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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 21st - 25th

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I liked the scenes today between Viki and Ben.

I don't care for Sarah, and I don't like her and Christian as a couple.

Emma Bradley... :mellow: Bo and Rex were the saving graces in those scenes.

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I wonder since they are in 1968 Texas will they visit 1968 Llanview ! Jess could play Viki Lol

I was reading an article on Wikipedia. That Viki's brother Tony Lord was supposed to killed in Lebanon in 1983. But the body was never found would it be great if they brought him back to the show to shake things up

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I thought I was the only one who felt that overall the acting was quite poor today. However I feel that Justus and Fumero are rather poor in general. I just don't know what to say about Fath and Archer who have also been shown to consistently give horrid performances. The latter two were just plain bad going into cheesy adult film acting territory.

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I thought it was cheesy, OTT and absolutely wonderful.

How can you not love Melissa Archer in a fake tan attempting a Mexican accent? Farah Fath embodying everything the mother of David Vickers should be? Austin Williams refusing to blink, hissing words through his teeth and wearing Spencer's clothes which he didn't change for over thirty-five years? John Brotherton's vintage Quentin Collins sideburns?

Sometimes you just go with it, and with this I do. Yes, there's things and people I would rather have seen more or less of (like Ben, I hated him), or characters I feel still have not been honored. But this was easily the most loving tribute OLTL has had in a very long time.

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I LOVED Tuesday's episode as much as Monday if not more. There were so many little touches and attention to detail that made the Anniversary episodes so special.

--The opening w/ the TV in the backgroung playing the theme song before it actually hit our screens.

--Agnes Nixon recapping yesterdays episode

--Viki/Ben montage w/ Ben's voice over (that is about 6 EXCELLENT montages in a row for OLTL)

I loved Clint/Cord's present day phone call intersecting & setting up all the s/l's as they happen.

I loved the 1968 s/l with Bo(ASA), Rex(Bo), Gigi(Emma), and Shane(Spencer). I am enjoying finding out about Asa's past through Bo/Rex and think it is great that they are finding out everything along with the viewers. I Love FF as Emma Bradley, it is pure campy fun from the wardrobe to her accent and her relationship with her son(Spencer) is very different than Gigi/Shane. While Gigi would kiss Shane and ask him to leave the room Emma kissed young Spencer and pushed him to sit down!lol No wonder Spencer Truman ended up the way he did!! LOVE IT!

I loved Dorian and David, they are always so great together.

Dorian:"How did you get here?"

David: "The moon moved and I got lost"


Dorian: "What is in it for me?"

David: "You would charge me to save someone's life?"

I thought that was just AWESOME writing because that is EXACTLY what David did at first with Clint/Jessica. It wasn't until Viki talked to David that he had a change of heart and that is why David NEEDS Viki like he said today. LOVE IT!

I loved Ben/Viki. I never watched back then but I did know that Viki had Ben's heart from a transplant so today when he told her to "search your heart, our heart" for the truth about Charlie I was floored! LOVE IT!

Young Clint/Maria were also entertaining because we got insight to the man Asa was and how he did not seem to want his rich son with a poor woman. I also never knew Cord's name was actually Corderro. MA did not have the perfect Mexican accent but she did roll her R's so I will give her that, either way it did not ruin the show for me.

MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE, I have not seen it mentioned here but it was AGNES & ES in the end scene acknowledging and thanking the fans. I did not catch it at first but

ES: who are you talking to?

Agnes Nixon (staring at blank TV): Them, there wouldn't be a LLanview without them.

AN & ES: Happy 40th Anniversary OLTL!

JUST WOW!!!!!!!!

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ITA! I know some dislike RC for whatever reasons but I think he is a great headwriter to be thinking so far ahead. IMO the 40th Annniversary Episodes were well planned and thought out. Even with the special, the show has move forward and will lead into new storylines:

1) Viki/Charlie: Will Viki forgive Charlie now and follow her heart?

2)David/Addie/Dorian: David made a deal with Dorian to leave Addie if she saved Viki. Now if David leaves Addie how will that help or hurt Clint when it comes to BE? Wasn't he planning on using Addie/David?

3)1968: How will Bo/Rex get back and will they try and change history by NOT sleeping with Emma Bradley?

4)The Falls: Will Sarah and Cris survive? How will Tina get away from Carlo?

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The 1968 thing is the only part of this that I really enjoyed. It reminds me so much of "Quantum Leap" and "Dark Shadows," two shows that I love. I like the exploration of the Buchanan family history...it makes a lot of sense.

The only thing I don't like is the sci-fi aspect of it...couldn't this have just been a dream!?

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I agree about Archer's awful accent. It was so bad, it was hilarious. But I think RC planted her specifically because of her parallels with Maria. The lying, scheming backstabbing wenches they are lol. Same goes for Farah, although that casting decision, if you will, delivered on a humorous level, mainly because of the confusion with Bo/Asa and Rex/Bo more so than on the symbolic one, as Archer's was.

Erin/Viki would have the better chemistry since they worked together as mother and daughter since Erin's childhood. Of course that bond would be stronger on screen.

My favorite scene, though, was Dorian and Mel waving goodbye. Very subtle and tender and REAL.

And I wish there were more surprises LOL.

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I thought the episodes were very sweet and sentimental. I wish there were more montages of everyone (not just Ben and Viki). And didn't the show use the SAME Ben/Viki montage when Ben either came back for that Valentine's Day episode or died when he gave Viki his heart? The juxtaposition of scenes and the voiceover all looked and sounded very familiar.

Happy 40th, OLTL!!!

And I bought the Trivia Book -- it's much better than I expected it to be. You should all go read it!

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I've NEVER seen a colour clip from AMC from beefore 1973--just those Black and White episodes and the clips from them they show a lot (B&W cuz, as you know, they were only saved as kinescopes). The AMC coffee table book does use some photos which are apparantly frame grabs from videotape source and I believe they have some from around 73 or 74 on.

OLTL is a show I find even harder to find anything from--I've seen that 1969 episode in B&W that's great but doesn't have Gillian Spencer--and then the 1976 birth of Kevin episode and literally not even clips from between those eras. So the brief short clips of them on that SOapNet thing are driving me CRAZY. COuldn't Soapnet have a 30 minute special even just devoted to some old clips--if we're not getting a marathon :( Though they prob think people would be confused by VIcki not played by Erika :(

ANyway I'm glad you pointed out that that was Gillian as Vicki in that VERY VERY quick little clip--I couldn't even tell when I first watched it lol

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