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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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Wow! I didn't know Erika and Kaysar were united. I'm cool with that.

And, I think George could win if the houseguests piss off one another. For instance, Marcellas is still pissed at Danielle, and theres no way he would let her win. By the final week, there will be some mixed feelings amoung the houseguests.

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I'm thrilled it was Kaysar, too. I want him & Janelle for the final 2!

I hope he puts up Will & Nakomis. I voted to put her in, but so far she's aligning herself with the wrong people. Didn't she learn anything from two-faced Diane in the past?

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Something to think about...

Of course I don't want Janelle to go, infact I want to see her make to the end. However, I was thinking, what if Kaysar were to backout of his alliance and nominate Janelle for eviction. In the end, everyone is playing for themselves.

She is the biggest overall threat in the house. Pretty much everyone would vote to evict her knowing this. Now, I'm sure she would strike deals with all of the houseguests for her to stay, but she can't promise everyone that she would save them for a vote for her to not get evicted. Kaysar would not have any major fear, other than Howie seeking revenge upon him, but I feel Kaysar is the stronger player anyways.

There are a few downsides to this idea though. Kaysar would lose a strong ally to further himself in the game permitting Janelle did get voted out. Also, Janelle is a fierce compeitior and has a strong possibility of winning veto. If she were to save herself, she would make sure Kaysar walked out the following week.

So, would do you all think? Would nominating Janelle be a stragetic idea on Kaysar's part?

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Its interesting to see George on the show, becuase even though he probably knows how BB works now with 5 seasons of this format, he has gone through a completely different experience than the others. So I hope he sticks around.

Since its only been a year since BB6, I'd much rather see BB1-BB4 go farther in the game :):D

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Diane and Nakomis are the two biggest competitiors in that house. [!@#$%^&*] Will and Boogie. They can'd do [!@#$%^&*]. Neither has ever won a challenge, ever. Will supposedly throws them all. The only thing Boogie ever won was a popularity contest for HOH on the first day before anyone got to know the little [!@#$%^&*]! Go after BB5, KAYYYYYYYYYYYYYSAR!

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I'm actually going to miss Alison.....love Danielle though.

Wish I could post more on this show, but I'm having to tape the episodes and watch them next day and I can't post much in SON this summer anyway....

But what a great season so far!!! :)

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I will miss Alison too, alwaysamc, but I'm glad she's gone. It's like a double-edged sword. I wanted to see more of her, but she's dangerous for my favorites so she had to go! :) She was more mature this time, IMO, altho', I loved her the last time too! One of the greatest villains!

Darrah, we agree on Janelle, Jase, and Erika for the final four. Isn't that interesting? ;) I agree with you that Danielle is going to make it far....very far!

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thats a good final 4, but sadly I dont think Janelle will be there bc half the house is gunning for her. She can only win so many vetos, but if James gets thrown in there with her, she might not last as long. I see final 4 being Jase, Danielle, Erika and either George or Diane

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That's true that the whole house is gunning for her. After this week, I am sure that Nak, Diane, Will, or Boogie will be gone. So that will only leave three of them. So, then those three plus George are the only four who would be gunning for Janelle. Jase might be an issue. I just don't think Will, Boogie, George, or Danielle can win challenges. Well, I know they can't. I just hope they keep proving me right!

Wouldn't it great and amazing if Janelle won HOH again next week? :lol:

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I'd like to recommend to everyone to watch today's episode of Big Brother House Calls. Alison dished out a lot of dirt and clarified many questions about what's been going on in the house. The highlight of the episode was a caller towards the end who was dissing Alison for being so rude to Janelle because "she is far worse". Alison responded negatively and hung up on the caller.

It was a good episode and worthwhile if I do say so myself. Check it out over at www.cbs.com.

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