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OKAY - Do you remember the FIRST TIME your watch your favorite show, (SHOWS) - AMC - ATWT - B&B - DAYS - GH- OLTL - GL - PASSIONS - Y&R; that one MOMENT that got you hooked - Got you to turned the next day, and up to today - Well tell us about it... If there's CLIPS/pictures/ POST THEM - RELIVE THAT MOMENT WITH US - AND ALSO YOUR MOST MOMERABLE MOMENT OF THE SHOW YOU LOVE - AND WHY!!!!


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Actually, I DO remember...even though it was a long time ago. I had a leg in a cast. so I was housebound. I was flipping channels, and saw this scene of a man walking into a murder trial. He took off a wig and was revealed to be the victim. It seemed interesting, so I tuned in the next day to see what was going on. The character was John Dixon from "As The World Turns", and I've been watching ever since.

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I'd been catching glimpses of All My Children and General Hospital since birth, because those were my mother's soaps. I have some very fuzzy memories of Dixie and Tad on AMC, and Emily on GH. But the first time a show really caught my interest, and made me want to watch, was during Lucky and Liz, v. 1.0. Lucky was singing the song he wrote for her. I was captivated.


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I remember a scene from Y&R where Jill picked up a letter opener as Katherine delivered some monologue facing away from her.

This scene started in one episode and left with Jill approaching a clueless Kay with the knife.I raced home the next day to see what happened,but after more of the same,Jll just put down the knife and that was that.

Jim Reilly would be proud!!

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I kind of remember Luke/Laura and Luke/Holly stuff from the 1980's, but my first GH memory is of Frisco ripping the hat off Felicia, and learning she wasn't a boy. My mom/sister watched the entire ABC lineup, but GH was the favorite. I enjoyed the show, loved Anna Devane and Frisco/Felicia, but I did not watch daily until later.

I got hooked with Karen/Jagger/Jason trapped on an island storyline, and fell in love with Brenda who joined then, and have watched it pretty much daily since, with a couple of years of sporadic viewing in between.

Favorite moment? From when I was a kid it was Anna captured by Grant Putanm, and held captive by his dog Satan. She rescues herself, that is cool for a woman in daytime. Anna was unique.

I loved Karen becoming a stripper at Sonny's club and falling apart, her attempt at being the best crumbling while Jagger tries to rescue her. Plus I started watching daily when Felicia was being stalked by Ryan for the first time, and it was great thriller stuff. Sorry no video, I have no idea how to post that stuff.

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I vaguely remember my first time watching Guiding Light.

I remember sitting with my mom and watching David Grant climbing through Kat Speakes bedroom window, and her father Hamp being right outside the bedroom door.

I also remember some of the blackout stuff, involving Frank/Eleni/Alan-Michael.

What attracted me to Guiding Light was how it connected to me as a viewer. It's chaarcters, their conflicts and friendships. Very good stuff all around, written by the queen herself, Nancy Curlee. My mom watched DAYS and AW on NBC, but GL stuck with me the most.

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WOW - READING all your replies is amazing - As for me the Moment that got me hooked on DAYS, was Carrie and Austin's wedding... I remember, I had just moved to to US - and didn't know a word English at the time, couldn't make about what they were saying, but the pictures/actions were interesting enough, and I was hook till TODAY - "DAYS"

SECOND show is Guiding Light - Annie pushed herself down the stairs, and BLAME REVA... That was awesome stuff from the GL - Love it.

And Then there was SUNSET BEACH Beginning to END -

DAYS - MOST Memorable MOMENT have to be the PRINCESS GINA storyline... Love every second; I have all of the episodes on tape down to Gina merried BO...

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My mom was a HUGE GH fan...and I remember seeing the murder of Diana Taylor...I had nightmares about that for WEEKS! I can still see the name written in blood lol...

But I still watched with my mom...my other most vivid memory is both of us screaming when Scotty caught the bouquet at Luke and Laura's wedding!

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I miss John Dixon. My first memory of ATWT was Lisa's return. Eileen Fulton had left the show. She was replaced with another Lisa. Later, she returned and found her dead husband Whit McColl dead in the library. I believe that was back in 1983.

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