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Now that would be the perfect way to celebrate the 50th anniversary!  

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The only thing I would change is that I would get rid of all the Dingles, every last member of that horrid clan. Wipe them from the face of the earth, and not even mention any of them again! 

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But do we really want an OG family back under these writers? 

They don’t even know what to do with 80% of the cast right now! 

i am shocked to say this but I even start to miss the Wylde family from a decade ago… What just happened to this show? At least with Meena we had something happening and not even 2 weeks without her and this show is falling apart real quick. Maybe they should wrap it all up and end it on the 50th! I went to the studios, watched thousands of episodes and got autographs etc. I even was able to met Sammy (EX-Katie).. But I was never this annoyed and about to give up my beloved ED!

ITV puts much more effort into Corrie tbh and I can’t even say that it surprises me by now.

This show needs a overhaul like back in 1989-90 and 1993-94 and like Hollyoaks 2010. But something needs to change. The last time I was realy hooked was with Graham, Joe and Kim. 

People hated on the wooden actor of Jamie but I would rather have him back right now and have his intense scenes with Kim than such random Vanessa (who is just there coz she is in a relationship with the boss) and some others! 

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There is that worry, yes.  

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I'm sure there are some who think that I'm too hard on the Dingles, but frankly that's their problem.....

I have to concede that there have been times when I have actually (almost) liked some of them, although it pains me to admit that now. Chas was sort of likeable for a while, and Marlon was kind of tolerable when he was with Tricia and with Donna. I also liked Lisa in the beginning. But all that was long ago, and now I can't stand the sight of any of them.

I disliked the family right from the start. I mean, there was nothing even remotely appealing about them from the beginning. The pathetic feud with the McAllister family, they destroyed Luke's life and practically drove him to his death, Tina tried to frame Angharad for possession of drugs, Butch terrorized Jessica.... And then the way they gatecrashed Joe Sugden's funeral and acted like the pigs they are. It still makes my blood boil to think about it.  

And then came the unholy trinity of Cain, Charity and (yuck) Debbie! Three of the most unappealing characters ever created, although they have been challenged in recent years by Aaron and Liv. 

And don't get me wrong. I don't mind characters with flaws. I loved Viv, and she could be the most hypocritical and vicious of bitches. Rachel had affairs with three (!) married men, including Jack, who was the brother of her stepfather, yet I cared about her. (Except when she fought Frank to help the Dingles keep their house. If there was ever a time she deserved to be pushed from a cliff then that was it!). Steph was a psycho, who imprisoned and drugged her own father, and she was still able to arouse some sympathy. Amos could be the most irritating, pretentious man, yet he is one of my all-time favourites.

I don't know if it's the writing who fail or the actors, but I have never ever been able to feel any kind of sympathy or empathy for the Dingles. And they don't even have to be Dingles by blood, as Liv has proved in recent years, and Alice did before that. It was probably not the intention from the show, but I was overjoyed when Sam helped Alice to die. She was probably the most insufferable non-Dingle ever. Yes, even worse than Liv!

I know that Emmerdale has turned into more of a soap than the realistic dramaseries it was in the beginning, but I miss those years so much. This show used to be so good and special and now it's just a generic soap that stretches credibility to the limit. I mean, there is no way that two characters like Chas and Charity would ever be able to run a pub. With their criminal records they would never get a licence to serve alcohol! But we must have Dingles everywhere so to hell with logic!  


I sometimes wonder why I even bother with this show anymore, but I have a history with it that goes back to the late 70s, and it's hard to break that kind of bond.  

Edited by I Am A Swede
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I don’t even think that you are too hard on the Dingles.. I admit I loved Debbie when she was with Jasmine. That was good storytelling that included Ashley. 
Cain is the hard man and they tried to make him to Emmerdale what Phil is on EE. Charity had her moments tbh but every time I try to warm up to her the writers are screwing that character over.

i still can’t believe that Victoria is like the only Sugden left and the Tates have been quiet phased out while the Dingles still dominate that show. That’s just wrong 

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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2010 Hollyoaks tore any heart out of that show. I have never really been able to watch it regularly since. 

As for trusting this regime to bring in any Sugdens, that's like trusting Santa Claus to bring me money. It's not going to happen. If it did, I would be willing to accept it. 

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RIP Jo Kendall, the tragic Peggy Sugden/Skilbeck.

In a busier day than usual to take us back to the earliest Farm years, the wonderful Louise Jameson is rejoining the show as Rhona's mother. The press release makes no mention of her role as Sharon Crossthwaite, in spite of how devastating and important that storyline was to setting up Emmerdale Farm's dark edge. I was hoping she might be able to play a role with ties to Sharon, and the family, but clearly that isn't happening. I wish her the best, either way - she disliked her role on EE (and I can't blame her). At least she will have a strong scene partner, as Zoe Henry is one of the show's best talents. 


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I don't know why, but it's especially sad Jo Kendall couldn't make it to the 50th. I don't actually think Peggy's death was a major mistake, it was just taking the twins away that was completely nonsensical. Still, RIP to her. I'm glad she managed to have a seemingly fulfilling career after her time on the show came to an end.

When the DVDs first came out some gracious soul started posting them online and I got to see the first 50 odd episodes. I would say by episode 4 I was hooked, but it was so impressive to me how they took a newcomer like Sharon and made me so enchanted by her for the extremely brief time she was on the show. The story was so well done, and was made all the more alluring by the beautiful backdrop only Emmerdale is known to give us. With 6 episodes a week I doubt I'll ever watch the show with any regularity again, but I hope they do right by her for however long she is back on the show for. 

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How sad about Jo Kendall.  

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Peggy wasn't on the show very long, less than a year actually, but somehow her memory continued to be a part of it for years. That was the beauty of the old Emmerdale Farm. Stories, and people, lived on for years and there was a real sense of continuity. Now it's just plot after plot.

I agree that the deaths of Sam and Sally was such a big mistake. It wasn't that obvious back then of course, but it set a very bad precedent for the future of killing off members of the Sugden family. 


As for Louise Jameson.... I'm not at all surprised that they don't mention her brief stint as Sharon. They probably don't even know about it, even though it was really one of the biggest stories of very early Emmerdale Farm. Louise herself was only on screen as Sharon for something like 4 episodes but the mystery around Sharon's disappearance, and the final reveal of her fate, played out for months. And the show even re-visited it years later, when her murderer, Jim Latimer, was released from prison and targeted Jack for revenge by kidnapping Sarah.

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really? I watched Oaks since 2005 and think 2010 finally brought it to life. It has been a good show before but it felt so amateur-ish. But they got better actors and better written storys with real impact. And I will always love 2010-11 for Silas/Lynsey/Brendan and Warren/Brendan’s feud 


Rest In Peace. How sad. I remember her. I watched her run back when the DVDs were released. 

I watched Emmerdale Classics on ITV3…

Cain/Angie/Ollie .. I forgot about it

That's why I can't watch it with these 2. What kind of mother would have an affair with a guy that took advantage of her school girl daughter? I don't think he slept with her but he led her on and then told Angie if she didn't take him back he'd sleep with her. That's why I absolutely hate Cain but Angie is disgusting too. Cain is a sexual predator. Still can't stand him in current Emmerdale.

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I was watching the first episode of the second series of the new "All Creatures Great and Small" when I noticed that one of the supporting cast looked vaguely familiar.... But it wasn't until the end credits that I realized the truth! The actor playing Mr. Alderson (Helen's father) is none other than Tony Pitts, formerly Archie Brooks on "Emmerdale Farm" from 1983 to 1993.   

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I read his name (John Bowe) and thought you'd end up saying he had passed away ... maybe it would've been better that way. I'm halfway joking, but I never knew anything like that about Kelvin Fletcher and because I actually like him and would like to continue to do so, I'm afraid I'll have to remain ignorant of his potential idiocy. 

Edited by Bright Eyes
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