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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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OK. To be honest when I see a story where the person who is being bullied vanishes for long periods of time and the people who bullied her are frequently shown in sympathetic situations, I don't know what the show is doing. But that's a pet peeve of mine.

If you're enjoying the show, I'm happy for you.

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Ruby and Sinead were bullies, not the evil incarnate. Ruby was always shown to be driven by her insecurity and Sinead as a way to lash out because of her contemptible boyfriend and severly misguided belief that she was being harmless (as she was always a bitch from the onset) until the deaths of Maddie, Jono and Neil and Bart's departure, where both blamed Esther for ruining their lives. Sinead has still been shown to be in disbelief about the true consquences of her actions and that is a thread that will clearly be picked up when Esther returns to the fold after a much needed break from the canvas, like they do in every storyline. A reformed Tilly has also had a break as well. Plus, Sinead's sympathies only lie with Cindy, which makes complete sense and was wonderful character building for both, while, of course, Ruby was forgiven by her family and has struggled to make things right, especially by being the one to prove that she, Maddie and Sinead were responsible. It's no mistake that Ruby, who has been genuinely mortified by her actions and done all she could to right her tremendous wrong has hopes of having the life she once did, while Sinead still has absolutely no future and is still living in turmoil.

As for Ste, he never changed from being a decent guy and caring father, but he was always a miscreant, while before Kirkwood returned he was basically written as Suzi home-maker with Doug and it was appalling. Kirkwood is getting back to who these characters are, not just Ste, but also Jacqui, Darren, Nancy and Cindy, which got lost along the way since he left the show.

And Kevin and Maxine have been a huge highlight of the show. I don't see where you have a problem with their acting, but that gripe can only be subjective.

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Did Esther need a 2 month break? Ruby and Sinead have been on screen continuously, and Tilly is off canvas more than she is on. I get what Carl is saying, and I feel the same way. There is something off about portraying a bullying story, only to have the victim placed on the backburner for 2 months while the bullies are redeemed (for Ruby, but not for Sinead). This should be about Esther, not anyone else. Immediately after the truth came out, the Osbournes forgave Ruby, and JP went out of his way to reintegrate Ruby into school life with some odd bake sale. So, Ruby has retained a roof over her head, the forgiveness of her "family", a place in school, and all seems to be well; Sinead is still a bitch and has yet to realize that bullying Esther was wrong, but Diane has agreed to raise her baby, and she will sit her exams at college, with the goal of getting into a veterinary course at University. Meanwhile, Esther who was bullied so bad by these two, tried to commit suicide, but bodged it up and needed a liver transplant, and has lost the trust of her family. So who's come out of this worse - the bullies or the victim?

I still don't get how Ruby listing her crimes against Esther to the kids at school (Phoebe) helped to reintegrate her back into school life? All of those kids joined in and bullied Esther, only to do the same to Ruby, and Patrick didn't seem to care. It's more unrealistic how the Osbournes have forgave Ruby, when realistically they would have sent her packing to Spain.

80% of Sinead's problems are down to being pregnant with a married man's baby, and not due to any backlash from being a bully.

As for Darren, I feel BK has partially regressed the character. I really don't believe that Darren would have impulsively smashed up the Kanes home just so he could save the pub when he has newborn baby who has health problems.

It's interesting that you say BK is getting back to who certain characters were, but has stripped Walker of his humanity. His revenge on Brendan has been awful. What was the point in having Brendan relive his abuse and goading him to kill his abuser? In the long term, he's not going to care about killing his father, not when he killed his Nan for far less.

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When HO does a storyline well, imo it can be better than all the other UK soaps.

Then on the flipside it has so many moments thats a let down. But I think their all points that are easy to fix.

Things like characters disappearing for ages and even some randomly leaving like Lacey.

Then theirs characters who don't get developed enough, Annalise & Rob who to me both had potential.

To me the above shows that maybe the casts too big. If I was in charge i'd cut down the cast & flesh out the ones who are left.

I'd also change the Father of Sineads baby, don't care if it's realistic but with Rhys dead if feels pointless (not to mention I don't think Rhys would've done it lol)

I'd make it someone like Callumn so we could get some drama out of it, a big custordy plot with the Kanes v Diane.

I did love Brendan & Cheryl's exit, hoping Brendan's wins best episode at the Soap awards. Would've been perfect if not for the Savages stuff

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I've actually been liking most of the show as of late -- especially now that Brendan is gone far from my screen. Still don't care about Ste, especially since he's been an ass to George, but oh well. I'm kinda liking John Paul and Doug, but it 1) needs to be moving faster and 2) John Paul needs something to do.

Really enjoying Clare's return too.

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Alright, Darren needs to come back into the front-burner. Dang you, English soaps, and your long holidays for characters! haha

Will and his whole storyline is bugging me. Also, I wish Cindy had more to do than just bitching at Maxine.

Edited by Winchester91
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The Shows been very good the last couple of days. I love this Jacqi chick. Love John Paul and his little convo with Jacqui. I read a little about them on Wiki and it seems like the McQueen family is quite extensive/large.

I'm still trying figure out who's who in the family onscreen but I love all the ladies and especially "Nan".

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