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Grey's Anatomy: Discussion Thread

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Other than Christina's meltdown in her wedding dress in the end and Richard finding out the baby was his, I did not like ONE thing about the finale. It was such a downer. Again with the Meredith/Derek drama, and Izzy/George/Callie is just too stupid....Izzy only wants George because he's not available.

I hope next seasons premiere episode is an exciting one, so that I can stay interested in this show.

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The finale was not good at all, no fun just an entire hour of depression. I hope they fix things in the new season because it's

to dreary to watch now with what they've done to the show this past season.

I agree with all the articles denouncing the show and the finale, they just jumped too many sharks and lost their

way of what made Grey's different. Now it's like a daytime soap or a bad episode of Jerry Springer.

The last thing the show needs is yet another relative of Merediths. Another contrived break up of Meredith & Derek with a season of them broken up, again. Not to mention George and Izzy in love?

The show go so bad starting from Meredith's death, it's hard to believe the writers can even fix this or even if they see the problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Can't believe Burke's not going to be there next season. All the drama that could've been is now gone. I think that was a very bad move.....but what do I know. I hope things get a little happier next season because this season was very depressing. Instead of allowing Callie and George to enjoy the first few months of marriage we have George in constant turmoil over Izzy. And Izzy all of a sudden has feelings for George? Give me a break.

And now they are going to cause problems with Derek and Merideth again? I can't take it. Can't they be happy for a little while at least?

And the only good thing the show had going was the chemistry between Addison and Karev. And now that is gone too. As if she would tell him to go get Ava....who by the way I saw no chemistry with whatsoever.....When for the last few months we've all been patiently waiting for Addy/Karev to admit their feelings to each other?

Yes this season was a mess......let's hope it gets better next season.

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Lol at the Justin Chambers comment. I was severly depressed for a week when I found out he was married and had kids too... :(

All my gay romance fantasies were destroyed in that moment. I especially regret the loss of the hospital board room one...

But thats neither here nor there. As for Isiah Washington I'm stunned he was let go and I think its a dumb move to be honest. He made a mistake. He did everything they asked of him. He apologized. What more could he have done? I think it gets rid of the FEW decent role models that young African American men like myself have to look up to in the world of television and in general society.

As for Greys I don't know if I'm gonna watch this fall. Part of why I loved the season finale was cuz I was aamped to find out if Burke really did disappear and if so would he come back. Now that I know hes not coming back (or at least the version of him I'll always remember and think of) I don't think I'll enjoy the show at all.

Even if they recast him the person will have huge shoes to fill. And for the love of God I hope they don't chose Blair Underwood to do that. Eriq La Salle is a possiblity but even then its completely different personalities and I don't think he can channel the real Burke.

Just a complete mess. My only salvation will be if TR Knight leaves as well. This whole Izzie and George romance is hot but George alone is annoying the crap out of me.

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  • 3 months later...
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Well I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was excellent. I can see Christina is really going to be hurting over Burke and it's nice to see her with some emotions for a change. Loved the twist at the end with Meredith and Derek, that was cute. I really feel for Callie though. Man, she can't get a break!!

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I liked it much better than anything during the last half of last season. Derek and Meredith at the end was hot and much better than what I was expecting which was another season of them broken up and staring at each other.

Bailey I felt was back and headstrong. Cristina and Alex bonding was nice and just seeing the original interns hang out as a group together again was fun and lacking all last season.

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This episode felt like Seasons 1 & 2 to me with the emphasis on the original interns/residents.

I loved how the new residents were trying to act like Bailey at the beginning. It was nice to see them all were hanging out in the empty corridor again. I can't remember the last time they gathered there.

Mer/Der finally seem to be on their way to having a real relationship.

It was great to see Christina nearly lose it while watching that man's family. My favorite Christina scene, though, was when she told Derek she wouldn't hang out with him because she never liked him.

I'm glad George professed his love for Izzie. I love these two together.

It looks like the writers are finally going to delve into Derek & Mark's friendship. In the past, it seemed forced for these guys to have ever been close, but last night after Mark's admission that he came to Seattle to patch up their friendship was the first time I ever saw the bond between them.

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I enjoyed last nights episode. I was glad when Izzie put her interns in check, they were being very disrespectful. Derek and Meredith were hot also, and I don't even care if they are together or not. :lol: Cristina just makes me laugh, she is my favorite female character after Bailey. Seems like Shonda put all her effort in making the Grey's premeire great and made Private practice's premeire lackluster.

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The premiere was difinitely better that the latter episodes of Season 3, but it could get a little better. What really annoyed me was stuff like the crappy "Izzie performs surgery on a deer" thing and Meredith caught between Lexie and Derek and crap like that.

However, LOVED how the new residents tried to be like Bailey, loved the bonding between them, and the bonding between George and Lexie and also loved that George went to Izzie and told her he loves her, because you know that means that someone has to suffer now. :D

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