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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I think Santer is good at moments, but stories, I don't think he is. Stories need proper pacing. Look at Chryed. They've barely been onscreen in months and when they have been onscreen they just repeat the same dialogue and often seem petulant. I'm not sure how many will really care when this story is resolved. I wonder the same about Lucas. Even Who Killed Archie was resolved in a way that makes Stacey, one of the show's most popular characters, look awful.

Edited by CarlD2
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I'd almost rather they didn't make Ben gay, just because it's been such a joke up to this point, and after the poor attempts at gay stories over the past ten years.. It would be more interesting for me if they recast Ben with someone who can act, still kept him as artistic, and said he was straight. Then have someone unexpected, someone who doesn't fit Phil's stereotypes, turn out to be gay.

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It's sickening how much Jane wants Lucy to have this baby and is basically guilting her into having it. I'm glad Lucy decided on that abortion and Ian supported her, also happy that Peter called Jane out on how disturbing her whole arrangement is.

Peter: Whose baby is this exactly?

Jane: Well, it will belong to all of us!

Peter: All of us?!?

Jane: Yes!

Peter: Alright, so I'm the baby's uncle-brother?

Jane: Labels don't really matter! Love is what really matters!

Peter: This is SO sick!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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