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DAYS: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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Javi is cute as hell and has a rockin' body, but it's all wasted with Leo. There's no chemistry there. None.

Hearing Javi mention Leo's "extravagant" accommodations at the Salem Inn was laughable. That place is a frickin dump and looks like cockroaches have set up a camp.

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I know that we're supposed to feel like Philip is a villain, and he is ruining Xander's relationship.


If Victor knew that Philip was capable of such a remarkable recovery from mental illness. To where he is today, in terms of level of functioning (although I still don't understand the meaning of his untucked shirt, unless it's because he declared the work day is over). He probably would have wanted Xander and Philip to work together as half-brothers.  As evidenced by Maggie's statement after seeing them, that this is what Victor would have wanted.


She also told Sarah that secrets always come out...

Somehow, they really have me rooting for Philip that somehow it will all work out.  I doubt it.  But, I liked that scene with the three dumb dudes thinking that they could somehow take over Dimera.  Despite that fact, that their father was never able to achieve that goal, and he was a lot more connected and experienced. 

I'm curious, how much older was Victor supposed to be when he moved to Salem compared to Philip’s current age in the show's canon? For context, John Aniston was 53 when he joined the show, while PT is now 46 and JPL just turned 45 today (happy birthday!). Back in 1985, Victor was old enough to be Bo's father. Fast-forward to today, and Philip's former schoolmate, Shawn-D, already has an adult granddaughter. In 1983, Bo was just slightly older than an 18-year-old Hope, making their relationship not seem too creepy at the time. Now, Philip could realistically date Joy, who was originally conceived to save the life of his ex-girlfriend (assuming we understand that JPL and Philip can be different ages).

So, maybe Xander and Philip have more experience than I credited them?

And I'm blindly calling it now, Leo and Javi are going to wind up raising Joy's baby.

Edited by j swift
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This is really disappointing, although why should we surprised DAYS would take the easy and cheap way out? Ron's stories are the problem. He wasn't writing the dialogue, so how does that get better?

I thought we were done with Carlivati in April. Now we have more MONTHS of his garbage?

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The aging of the kids is never going to make sense.  Belle and Phillip were born years after Stephanie and Alex.  Brady was born a few months before Abby.  Shawn D is approximately the right age and does not have an adult granddaughter.  Just Claire the adult daughter and Belle/Shawn were pretty young when she was born.

Phillip was the golden child and should be the heir IMO.  He just kept doing stupid things.  Both Phillip and Xander have some previous experience running Titan.  More Phillip than Xander, but Phillip also was a marine and has a fake leg so that was a career disruption on the business end.

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Plus, Philip has the support of most of Victor's ex-wives, Kate, Vivian, and Maggie.

So, let bygones be bygones. What's a little plagiarism worth between half-brothers?

Remember Nixon, it's never the crime, it's the cover-up.

Edited by j swift
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I’m finally in March and I’m so sad that we’re approaching John’s onscreen death. DH is playing Marlena’s worry perfectly. It’s like Marlena can sense it might be different this time than all the other times they’ve disappeared or “died.” 

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When they brought in a new producer, not much fundamentally changed. I don't think much is going to fundamentally change with new writers. They've found their formula, however cheap and crappy, and this is the show they're going to do. With their budget and Peacock, probably not much else they can do.

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Considering how many times Shawn has been written out, I'm not sure it would do much for her, but maybe.

I wish they had taken the opportunity to recast Shawn again at some point. I don't think Beemer has ever had the spark that the character should have had. The best I can say is he isn't afraid to look his age.

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That's worrying, because it indicates that they didn't get rid of Ron because they were unhappy with the material he was delivering but potentially needed cheaper options. Unfortunately, sometimes I fear the rot is far too set in on this show at this point to ever turn it around properly. 

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