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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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What in the world is going on with Myra's kids? I feel so bad for Myra. :{ Niall is her son so I'm sure she loves him no matter what. I also understand why the kids are angry with Myra since it was Niall that caused Tina's death. It was also Myra's mother fault since it was her who made Myra gave up Niall when he was just a baby. So glad Mercedes kicked the bitch out!

I'm glad Jacqui confessed that she knew that baby was Russ' son all along and she forced Tina to lie about it. Now she wants to move in with Carmel? Should be interesting!

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Dom's outburst at Tina's burial. :o

I understand where he was coming from though, it was funny to see how the McQueen girls reacted though.

LOL! Mercedes was f-ucking hilarious in Thursday's episode. I loved how she told off her grandmother and kicked her out. Also, in the beginning of the episode where Dom brought Myra Tina's favourite book to be buried with her:

Michaela: You're gonna bury her favourite book, Dom?

Mercedes (with her bitchy tone and stare towards Michaela): Well none of us are gonna read it, are we!?


And I've never seen Carmel be so cold as she was towards Myra when she found Myra crying over that picture of Niall.

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Another great episode!

I cannot wait for Louise to find out that Mandy is nothing but a man stealing biotch. LOL

Poor Cindy is getting blame. lol

I really felt bad for Jacqui today. I've been wanting to slam her head into some wall for some time now. LOL Glad she's back to herself now. The girl is an emotional wreck. So glad she's back with Myra.

Poor Mercedes has to move out.

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Emma's leaving too? Damn, I liked her. So many are leaving! :(

Cindy getting the blame was perfect since she's such an instigator. LOL She did look good in that outfit though. :wub:

Mandy throwing the bottles at Warren and Calvin were funny.

I'm not feeling Justin/Leila. I kinda liked Leila/Gilly better.

Jacqui is such a slapper, sleeping with that officer guy (who seems to be a creep).

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Monday's ep

Cindy: Yes, gothca!

Louise: You!

Cindy: You!??

Then the fight afterwards. :lol: Cindy using her own daughter as a spy. :lol: Rhys and Gilly sneaking in the the awards show. :lol:

Tuesday's ep

Ravi/Leila's family - are they new or are they those characters who disappear for months and then return? It was nice seeing that family interaction.

Cindy and Louise fight again. :lol:

Ravi sees Cindy walking: "Who let the dogs out...wooo....woooo." LOL!!

Wednesdays' ep

Mandy and Tony kiss!!!! :o:) I like these two together (well, I've only seen the Baby Grace episodes and Mandy's last episode with Tony in 2006).

Leo to Frankie: "What if they're getting jiggy?" :lol: And then he makes Newt/Lauren wear purity rings. LOL

Cindy blackmailing Warren - I love it that she knows about the affair! She's so fun to watch.

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They're a new family, but Leila and Ravi have been on the show since May.

I wonder where they're heading with that. Mandy and Tony have such a long and complicated history. Hell, before they ever got together, Mandy caught her own mother having an affair with Tony! And when they finally got together, they both ended up cheating on one another in the beginning. Then there's the Baby Grace stuff...

But Mandy is just coming off as such a undecided whore. LOL! She's still likeable, but she's really flawed.

LOL! I wish they'd have Cindy and Mercedes in scenes together, I think they'd have great bitch chemistry. Too bad Mercedes no longer works at The Dog.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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LOL Amello.

He's like those teachers in HS that you just want to kill. LOL

Thursday's episode -

I'm looking forward to see where Newt and Lauren's story will be going. Since the headmaster found Newt's condom in his office, will Newt and Lauren still have sex? I think they would and then we will have a consequence storyline on what happens when you have unprotected sex. Oh, those two are in so much trouble for stealing his money. LMAO

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