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Where the Heart Is 1969-1973

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My young nephew will be visiting in a few weeks for about a month. I suspect he'll know how to deal with this. 

Alternatively, I could send a newly recorded cassette with the applicable clips, though I know that's considered an obsolete technology (pre-historic) these days. 

Thanks for your patience.




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On youtube I found a short clip of For Richer, For Poorer.  For the life of me I cannot seem to figure out why it wasn't successful!  I mean, it had two brilliant geniuses at the helmet!  Paul Rauch was just an amazing EP and Lemay was a brilliant writer!  

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I haven't forgotten about it, but so far, haven't been able to find anyone capable of assisting. I have gone part of the way in having the audio cassette transferred to a CD, but that's still where things stand at the moment. Am reaching out to others I know for advice on this. Best, 



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From what I've seen, L&F/FRFP was airing at 1pm as the lead-in to the NBC soap block, whereas Somerset had indeed aired at 4. It's only direct competition was AMC (which was a lot in an of itself). But certainly not with the same levels of clearance issues 4pm tended to have.

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SEPTEMBER 8, 1969-MARCH 23, 1973 CBS





Mr. Anderson...Randy Robbins      -71

Roy Archer...Stephen Joyce...69-70

     Married to Allison but in love with her sister, Kate.  Woos Kate, but gets rejected; becomes an alcoholic; turns to Helen; killed by mugger in the park.

Matthew Arnold...Mike Hammett..1973 

Jack Baine...Anthony Hererra  71     

Laura Blackburn...Marsha Mason...1971   

             Alison's friend

Gloria ___  Butterfield...Camille Yarborough...1973  

             Cared for Christine and admitted Adienne pushed her into losing it/

Christine Cameron....Delphi Harrington...1969-73 

                               ...Terry O'Connor...1969

       Best friend of Kate; living with Tony Monroe--who happens to be married; dated Hugh; moved in with him;lost Hugh to Alison; reunited with Hugh, got pregnant and again lost him to Alison.  Met attorney John Rainey; has baby Katrina; plans to raise her alone; gets mixed up with Will Watts, the guy terrorizing her; he's caught; gets a visit from "spunky" aunt Athena; lost custody to Alison and Hugh; institutionalized; reRevives her friendship with Hugh.

Cora Chadwick...Jean Stapleton...May, 1970 

                              boarding house 

Dr. Bob Charter...David Spielberg 

Rita Church...Laurinda Barrett ...1972 

Bill Conway...Barton Heymann...1971-72      

           Ellie's attorney; pressured by Margaret for Peter   

Earl Dana...Bernard Barrow...1969-70 

         Murderer; killed Dolores Lopez the blackmailer before being killed by police; deathbed confession.

Walt Driscoll   Joe Silver   1969

Dr. Feldman...????????...1973...psychiatrist, Kate

Lieutenant Bob Fenelli   Ted Beniades  1972

George Ferris   Robert Drew        1972

Dermott Flanery...Roy Poole...1972    

                              Alison and Hugh's custody attorney, worked with Adrienne

Dr. Hollis Forbes...Joe Gallison...1972

Carol Gault...Janet League...1972   

                                  Steve's secretary     

Judge Halsted...Mason Adams..1972... .

Ethel ____ Harrison...Carolyn Coates...1971-72   

          Peter's adoption agent.

Daniel Hathaway...Joseph Dolen...1972-73

Judge Daniel Hathaway...Never Seen

    Died as the series began after a long illness.

Elaine_____Hathaway...Never Seen

         Julian's late wife; Michael's mother

Julian Hathaway...James Mitchell...1969-73 

        Daniel's eldest; married to Mary. His son Michael is in love with her; cuckolded; impregnates Mary; invited Loretta and Margaret to stay with his family; alcoholic that helped Loretta Jardin with her drinking problem.; grows bored and impregnates new daughter-in-law Liz.  Still married to Mary and accused of an affair with Loretta; he admits the truth to Mary that Loretta loves him, but doesn't reciprocate. They separate, but reunite at the end

Liz Rainey(Harris)  Hathaway...Tracey Brooks Swopes  1971-73 

    John's estranged and angry daughter; got a job in the lab with Michael and fell in love. Liz  moves in with Michael... and a newly released Vicky; Liz marries Michael  and gets pregnant by Julian; turns to her mother, who helps her hide the truth from Michael.  Began a smear campaign that Loretta and Julian were having an affair

Mary ___Hathaway...Diana Walker...1969-73

         Much younger wife of Julian. Michael is in love with her; ends fling with Michael; gets pregnant by Julian. Vicky pushes her down the stairs; but she and the baby survive.  Mary tells the world what Vicky had done. Gave birth to Daniel. She learns Loretta cares for Julian but he doesn't feel that way. Julian loses, but wins her back

Michael Hathaway...Gregory Abels...1969-73 

             Julian's son; in love with his gorgeous stepmother, Mary. Pursued by young Vicky Lucas trapped by pregnancy into an unwanted marriage; loses child when Vicky miscarries; ends fling with Mary;  beaten up by Ed for the whole Vicky ordeal; works in the lab with Liz; they fall in love and eventually marry.  She ends up pregnant by Julian .  Tosses out Liz and reunites with Vicky  

Vicky Lucas Hathaway...Robyn Millan...1969-71 

...                        Lisa Richards...1972-73

          Ed's daughter; worked for Judge Hathaway; pursued Michael; trapped him with pregnancy;  loses baby and pretends to be an invalid; extremely jealous of Mary; pushes her down the stairs;  spreads rumors that Michael is the Daddy. After she's ratted out; she is placed in a sanitarium.  Once released, she moved in to the house with Michael and Liz, and is accepted home by the Hathaways; opens a health food store and buddies up with ex, Michael. The two reunite.

Lt. Hayward...Philip Sterling...    1971  

                                 Accused Terry of assault and murder

Dr. Jim Hudson...Reuben Greene...1971-72

Mr. Hurley         Mason Adams     1971    Hospital administrator; finds out from Alison that Joe Prescott has a heart condition; gives Alison's husband Hugh the Chief of Staff position

Ellie ___Jardin...             Zohra  Lampert             1970-71   

            Mother of mute Peter; took in Steve; young artist;  fell for Steve; his memory returned; sheltered Peter.  Ellie is killed by thugs

Jeffrey Jardin...Geoffrey Scott...1972

Loretta Jardin...Alice Drummond ...1973 

             Alcoholic; received help from Julian while staying with his family; fell for him, but he stayed with Mary

Margaret Jardin...Barbara Baxley...1971 

.                          ..Rue McClanahan...1971-72

          Ellie' sister-in-law; wants to take Peter; sister to Loretta, they stay with the Hathaways; told Loretta that Peter saw her kill Robert while bickering about Ellie.  Runs away after Peter speaks and reveals her secret; she drowns.

Peter Jardin...Mike Bersell...1970-73

                Mute son of Ellie; wanted by Margaret; awarded to Steve; doesn't like Kate; let's her know; witnessed Margaret killing Robert. Regains speech and finks on Margaret; happy with Steve and Kate after Ethel Harrison intervenes.  Killed in a snow plow blade accident.

Robert Jardin...Keith Charles...1972      murdered by Margaret in front of Peter

Alison Hathaway Archer Jessup...Louise Shaffer...1969-73 

      The youngest Hathaway; trapped in a bad marriage with Roy; dated Steve; engaged to Brad; stole Hugh out from under Christine; showed up at Kate's wedding married to Hugh; ratted out Joe's heart condition to get Hugh the job; lost and reunited with Hugh after he got Christine pregnant; fought for and got custody of Katrina

Ben Jessup... Daniel Keyes...1969-72 

     Daniel Hathaway's old partner handled his affairs.

Harriet_______Jessup.. .Camilla Ashland... 1969-70   .

                      .Josephine Nichols  70-72

       Ben's wife; Hugh and Barbara's mother;

Dr. Hugh Jessup...Rex Robbins...1970 

            ...David Cryer...1970-73 

            Son of Ben and Harriet; dates Christine; tries to assist Barbara; argues with Homer Rayburn.   Lives with Christine;  married Alison; gets Chief of Staff position due to Alison's shady ways, Fickle Hugh then leaves Alison for Chris; knocks her up; leaves her for Alison (dick move, btw).  Alison and Hugh  fought for and won custody of Katrina

Katrina Jessup...Jillian Ross...1972

...Kara Fleming...1973

                  Daughter of Christine and Hugh; awarded to Hugh and Alison

Ginger Larsen     ????    1971    murder victim of Randy Vernon

Emily Lockwood        1969       Dee Victor

Dolores Lopez...Jana Kleinburg...1970

        Blackmailed Steve over a murder that Earl Dana committed; murdered by Earl

Ed Lucas...                 Mark Gordon...1969... 

...                                Charles Cioffi...1969-70 

.                                 ..Joe Mascolo...1970-72 

              Vicky's father runs the Starlight Cafe; not a fan of the Hathaways.  Ed beats up Michael over Vicky's commitment; hires a photographer to try to catch Michael and Liz in the "act";  hates Liz.  Finally gives his blessing to Michael and Vicky

Laura McNair...Lee Kurty...1972 

Paul Monroe    Robert Hennesey    1969-70

          Son of Tony and Ruth; fond of Dad's girlfriend, Christine

Ruth ______Monroe...Nancy Franklin...1969-70 

            Tony's wife; Paul's mother

Tony Monroe...David Bailey...1969-70 .

              Reporter married to Ruth but living with Christine; father of Paul. Went to Israel on assignment

Sally Moore...Brenda Benet...1969... 

Detective______  Munford  Gil Rogers...1972      

                   hired by Christine to find the man terrorizing her.

Stella O'Brien...Bibi Osterwald...1969-72 

         Lovable, motherly housekeeper. at the Hathaway home. Left to care for an aunt

Tom O'Neill...John Scanlon...1973 

Reverend Olmstead   Peter Masterson    1970

                          Joseph Daly       1970

Mrs. Pangborn...Paula Trueman...1972   

                                         rented room to Terry

Barbara Jessup Petrie    1970     Ronnie Claire Edwards  

                             Hugh's institutionalized sister

Dale Petrie...Justin McDonough... 1969-70   

                               Harriet and Ben Jessup's son in law

Dr. Joe Prescott...William Post, Jr. ...1970-73   

                           Steve and Terry's father; heart attack after fight with Terry; loses Chief of Staff position because Alison rats his heart condition out to Hospital Administrator Hurley; pissed at Alison; 

Kate Hathaway Prescott     Diana Van Der Vlis      1969-73 

           Best friend of Christine Cameron;  dislikes Tony Monroe;  dated Steve and decided to keep the house. ; lost track of Steve when thugs left him with amnesia; waits patiently; Alison shows up at Steve and Kate's wedding married to Hugh;raised Peter; shows signs of schizophrenia; gets treatment from Joe.

Nan___Prescott...Katherine Meskill...1970-72 

           Steve and Terry's mother

Steve Prescott...Laurence Luckinbill,..1969-70 

                        ...Ron Harper...1970-73 

          Head of Prescott Enterprises; dates sisters Alison and Kate; blackmailed by Dolores Lopez; beaten up by Ronsky's thugs; finds safety with Ellie Jardin and her mute son, Peter; amnesiac; regains memory.   Takes custody of Peter, marries Kate; clears Terry with Amy's help.

Terry Prescott...Douglas Ross...1970-71

                                        ...Ted LePlat...1971-72 

      Joe and Nan's teenage son; argument with Joe results in Joe's heart attack; dates Lois Snowden; moved into the boarding house of Mrs. Pangborne. Accused of murdering Ginger and beating Lois; cleared by Amy and Steve; left town with Lois, happily.

Adrienne Harris Rainey...Priscilla Pointer...1972-73

                  John's ex; tries to win him back; fails; helped Dermot Flanery get the Jessups custody; helps Liz hide the truth about the baby; reunites with John

John Rainey...Peter MacLean...1971-73    

       distinguished attorney, estranged from ex-wife Adrienne and daughter Liz.  Enjoyed the company of Christine Cameron. Inevitably reunited with Adrienne, but kicked her to the curb for a newly released Christine.  The two discuss marriage

Dr. Carlos Ramirez   Gonzalo Madurga

Brad Ramsey...Jock Gaynor...1971   Prescott Enterprises Employee suggests partnership;  dates Alison

Dr. Homer Rayburn...Alan Manson...1972     argued with Hugh

Rachel __ Rayburn    Jan Farrand    1972

Dr. Reeves ...   Don Fellows

Harry Ronsky...Ralph Stantley   1970-71

Ronsky was the gangster father of Brad Ramsey who sent goons to beat up Steve Prescott and dump him alongside a road. Steve woke up to no memory and found refuge with Ellie Jardin and her son Peter.

Arthur Saxton...Bernard Kates...1969-70

        Represents Prescott Enterprises; wants the Hathaway property; left town with Helen

Amy ______Snowden...Clarice Blackburn...1969-71  

                 Lois's mother; dislikes Terry; prim and proper; begrudgingly becomes friends withTerry; helped Steve clear Terry; got a job with Christine Cameron at her boutique and they become friends

Howard Snowden...Tom McDermott...1969 

Lois Snowden...Jeanne Ruskin...1970-72 

                          Judy Kercheval

            Prescott Enterprises; dates Terry; knew Roy;  runs away from Amyl beaten up by Randy Vernon; moves in with Nan and Joe;  behaves like a recluse;  leaves town happily with Terry.

Athena Stefanopolis...Despo Diamontediou     1972   

                                      Christine's aunt; visits

Steven Talbot       James Luisi    1969

D.A. Bud Taylor...Wesley Addy...1972 ...

Randy Vernon      Alex Howard    1971    Murdered Ginger Larsen and beat up Lois 

Will Watts...Robert Symonds...1972                     

        Adoption agent that pretends to befriend Christine; is really "JEHU"  the man terrorizing her;  disapproves of the baby with a single mother   

Dr. Williams ...   Hazen Gifford

Helen Wyatt...Meg Myles...1970-71 

            Arthur's secretary;  slept with Roy; left town with Arthur



Bert...????????? 1972 dated Liz

Connie.... ?????...girlfriend Jack Blaine   71

Dave the Bartender...Charles Dobson...1971

Jake...???...George Spencer             71


Judge...1971-72...William Prince... 

Mugger(stabbed Roy)...William Devane  71 or 72



Ernest Abuba

Lois Nettleton  

Erin O'Connor

Roy Scheider     1969



Announcer ...Wally King 1969-73

                  ????  Ken Roberts  ????

                    ???   Lee Jordan  ???


Organists       John Gart   1969-70

                      John Winters   1970

                       Eddie Layton    1970-73



Edited by slick jones
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I looked at the list above, and I was suprised to learn that I had previously had no idea that some of these were on the show.   (Mike Hammitt, William Prince, Bernard Barrow, David Spielberg, Jean Stapleton, Roy Poole).

Interstingly, when Ms. Labine and Mr. Mayer created Ryan's Hope, they nearly cast Roy Poole as Johnny Ryan before Bernard Barrow introduced the character.


John Gort, the original organist, had previously been the music director of Love of Life.   Maybe he was playing for both shows at the time.

Edited by danfling
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I saw the last year or so of WTHI when Labine & Mayer were writing it, and it is one of my favorite soap viewing experiences ever. However appropriate the Love of Life-like title once may have been, it couldn't have been more wrong in tone for the sophisticated storytelling of Labine & Mayer. Tracy Brooks Swope was great, one of my all-time favorites, and I kept waiting for her to turn up on another show--RH, maybe. Liz Rainey at first seemed like a good girlfriend for the nice Michael Hathaway (the excellent Gregory Abels) and then little by little seemed more and more off until she became a seriously disturbed person. Very good writing and acting to match.

Why Gregory Abels was never chosen as one of the many Tom Hughes recasts on ATWT remains a mystery to me.

Louise Shaffer, smart and funny, was just wonderful, all that a sympathetic semi-villain should be. I was not a big fan of David Cryer as Hugh Jessup (OK, but a bland villain) and, having seen Joel Crothers as the villainous Lt. Nathan Forbes on DS, had the fantasy of Joel Crothers and Louise Shaffer as a trouble-making couple.

I was also not a fan of Peter McLean, ditto on SS, and ditto when they briefly brought him onto Somerset. An OK actor, but not to my mind a romantic lead, especially for younger women like Delphi Harrington or (on SS) Barbara Rodell. I'm sorry the lovely, raven-tressed, and very talented Delphi Harrington never got another romantic lead on a soap, although she did get some character parts. As the pregnant Christine she was the main sympathetic female character for the last year. Despo had a good turn as Christine's aunt who had come from Greece to look after her. I think Despo had come to the US to play in the musical ZORBA!

I did not see much of the Kate/Steve storyline, but Diana van der Vlis was certainly a fine actress. James Mitchell was as solid as you would expect, and Priscilla Pointer was always interesting as the therapist who seemed sympathetic at first but then with layers of manipulation. As a DS fan I knew Lisa Richards, who was fine, although the notion of a dangerous crazy lady coming back all cured did not ring true.

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