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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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I honestly don't know if I can take watching either Tracy or Ken without the possibility of Deirdre ever coming back.

I always thought Anne was far superior in the acting department than Bill Roache (he was lucky to have her IMO, even if I grew tired or Deirdre and Ken), and I won't even go into the disaster I find Kate Ford to be.

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Since I don't know too much about Corrie history, who is on the wish list to return when Deirdre passes away on-screen?

I've been meaning to watch the Deirdre special after really enjoying the recent Gail and Rita specials of the same vein. I just wish Eileen Derbyshire wasn't so against being in the spotlight so they could do one for her too.

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I can't think of anyone other than Bev Unwin. Her exes are dead, as is her mother. I would say I wouldn't mind seeing Jackie Dobbs again.

I think Anne was a very good actress who was unfortunately given a lot of limited writing in recent years. I was never a fan of Deirdre becoming a comedy character, or just Tracy's mother. I was never a fan of the Ken/Deirdre pairing - I think it hurt both characters. It benefited Ken more than Deirdre (Ken was seriously, seriously isolated before that pairing), but in the long run it hurt them both.

I imagine Ken will just prop up the bar from now on, although I'd say they might as well just do something like pair him with Rita. Either that or bring back Stephanie Beacham - I thought they worked well together. I also think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him buy into the cafe - he used to work well in there. And get that Anna's ungrateful ass out of there.

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I do think Deirdre's years away from Ken and pre-Ken were probably her best years. She was probably at her most vital after their first marriage had ended.

I think Anne was very underrated as an actress, and I hate that the writing for Deidre's from the past decade will probably leave many having the wrong impression of both Anne and Deirdre. She was an amazing dramatic actress when they gave her the material.

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The place Sally is often in reminds me of the show's struggle with Deirdre for years, especially in regards to Kevin/Sally (although they at least are willing to give Sally a serious relationship outside of Kevin...).

"Ken, do something!" and "Tracy luv" and all that was just bad camp. I'm sorry that and the triangle are what got the most attention after her passing, although I guess it's better than not being remembered.

Corrie refusing to let characters have reactions beyond punchlines is its biggest weakness of modern years.

I think this is the last era where they allowed Deirdre to have honest reactions to Tracy and not be her enabler or comedy mother. It was a two-hander not long before Tracy's 2007 exit.

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I don't think Sally is in a bad place at all. I used to despise her, but Blackburn (and you know how much I hate him) has revitalized her character. She is always must see now, especially with the very enjoyable Tim. I just hope this horrible pregnancy plot with Faye doesn't hurt them. God knows it's going to be a pill to take the Armstrongs back in the limelight.

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I don't think Sally's in a bad place, I meant she's in a difficult place as Deirdre was for many of her later years. She's not a young woman or an old woman. It's easy to write her as a caricature, or based on a longterm romantic pairing. I think the Tim stuff and toning down Sophie (and Rosie's departure) have all helped Sally, as has the departure of that hack Collinson who just saw her as a shrewish plot device and had her blindly all over a man who raped or tried to rape multiple women. Whether that will last, who knows. It's sad as I've always liked Kevin, and I'd hate to see him go again, but I don't want to see Sally/Kevin again.

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Dawn Acton.

There was never any reason for Tracy to be THAT vile. Yes she had a tough time growing up, but it was just too much. Corrie was overall better produced for most of Ford's first run so it was easier to hide the flaws.

I do think they've gotten a little better with her in the last year, but Collinson's material was just awful. Awful. "I'm the best thing to happen in 2000 years!" [!@#$%^&*] Nick and David for no apparent reason and it being forgotten soon after.

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