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I have no proof of this, but I imagine that it wasn't that Harley was that expensive. I think Jed definitely was and that Robin and possible Justin Deas were. So TPTB looked for ways to cut back. That put Harley in the bullseye. And then TPTB regretted the decision but it was too late. 

Speaking of Jed Allan, I  was reading through the YouTube comments from when he takes over the role and people say he's so much more evil than Bateman. I see CC differently. I see that when he came out of that coma, Lionel was leaching all over Sophia who wasn't fighting it very hard. Gina was bragging about the stuff she's pulled. And CC was a man betrayed and hurt to the depths of his soul. That's not a comfortable emotion, so he turned to rage and fury. And Jed Allan was perfect.

Edited by Marissa Gallant
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Mary being so heavily tied to Mason might have been a factor. Had they re-signed her, they were faced with finding something else for her to do for a few months since Lane took the summers off. I saw how his subsequent breaks stalled stories with Tori and Julia and both of those characters had more going on than Mary did. 

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In the soap world, she was popular.

She had a popular role on Guiding light playing Annabelle.  She had just left GL when she joined SB.  So I think she had been hired for her name at the time.

And she had signed a 1 year contract when she joined.  Plus, with her and Mason being popular at the time, the powers that be were afraid she would want more money so they opted not to renew her contract.

Soaps in the 80s were popular so performers had more power to hop to new soaps with the promise of perks, etc.

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I think Charles Bateman looked a lot more Scandinavian, especially with his blonde hair which was probably not blonde originally but graying blonde, if that's even a thing? I think it's a thing. When we see those scenes when he's a soldier in World war II, they made his hair a lot darker. But, anyway, I digress. I bought Charles Bateman as CC a lot more in the beginning because he has semblance to the Capwel children. Jed Allen, albeit taller, does have a look in his eyes that is a bit scarier, especially when he's shaking Gina, or threatening her,. He would usually grab her and shake her when threatening her, at least that's how I remember him. I am still not quite where he takes over from Charles Bateman but I'm very close.


As far as Mary and Harley Jane Kozak, somehow I'm not buying she was that expensive in 1986. Her movie career started later. Towards the end of the '80s? Somehow I read that she wanted to leave, or didn't mind leaving once her contract was up. If anything, Robin Wright was their most expensive actress at the time or soon after the Princess Bride became a success.  Let's not forget that the Dobsons were obsessed with killing off female characters at the time. Didn't they do the same with Amy and Hayley shortly thereafter?

Edited by Lex S
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Sorry, I read your comment after I posted. What you wrote makes a lot of sense and I trust your opinion cuz it seems like you know what you're talking about

Please don't shatter my childhood memories. When you are a child, you don't know blonde from graying, and that's how I remembered it. 

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i wasn't trying to be rude, just that


noun: blonde
  1. a person with fair or pale yellow hair (typically used of a woman).
    Charles Bateman 's hair had been white since the 1970s, just pointing it out. Wasn't here to shoot Santa in the heart. 
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So I read a bit on this topic, and different sources diverge on the accepted usage. Some of it has to do with British English versus American English. So, to some, "a blond man, but a blonde woman"  is the way it's supposed to be written.  


This source https://www.dictionary.com/e/blond-vs-blonde/ has some interesting info on the current status of the issue, especially talking about the usage from the last few years.

 I also now use my voice as I type instead of the keyboard, then I edit before I hit "post." If I had been writing myself, I would have probably omitted the "e." I'm learning to live without a physical keyboard, and was told that the more I use my voice to type, the more it will machine-learn from the way I voice-write and subsequently edit. 

Having just recently seen the first 300 episodes, the first two CCs are still fresh in my mind. I was a little bit perturbed by CC #2 and Santana who was Ava Lazar at the time. Somehow I can see Charles Bateman and Margaret Michaels together. At least, their interactions didn't disturb me - most likely because I assumed that any romantic relationship was off the table at this point between these two characters considering the latest happenings

Edited by Lex S
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The "e" information is very interesting.  In Brotherhood of Satan, his hair is dark brown. So is Judith McConnell's.

I could see Bateman and Eva Lazar. But CC 2 REALLY set off my creepy meter. I don't know why.

You aren't at JA yet. But he will always reign in my heart. Yes, he is scarier. And he is also a lot more passionate. Whew! His wife was a lucky woman. I wish he had a few books on audible, because I could listen to that voice for a few hours. Lol. I just feel he was more complex. 


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Speaking of, when CC arose from his bed as Jed, I remember feeling that something was wrong in this world. I think this was the beginning of a comedic streak on SB for me considering they had just hired Robin Mattson and later Justin Deas. This trio carried this part of the show for a while. Let's see when I get to this part if my memory will change. 


P.S. I actually just remembered that I watched  GL for a couple of months only because Justin Deas was on it. If memory serves, they actually offered audio-only episodes for a while as podcasts with, I don't remember the technical term, audio description enabled. This was maybe 2005.

Edited by Lex S
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