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July 3-7, 2006


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I remain confused because every soap went down in HH except OLTL.

dawn, I respectfully disagree:

6/25/01.......3.....3.9.....13...*2) 2.9/18


7/9/01.........3.....4.0.....13.....1) 2.9/20

6/23/03.......7.....2.8.....09...*2) 2.1/14 - 1) 2.8/17

6/30/03.......8.....2.6.....08.....6) 1.8.........1) 2.3/15

7/703..........5.....2.9.....09.....3) 2.1/14 - 1) 2.7/18

6/21/04.......4.....3.0.....10...*2) 2.2/14 - 1) 2.6/16

6/28/04.....*6.....2.6.....08.....4) 1.9/12 - 1) 2.2/13

7/5/04.......*4.....2.9.....09...*4) 2.0/12 - 2) 2.3/13

2005, didn't have as much damage.

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Yeah I am confused to Rugrat-Dawn says that Y&R and B&B went up but they actually went down so her whole point makes no sense.

I could have sworn Days got a much lower number for Wimbledon week 2001. Both Passions and Days were scheduled to be on 3 days but I think there was one day for each show (maybe two can't remember) that Wimbledon ran late and the show or shows weren't on. All I remember is that whole week was screwy because there was unscheduled preemptions on top of the normal two day preemption. I also remember the day that Days was supposed to return after Wimbledon it didn't because Wimbeldon had a rainout or something and aired that Monday. For some reason, I distinctly remember Days getting a 2.1 for week of Wimbledon in 2001-I saw it in the ratings in the mags. I don't know about Passions but I know that was Days number unless I read something wrong or the mags made a mistake that week or something.

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How often are two days counted as holidays and not included? (Besides Thanksgiving). If it was on a Wednesday they would only count Wednesday and if it was on a Friday they would only count Friday. These numbers are bound to be bad with it only being a 3 day week. That's what NBC's normal Wimbledon week is like, a 3 day week, this year it is a 1 day week... HA.

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So Phoenix would you had rather them count the holidays?? In that case, Days would have been lower than GL. They should be glad they didnt' count the holidays. And I don't think you can use the holidays as an excuse because some shows actually had higher numbers than the rest of the week on the holidays. I actually think they should have counted them. My favorite show Y&R wouldn't have dropped probably. But Days would have probably been under GL. Holiday ratings have always been controversial.

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That would've been nice to see GL above 8th place even if for one week.

Wow. A 4-way tie for 3rd place with a 2.5 rating. To think, that was the kind of numbers LOVING was getting before it was axed and morphed into The City.

I think DAYS is better than it's been in months, but it's still not Must-See-TV every day. You can miss a day or two each week and still be completely in the know with what's going on. I kind of feel the same way about GL these days, too.

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No the holidays because NBC never does well on those it seems. All I was saying was that the two days that NBC was off was after the holiday. July 3, 4, and 5 are days when people traditionally are not around since some places give people the day before or after off too and vacation run amok. If NBC had been on Thursday and Friday, they would have probably stayed at their normal numbers with Days around 2.5 and Passions wherever. Monday and Tuesday I would never count because there is no way they would do well-especially when a lot of young people watch NBC and were likely not around. I wish Days and Passions didn't count the whole week because I knew for a fact that their numbers on Wednesday would stink. Some people probably skipped the whole week bring they were only on 3 days and Wednesday some people were still on vacation/celebrating the holiday. NBC has alot of young viewers so holidays like this hurt them more then some other shows. That is why I excuse NBC for this week every year.

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Here's the Wimbeldon ratings for the last 6 years


1. Y&R 6.2 (-.1)

2. B&B 4.9 (+.4)

3. GH 4.0 (+.2)

3. DAYS 4.0 (-.3)

5. AMC 3.8 (+.2)

6. ATWT 3.7 (same)

6. OLTL 3.7 (-.1)

8. GL 3.5 (same)

9. PSNS 2.5 (+.3)

2001 - Worst Wimbledon week ever

1. Y&R 5.8 (same)

2. B&B 4.5 (same)

3. ATWT 3.7 (same)

4. GL 3.6 (same)

5. AMC 3.5 (-.2)

6. GH 3.4 (-.3)

7. OLTL 3.3 (-.2)

7. DAYS 3.3 (-.6)

9. PSNS 1.9 (-.4)


1. Y&R 4.8 (same)

2. B&B 3.9 (+.1)

3. DAYS 3.5 (-.1)

4. GH 3.4 (+.1)

5. ATWT 3.1 (+.3)

6. OLTL 2.9 (+.1)

6. AMC 2.9 (same)

8. GL 2.6 (-.1)

9. PSNS 2.0 (same)


1. Y&R 4.6 (+.1)

2. B&B 3.6 (+.2)

3. ATWT 3.1 (+.2)

3. GH 3.1 (-.4)

5. GL 2.8 (+.2)

5. OLTL 2.8 (-.2)

7. AMC 2.7 (-.2)

8. DAYS 2.6 (-.2)

9. PSNS 1.7 (-.1)


1. Y&R 4.2 (+.2)

2. B&B 3.5 (+.3)

3. ATWT 2.8 (+.1)

4. OLTL 2.6 (+.1)

4. AMC 2.6 (same)

4. GH 2.6 (-.1)

7. DAYS 2.5 (same)

8. GL 2.3 (+.1)

9. PSNS 1.8 (same)

Here is Charleston WV, DAYS started at 1:15 on Monday

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Well, thank goodness they were already re-newed. Regardless of what spin you put on it or reasons you give for it, 2.3 and -.3 drop is awful and pathetic. The show should not be in a position to fall that low regardless. If it takes a big hit for Wimbledon, it should still be higher than what it is. This is DANGEROUS! Get it together, DAYS!

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