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Ugly Betty: Discussion Thread


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I think that Henry made up that stuff about getting back with the ex. He was totally surprised the ex was there and if they had gotten together over Christmas like he said, he wouldn't have been so disappointed about Betty saying she wanted to be friends. It seemed more like he was trying to save face with Betty and maybe let her off the hook as far as Henry taking himself out of her orbit so, in his mind, he's not a problem for Betty and Walter. In next week's preview, when he introduced his "girlfriend", it looked like an act on his part and surprise on hers.

I just hope that's a real kiss that's about to happen between Benry next week and that nobody interrupts. :P

Oh, I did feel kind of sorry for Walter. He's spent the season so far being whiny and stalkerish but in those last few minutes with Betty, he was the one who had the courage to do the breaking up and he did it with class. Maybe they can put him with Ruthie. :lol: Kevin Sussman said he's on contract at least through the end of the season, so it seems kind of weird if he's gonna just disappear now.

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That was so sad at the end!!! Awww! Betty and Walter break up, and then Betty wants to go the theatre with Henry, and he's back with his ex!! These two need to get together. For real.

Rebecca Romjin is great in this role as Alexis/Alex. I love watching this show - seriously. It's so good.

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Can this show be TWO HOURS LONG?

Thursday nights just feel complete with my Betty.

I'm starting to LOVE Rebecca Romjin. She is doing a stellar job.

Wilhemina KICKS ASS. I loved her punching that loser. What a prick. The scene in the limo was total Prada! Vanessa Williams kicks major ass with her line delivery.

Justin was so cute on the train. And I was proud to see his father stand up for him.

Lucy Lou!

I'm missing Amanda, and I loved her playing with Betty's head today. Amanda needs more to do!

Christina and Marc are GREAT together.

OMG! They went to commerical before THEY COULD KISS?!?!? And then they come back and STUPID ASS CHARLIE STOPS THEM!!!! ARGH. I hate her already.

That last scene between Judith Light and whathisname (??) was good.... :( :(

I'll excuse that tired song for the montage.

I can't get enough BETTY :wub:

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Ok first of all - loved the ending Justin Timberlake song.

Anyway - I loved how every single character had their own storyline going on and for the most part had equal airtime. I loved the Justin/Hilda/Father stuff - I was so happy that Justin got his father's approval, and the father stood up for him on the bus. (Can't remember that father's name now!)

I love how they are making Alexis vulnerable. Betty isn't the only one who has to put up with ugliness, stereotypes, brush-off, etc etc. There are more layers to the 'ugly' concept.

Anyway the one-liners were HILARIOUS tonight. I loved the "You may be new at this girl thing, but you're an old pro at being a b!tch!" I also loved how Wilamena punched that guy OUT! Oh and her line before...when he asks "Have we met before?" and she responds with "No and we're not meeting now either!"

Anyway I just loved tonight's episode. I've been noticing an overall improvement in this show over the last 3-4 episodes...

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Get the [!@#$%^&*] out of here?!!

I canNOT wait that long for a new episode!!!

Oh, dear, this is MOST distressing!!! :(:(:(

But about tonight's episode, I have to say, I disagree with Justin's parents just going along with him. These are his earliest years when they should really get him into activities that betters suit his gender role.

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Hopefully its 2 weeks, whats up with abc shows having such long hiatus's??? I love this show so much. I loved that Justin's father finally accepted him, and told that old crow to listen to his son or get a beat down. :lol: I loved when Wilhemina knocked Jerry O'connell down(what was his characters name?).lol

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2 months of no Betty....has ABC not learned anything from its little hiatus from LOST! <_<:rolleyes::angry:

My favorite part of the episode was when Betty was imitating Christina on the phone and Christina said, "I'm scottish, not australian!" And then when Betty hung she said "G'day, Mate!" :lol::lol::lol:

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Oh gawd, I love this show! Vanessa Williams was BORN to play this role.

I thought I'd dislike Alexis and Rebecca Romijn, but I'm loving both. There's just so much too Alexis, she's not just some dude who wanted to be a girl, you feel like she's finally getting what she wanted, but it's coming with so many difficulties. And Willie punching Jerry O'Connell as Joel with his real life fiance (or is it wife?) sitting next to him? CLASSIC!

Betty... and Charlie. And aahhh, I love Charlie. She's so cute! Like a little doll.

Justin, on the train, doing Hairspray! One of the best things ever on TV. Great voice too!

Marc and Christina doing a SJP dress out of nothing? Great. But the best moment was Marc's "It gets easier..." There's actually some depth in the guy (who's one of my favourite characters ever).

This show owns.

Oh, please. He's a pre-teen, these are the years they're supposed to help him become who he is. Not force some pre-decided roles people decided 200 years ago on him. Children will naturally develope into what they're supposed to be if they have rules and guidelines to live by. They need support and guidance, not force and judgement.

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