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GH's 24...

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Well I didn't NEED to be impressed. I needed to see everything that was going on without it all being in quick flashes, choppy film editing, etc. These scenes would have had 10X more intensity had they left the theatrics alone and just let the explosion do what it was supposed to do.

VERY anticlimactic.

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Yeah I thought the ending was good but it was very hard to see anything that was happening. I only saw Sonny and Carly on the ground and Liz picked up by Jason. I get that there was lighting and tear gas but the editing and all could have been better. It was still a great ending but the rest of the episode did drag a bit, much like alot of this has. I still give GH credit for doing this and I think it was an overall good effort and result.

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The end on Fridya was awesome. I just wish the bad guy was somebody we knew..not this Mr Craig. Like, who? Haha..Spinelli has got to go, too bad he won't be killed off. I'm really sad about Alan, and those scenes with Monica were really sad. Sam is butt. I really love Maxie and that one guy together. It would've been awesome if Robert was the guy to save them all, but it always turns out to be Jason, haha.q

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They need to tone down Spinelli if they plan on keeping him. He's starting to become annoying.

Wow, I disagree 100%. When I first saw the explosion at the beginning of the 24 stunt, I thought it was lackluster. This time around I thought it was amazing. The slow motion is used as a reason to get the audience to get emotion from the audience. As I mentioned before with the 'Y&R JT/Colleen' thing, they did the same thing here. I didn't feel it was anticlimatic at all. That wasn't choppy camera work, but quite impressive, and a definite Emmy submission. That last scene was brilliant. But we can agree to disagree.

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GH can do whatever they want for the rest of the month as far as I'm concerned. I got my payoff at the end of Friday's episode. Seeing the beginning of today's (Monday 2/19) episode drove that home for me.

Of course, flaws galore (Lulu, Natalia Livingston, Robin being coherent after makeshift surgery and bleeding for 10 hours), but overall, I think GH took a very ambitious storytelling approach and I am proud of them for doing their best.

It's not like McTavish's AMC which is really dragging its feet over there. We're watching recycled story inside of recycled story inside of recycled story. Nothing fresh or ambitious over there. I miss the days when I could applaud that show the way I've done with this show in the last six months.

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Friday and today are examples of the great episodes we should be seeing year 'round. Today's episode specifically was nicely balanced between Monica/Tracy/Alan, Sonny & Carly, Robin/Patrick, Jason/Elizabeth and then the rest of them. No one was forced down your throat and with the exception of Nikolas' hysteronics and plehgm flying out the corner of his Tylers mouth, today was excellently written. I'll even give the Liason tag an A. It would have gotten an A+, but we already have seen a paternity secret reveal in an elevator before. They don't get points for originality.

My only gripe is that I would have loved to seen Luke and Mac working together to make a last-minute rescue effort for their kids. But, beggers can't be choosers. I'll take what I can get. Do expect it to go back to crap tomorrow or even Wednesday? Sure. Not much we can do about that.

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