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BTG: First-ever role recast!

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Because they're three months ahead and know what's coming up for the character. I liked Maurice, but it's not a huge loss. I feel that at this point he's played Ted very sympathetic and they might've wanted more layers so that we could easier see Silkpress's point of view, so maybe he couldn't deliver.


Or maybe he was unprepared/flubbed his lines when he came on set and that became an issue with holding up production. Again, Tamara said she had to send out an e-mail about "professionalism"... 

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I don't know Maurice Johnson, but I have to defend him here.

I've now read multiple times that it's possible he couldn't handle the pacing and rigors of daytime, that he wasn't up to the production grind, that he couldn't handle all that dialogue.

I'm sorry, but it's not like Ted had monologues all over the place. I don't recall any scenes with demanding dialogue, frankly, and I think it's wrong to tag an actor with that.

Is it possible? Yes, but it's also possible he came to work drunk every day and everyone had to sit around until he sobered up. It's demeaning -- in my opinion -- to attribute the recasting to MJ being unable to handle the work.

I think this is clearly a case of "taking the character in a different direction." I trust this was given careful consideration and I hope this isn't followed by more recasts any time soon. I don't like the signals that multiple recasts would send to the audience.

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It got mentioned. Though I am not sure if it was here or in the main article thread. I could see that. Especially now with the news of MJ retweeting tweets that people asked for him back.


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Not Nellie Oleson.


Is American Dreams the tv show that had Brittany Snow on it? If so...ooo.

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Yet. But like I said the other day (and only speaking for myself), it does sound like the Nicole/Ted/SilkPress/Eva storyline will start to have a build through next month leading into May Sweeps and that would increase how much Ted is seen and what he does. Which is why I leaned into the grind possibility.


With the news of the retweets, I am kinda leaning into the perhaps he was not the first choice, but the one available possibility. 


No disrespect to the actor meant. 

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I've seen a lot of people speculate that he won't be in it for the long haul but he is one of the 20 characters on contract which suggests to me they want him to stick around. I will say, despite his heavy screentime, he doesn't seem as developed as the other contract characters. He's the only person on contract with no friends or family. All he has is Ashley and even she has the friendship with Naomi and a mother on canvas. He definitely feels like he should've been recurring. 

This is the one character I wish I had some insight on what the show has planned because I just don't understand.

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I wouldn't say I was shocked by this news but definitely surprised. Not surprised in a "OMG, are they really going to pull an Aunt Viv!?!!!" way (because we know any time someone mentions that as the barometer for recasts, that person has never regularly watched a soap) but more in a "Oh yeah, this really is a daytime soap" way. Obviously, people have mentioned wanting recasts of certain characters, but I kinda filed it away with a bunch of the soap aesthetic things that I just never would expect to see on a brand new soap in 2025.

Like, there's no way in the world we're going to hear that "The role of Ted Richardson is now being played by..." voiceover, right? Right!?

And do we know for a fact that this is a permanent recast and not a temp? I know there's 8 pages of thread here and I should just go back and see, but I ain't got the time, yall.

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