


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I thought she was all right, just starting out. Her character was a "bad girl". Liz...as opposed to virginal sister Beth was supposed to be edgy(no pun intended!) MC played the role pretty well, and I liked her. then I remember seeing her in some quickie roles on AW (Tanya) and OLTL(Cirece), thinking she should have a good part. I thought she was wasted on OLTL as Kate , a badly written role, and she didn't really (to me anyway) make it work with Cord. Maybe if she had been paired with Max, she would've been more interesting. JMO, though...

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Karrie started in December 1983, and Edge was cancelled at the end of October 1984. Preacher and Jody were already on the outs when the axe fell. I agree with Robb. Emerson and Flohe did not have the same chemistry as Flohe and Loughlin. Jody seemed a bit fickle in her affections, so in a way it made sense that she and Preacher would not last. The one scene I clearly remember with Flohe and Emerson wax their final breakup scene where they realized they were not right for one another. It was really the best scene they had together.

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Since you put like that, I can see it. From Kelly to Gavin to Preacher all within a three year span. At least it is a true depiction of young women at that age where they are somewhat fickle in their love lives as they try and find themselves.

I wish someone had the scene of Jodi and Preacher breaking up. Seems like something I'd enjoy.

What are you thoughts on the whole Ian Devereaux, Raven, and Sky triangle?

SN: I am really enjoying this EON talk today. I've been re-binge watching a lot of P&G soaps as of late. Make me wish that they were revived in some capacity. EON would be the one with the most potential in today's market.

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Yes, Carl. She is Terry. Around the same time Joel Crothers slurped beer with the boys in a Lowenbrau commercial, Maeve McGuire extolled the richness of Dove soap with one quarter moisturizing cream, and Ann Flood modelled handbags in a cheap, videotaped 1-800- ad. Edgers were prolific in the 70s.

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