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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#441: Temptation

Lexie gets a knock on her door. She puts her controller down to a playstation 3 game she was playing with Theo to answer the door. She is surprised to see Hope. Lexie “Hope, what a lovely surprise.” Hope “I hope you don’t mind me dropping by like this.” Lexie “I don’t mind at all, come in, I’ll fix us some coffee to warm us up. It’s chilly out there.” Hope “Indeed it is, you can defini




A *HUGE* SHAKEUP COMES TO LIS! ML COOKS RETURNS! MORE CUTS ON THE WAY! A HUGE EVENT IS ON ITS WAY! AND RETURNS?! Things have been quiet lately at the "Life in Salem" studios. Barely any announcements and only some episodes airing. However, massive word is breaking of the biggest shakeup to hit LIS in a long, long time: Former Co-Head Writer and Co-Executive Producer ML Cooks is heading back to Salem and he's spicing things up! Longtime fans of LIS remember ML when he joined the LIS cre



Episode#440: Death Did Us Part!

University Hospital Sami walks in John’s room. She pulls up a chair. She looks over him, pulling the covers up over his chest. She speaks to him, “I don’t know how much longer God plans to keep you like this. I keep faith that you will come back to us dad.” She pauses and thinks of Marlena being murdered. “Come back to what dad? The woman of your life is gone, forever. Thanks to that Stami, this ultimately is my fault for getting involved wi



Episode#439: Nicole Tries to Help Travis

Episode#439: Nicole Tries To Help Travis -Vivian asks Celeste what she's doing here...she says she cannot just barge into her mansion like that! Celeste tells Vivian that she still has the keys...she informs Vivian that she is going to be here sometimes, she wouldn't dare leave Vivian alone in her soulmate's house! -Sami is buying some coffee at the Java Cafe...she goes to a table and sits down with some coffee, and smiles as Arianna sits in her stroller...Brandon walks in and greets h



Episode#438: A Poisoned Drink

Episode#438: A Poisoned Drink -Jan stands up, all alone, in the Church...she says to herself that Lucas is gone....Josh is gone....Bentley is gone...she says that Eugenia won! She says that damn Greta...she knows she arranged this...she probably sent that bitch Lea back to town! She says that she and Lucas were MARRIED, she almost had everything she wanted...but Eugenia, Greta, Lea...they all just had to blow it to hell! Jan screams in frusteration as she yells that she's lost ANOTHER man!



Episode#437: The End of the Switch

Episode#437: The End of the Switch -April looks at Mike and asks if he just said that he slept with Alexis Kefer! Mike says yeah...April explains to him that was one of the first people she met upon coming back to Salem! Mike tells her thats not surprising, and says that Alexis is majorly involved in this mess. April thinks for a moment and then says that so...Robin must be jealous of him and Alexis, and now it makes sense! -Maggie gasps and asks Abe if he's serious...Abe asks her why



Episode#436: Baby Switch Exposed!

Episode#436: Baby Switch Exposed! -Mike smiles and tells April that she has a place in his heart, as well...but it still surprises her that she came back to represent his mother in court...especially after how they ended! April chuckles and says it was nineteen years ago, she's over it now. She says that she was heartbroken when he stayed in Israel, but his son was there and she understood. Mike says yes, he just wishes that it had helped get him and his son close! -Abe is with Maggie



Episode#435: I Do!

Episode#435: I Do! -Mike looks at April, shocked, and asks what...he says thats impossible, April's not a lawyer! April smirks and says oh but she is...she says she's sure Mike just remembers her as that candy striper! Mike asks when she became a lawyer...she tells him that she studied law while in New York, and one of the Hortons told her about Laura...and so she came rushing back as soon as she could! -Kristen tells Bo this is so sudden....Bo says he knows, but the sooner they go, th



Episode#434: Wedding in Las Vegas

Episode#434: Wedding in Las Vegas -Mike is sitting in his office, going through paperwork...he hears a knock on the door, and thinks its Lexie...he says he'll have the files for her in a minute...but the person enters...and Mike freezes when he sees April Ramirez! -Bo walks into the Brady Pub, and sits down at a table...where Kristen is! He greets her, and she greets him...he says he told Hope they were going to Padre Island...and she asks how Hope took it! He says she was fine with it



Episode#433: Viva Las Vegas!

Episode#433: Viva Las Vegas! -Laura tells her there's no way they can somehow prove that Robin's lying...there's no evidence! April says just as there's no evidence that Laura did anything to her...besides Robin's word! Laura points out that its happened three times...and she has a history of mental illness! April says that still isn't enough evidence to actually throw Laura inside a mental home...there's still a chance! -The priest speaks to Travis and Nicole...he says they're gathere



Episode#432: Where's Jan?

Episode#432: Where's Jan? -Alexis says no...of course not! Laura says this just seems weird...suddenly Mike's ex-fiancee is back in town and ready to help her! April explains that she keeps up with some of the Horton family...they told her about her dilemma...and after how she let Robin have Mike two times, for her to just turn around and do this...its despcible...so she's here to stop Robin once and for all! -Nicole and Travis are at a Church in Las Vegas....Travis stands at the altar



Episode#431: Lea Comes Clean

Episode#431: Lea Comes Clean -Alexis and April walk into the cell area at the police station...Chris leads them to Laura's cell, and he tells Laura she has some visitors...Laura greets Alexis, and asks her who her friend is....Alexis grins and tells Laura this is April Ramirez: her new lawyer! -Nicole and Travis are seen at one of many Churches in Las Vegas...Nicole is in a wedding dress, and is with Travis...Travis says you know, its bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the



Episode#430: Arrival in Las Vegas

Episode#430: Arrival in Las Vegas -Alexis and April ride in a car, on the way to the police station to see Laura...Alexis says so....what went down between her and Mike! April laughs and assures her it was years ago, but she says that they fell in love in the late eighties...she explains that when Robin came back and saw them together, she left Mike so he could be with her...but in the end, it scared Robin away, and she ended up marrying Nick Corelli...she says later, she and Mike got engag



Episode#429: Seasection

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks Episode#429: Seasection -Robin looks at April in astonishment and tells her this is RIDICULOUS...she says she can't just storm back into Salem after years of being gone, suddenly as some star lawyer, and then just take on Laura's case...she never even met Laura! Alexis says thats funny, she thinks Robin did something similar last year! Alexis then goes on to say well...she's sure Laura will take whatever help she can get! -Eugenia walks into the



Episode#428: Sister Pat Visits Salem!

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks Episode#428: Sister Pat Visits Salem! -Alexis asks April Ramirez(Gina Tognoni) who she is and what she's doing here at Maggie Horton's house...April introduces herself as April Ramirez...Mike Horton's ex-fiancee! Alexis gasps and says she's heard Mike mention her a few times....Robin asks April why the hell she's back in Salem, she left YEARS ago....April tells her she heard about what she's trying to do to Mike's mother...so she rushed back to help



Episode#427: Knock on the Door

Episode#427: Knock on the Door -Robin sits in the kitchen of Maggie's house...she relishes in the fact that she's nearly succeeded in sending Laura back to the looney bin, and thinks to herself that Laura should have never tried to go up against her. Alexis suddenly barges in, and asks Robin where Jeremy's whore is! Robin says if she means Cassie, she and Jeremy are enjoying some quality time together...as they should be, and Robin remarks that if anyone's a whore, its Alexis! Alexis tells



Sister Patterson Comes to Salem!

MICHELLE PATTERSON AKA SISTER PAT CROSSESOVER TO SALEM! Only weeks after the axing of longtime vet John Aniston(Victor Kiriakis), some happier news comes to LIS for once! Michelle "Sister" Patterson will guest star on Life in Salem for two episodes this week...Patterson is best known for her role on reality show "I Love New York", where she she pops in as the crazy mother to New York. However, Patterson also plays one of the main heroines on former Co-HW/Co-EP ML Cooks' SONOP soap S.T.E.A.M



Episode#426: Jan Panics

Episode#426: Jan Panics -Nicole and Travis are seen getting off a plane...in...LAS VEGAS!! Nicole says she can't believe this...she says she can't believe they just decided to rush off and get married tonight! Travis smiles and tells her the sooner the better...and he knows this would be her kind of wedding night. Nicole tells him he knows her too well and kisses her soon-to-be-husband... -Jill screams out as she lands on the ground on her stomach...the top of her head begins bleeding



Episode#425: The Stolen Tape

Episode#425: The Stolen Tape -Jan inwardly rejoices and asks Lucas if this means that he's finally kicking that whore to the streets...where she rightfully belongs! Lucas sighs and is silent as he tries to think of a way to gently break it to Jan that he's chosen Eugenia! Jan looks at him and asks whats wrong...Lucas looks at Jan, and very slowly and calmly tells her that he's sorry, but...he wants to be with Eugenia. -Dr.Stansville looks at Eugenia, confused, and tells her thats impos



Episode#424: The Location

Episode#424: The Location -Lucas walks into the Spears Mansion...he sees Jan in the Spears Mansion. She smiles and walks over and wraps her arm around him...she says its so great to see him...she asks where he's been! Lucas says he's been busy...he gently gets Jan off of him, and she asks him whats wrong...he stares at her...thinking now its time! -Dr.Stansville leads Eugenia into a random room in the hospital....however...when they step inside, Eugenia sees piles and piles of tapes! D



Episode#423: Jeremy Questions Robin

Episode#423: Jeremy Questions Robin -Jill walks into St.Luke's...she slowly looks around as she stumbles in...she walks towards the front of the Church, and gets down on her knees...she looks up to the ceiling...and begins praying! She tells God that she knows they've never had the closest relationship, and she's done alot of bad things in her life...but she's here today to pray for the safety of her daughter! -Eugenia is walking through the hospital...as she walks through the waiting



Episode#422: Vivian Signs It Over

Episode#422: Vivian Signs It Over -Nicole is shopping inside a store at Salem Place...suddenly...she runs right into Jan! Nicole sarcastically says this is sure the bright spot of her day...she asks Jan if she's still pretending Eugenia's baby is hers! Jan says for the record, Josh is HER son now...not Eugenia's...Eugenia doesn't have a son! Nicole says okaaay, whatever she says...Jan asks if she's still living in happy land with whats-his-face...Nicole says yes, in fact...they are getting



Episode#421: The Ultimatium

Episode#421: The Ultimatium -Dr.Stansville is at the hospital...she comes out of a room...Jill and Megan sit in the waiting room, and Megan growls that she doesn't understand why they could've been WITH her when they found out the gender of her baby...Jill nervously looks at Dr.Stansville, flashing back to how they arranged it so they didn't have to be with her when she discovered the genders of BOTH the babies...Dr.Stansville tells Megan that her baby with Bo is a BOY! -Lucas tells he



Episode#420: Blackmail

Episode#420: Blackmail -Lucas walks into the Brady Pub...he runs into Sami, who greets him, and tells him Will and Arianna just left...she says she loves that little girl so much, and Lucas grins and says he does too...Sami notices he's a bit solemn, and asks him whats wrong...Lucas tells her its just Eugenia and Jan. Sami groans and asks him why he hasn't dumped both those bitches yet...Lucas rolls his eyes at Sami and says he's trying to choose between them...he explains he loves them bot



Episode#419: Norman Sundberg

Episode#419: Norman Sundberg -Hope is walking with Pamela and Addie down at the pier...as they walk, Hope points out all the ducks out in Salem River...but she also can't help but think of Bo and Kristen...however, she tells herself that NOTHING is going on....as she walks...she bumps into SUGA!!!! -Vivian is at the Kiriakis Mansion....she constantly orders Henderson around, who rolls his eyes and wonders to himself why Mr.Kiriakis had to marry her at the last minute...suddenly, there'



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