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Days: Another Major Contract Actress Let Go!

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I would be (semi)OK with all these firings if the budget issues really called for it and it was part of an overall plan to get the show back on track,money and story wise,but it all seems so random.

Why is Corday going against what Hogan had planned? If the strike ends next week and Hogan is back on the job,how is he supposed to deal with the changes?

Why are Tony and Anna coming back? Will it be a story or just filler?

Hoping one of these actors will come out and talk about what is really going on behind the scenes.

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You said it. Koslow was fabulous as Margo Lynley and the character is obviously still on Brad Bell's mind with Koslow's cameo in 2002 and then the arrival of Margo's brother a few months ago.

She was Stephanie's real threat. Brooke only went after Eric after Koslow left in 1992 to take care of her kids...she is what B&B needs. Snap her up Brad!!!

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Days should have at least not fired people right and left because it has the fans wondering what is really going on. I do wonder what is really going on behind the scenes and who is doing these firings and why. I'm also now wondering why I should continue to invest in a show that is going to abruptly fire one or more people that I like to watch and thus end any hopes of following their stories in the long term.

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I always liked Lauren Koslow, but Days has made me hate her. Or, at least, made me hate Kate. She entered into a Groundhog Day-ish cycle of the same thing over and over about ten years ago. Where she was once devious and despicable, she's now pathetic and lousy. It sucks that she's been fired so soon after agreeing to take a pay cut, and that she's been fired at all, but I think the character of Kate needs to take a break.

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OMG Brad Bell writing for Lauren Koslow?! I *know* that he would appreciate her talents, which DAYS really hasn't the past few years. Then again, Lesley-Anne Down is kind of comparable to Lauren Koslow, and she has been absolutely defanged recently (and given an awful hair dye job.)

Still, I think that B&B is the best bet for Koslow fans. She would fit in there SO WELL.

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I know what you mean about LAD...but really...as much as I love her...I'd dump her in a second to get Koslow! When Lauren did her cameo was Margo in 2002 the few scenes Brad wrote for her were better than the years of crap she's been given at DAYS.

She's a perfect fit for B&B. I hope her manager, Michael Bruno who also manages Lesli Kay, can get his ass in motion and get Lauren a contract!

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If they were prepared to bring back Mark and Clarke in beefy roles, Margo would be a perfect fit back into B&B. Along with Jake there would be a whole Garrison/McClain clan in place and plenty of scope for Bill Spencer to return.

I agree that LAD would have to go but I don't think Brad Bell knows what to do with Jackie anyway. The taking over Spectra had promise but it's fizzled out. Have Jake seduce Jackie to get Spectra for Margo. Something like that.

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What a huge loss for DAYS, Koslow was a source of untapped talent for the show, which they never truly exploited. If Bill Bell were alive, you bet your ass he'd want her back on B&B. Hell, he was so impressed by her on Y&R, he created the character of Margo on B&B specifically for Koslow and she's an original cast-member of B&B. She'll find work again, I'm sure.

DAYS' future keeps on looking more nonexistent as the days go by....

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Question, is Hogan not writing now cause he's on strike??? when the strike is over he will return and have it all a dream hopefullly lol....


Kate Billie Shawn Belle vs 3 new characters, Max, Stephanie, Nick, Chelsey, Maggie, Shawn SR. Caroline Roman Abe on and off again Lexie not to mention waste of money Chloe and Phillip??? whats going on here? who is managing this show??? can't wait to see what Philllip and Chloe's story will be like now and Chelsea and Nicks...yah DAYS RIP!

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