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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 21st - 25th

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I remember thinking Powell was hot (prob not the best thing for a 13 year old guy to think but...) But I don't remember him being a Lord! What was his connection? Has Victor Lord fathered the mostillegitimate kids in soap history?

Didn't Powell turn out to be the later rapist that, in a rather lame attempt at redeeming Todd, Todd helped capture?

Funny I prefered it. Well besides some of the great anniversary moments... And maybe yesterday had too much baby stuff but--it was also the first time I REALLY enjoyed the scenes between Marty and Todd since she's returned.

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Powell was Viki's first cousin's son, i.e., Powell's grandfather and Victor Lord were brothers. I believe they were all named Powell too, the Powell we knew was Powell III.

And yes, Powell turned out to be the nutso masked rapist. He had been such the good guy... character assassination.

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David couldn't take the offer because on Tuesday he promised Dorian that he would divorce Addie if she saved Viki's life. Dorian took him up on the offer, only making him get an annulment rather than a divorce.

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Yeah, the Paley Center is the new name for the Museum of TV and Radio (I preferred the original name, kinda said it all ya know?)...

Gosh, I wish I could remember more about that ep. I saw it when I was first learning about OLTL's history so I'm fuzzy on the exact year and the characters involved, but I do remember Viki and Victor of course, and I believe they were running around distraught about Meredith who was m.i.a. I remember that there was no Carla but maybe Sadie, Anna, and Vinnie. You know what, I'm gonna go back and check it out sometime this month and I'll recap.

I'll add that kinescopes, though wonderful to have, do a huge mental disservice to fans seeing these classic eps for the first time. I think it's hard to disassociate and realize that these eps were originally aired in vibrant unscratchy color (as you can see from that SoapNet Agnes Nixon interview). That's one of the things that struck me the most.

I just watched the Nixon interview again, and I believe that clip of Ellen Holly and Robert Milli is one that Holly mentions in her book. It's not from a preserved full episode, but one of a few clips that were sent to affiliates. Holly was thrilled to finally get her hands on even that as the bulk of her groundbreaking s/l is lost forever.

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Ah I watched Tuesday and knew he made a deal with Dorian but forgot about the annulment part of it. I thought Dorian just wanted him to be out of Addie's life. I wonder why Dorian does not want David to get a divorce? Is she thinking about Addie or herself? hmmmm

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and to make matters worse he is lying to ehr and keeping her from her own child, yet proceeds to bitch and complain about Blair doing the same thing to him. What a friggin hypocrite! I hope Marty stabs him when she remembers and realizes what he's doing to her

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I am too. Loving/liking everything but this story

Really hope Marty gives Todd the lashing of all lashings, when she remembers everything


Positive things about today's show-

Enjoyed Brody and Gigi. Always enjoy Clint, David and Nora

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Can you sneak in a small cam with you? :D:P

Do they only have the one pre 1975 OLTL? Howabout AMC?

Oh yeah--even the sound is pretty bad, because of how they're filmed, on kinescope. It's funny as a kid, when I was obssessed with AMC and trying to find out everything about it, and before the Net could answer all my questions--Iw as confused cuz I saw an Erica clip from 1970 and it was in B&W and I was sure that by 1970 the soaps woulda been colour... B)

I need to read that book. Some clips etc were saved for promo and other reasons--right? I know with the kinescopes often they were saved because an actor wanted a scene from that saved for posterity.

Man SoapNet is wasting a golden chance to air these... (what's new)

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Haha, it's been done (that's how some other classic soap footage has made it into private collection), but I wouldn't dream of trying such a thing! I'm a goodie-goodie (who'd be a nervous wreck). :-D

I think that's the earliest ep they have, though things may have changed since the last I checked. One gripe I have with the archive is the search function. There's a room full of computers where you search for which programs you want to watch, you can pick a maximum of four, then you are sent to a viewing booth to watch them. It seems like if a soap episode didn't run credits that day, actors names won't turn up in a search. So say you search for Gerald Anthony, and you get two hits for OLTL while the archive actually has nine eps featuring him. It's only "annoying" b/c you have a limited amount of time to search and it can be a little tedious scrolling through the synopses of every OLTL episode in the collection.

Not sure how far back their AMC stuff goes, I only remember watching the 20th anniversary special.

I forget the circumstances of Ellen Holly finding that material. I believe she searched far and wide. I would love to see some of Carla's "passing" storyline, just as I would love to see Erika Slezak, Shepperd Strudwick, and Nancy Pinkerton in the early Viki, Victor, and Dorian s/l. I'd really love to see the infamous scene where Dorian dilly dallies with Victor's meds.

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