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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Yeah… can we not ruin Emma to prop the actual ungrateful dog with a bone, please? Gio, I like ya a lot but that was not necessary.

And I agree Guy Wilson is doing a good job as TempLucky, and I can see why he needed to play those scenes today as opposed to JJ. But yeah, still don’t see why the kiss needed to happen though. 

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Two days in a row an excellent cliffhanger. 

All episode all I did was fear that the show was finally taking their chance to potentially shock kill off Liz, thank god I was wrong. Those scenes with Cyrus had the perfect tension. I found myself thinking of course he’s confessing, he’s going to kill Liz. Lucky being stabbed the syringe though was surprising.

The music this show uses for Drew and Willow while also portraying them as pariahs sends two totally different messages. I don’t need lovey dobey music as Drew shows his nephew’s wife the house he bought for them while Michael is literally still recovering and they aren’t divorced. 

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With the way they've been about L&L2 Redux I think this is likely one of Becky Herbst's safest points! Korte/Van Etten literally said Liz & Lucky are "foundational" to their current view of the show. 

But, they are in the process of becoming divorced. Papers have been filed so their legal status is closer to divorced than to being married. 

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I think some are expecting BTG to be the savior for daytime soaps. That is a lot of pressure

As I said on socials


I welcome BTG to the daytime soap family. I wish it all the best. I also continue to wish success and longevity  on BB DAYS GH Neighbours YR
The more we support these SIX, we may get a SEVENTH or EIGHTH 

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I don't support soap operas that are bad. This isn't a pep rally.

I love GH and have watched it most of my life. I also think GH is mostly bad these days and a great deal of the cast should be cut, along with the creative regime. These people aren't my friends IRL and I don't know them. They're not owed lifetime jobs. If you want to know why people are supporting BTG, it's because they're tired of the same old grinding mediocrity (as well as self-evident racism) and are very hopeful for something better. And if it came down to one show I'd watch at 2 PM, it would absolutely be BTG first.

Just because I grew up watching this show does not mean I am obligated to always support it blindly, and don't think massive changes need to be made.

Despite being mostly terrible at present I am sure GH will be tough competition for BTG. So am I rooting for it to fail against BTG? Absolutely. The only way GH can get better is to take real losses.

Edited by Vee
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I agree; Monday my attention will be on Beyond the Gates. General Hospital is just a boring drag with problematic scripts. So much. Everything in the previews is 100x better and more interesting than what we're seeing on any of the other soaps right now. It will have me locked in at 2pm daily.

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I feel for the talented performers that all these shows still employ, that are clearly trying to make crap work. Especially vets.

I don’t know if people around here remember the tone for daytime after OLTL and AMC were cancelled at the same time. It seemed inevitable that GH would be gone soon too.

At that time, the feeling was very real that people that wanted to leave, like Geary and MB, were just hanging on for the end. To me, some of that feeling is back now. And both times, ABC let an Executive Producer stay that should be gone. JFP outlasted Guza and got a HW she could absolutely control- Garin Wolf. And Valentini has installed writers that he has total control over. In both instances, the stories were weak and the overall issues with the show remained, largely due to the storytelling tastes of their EP’s.

FV and RC saved GH, I will never forget that. When GH was firing again, all the soaps were seeing numbers that they had not seen in many years. There was some hope there. They just didn’t have the creative juice in all those tired EP’s and writers they kept recycling to keep it going. Shelly Altman and Jean Passanante were at both GH and Y&R in the same decade and just as awful as they were before. Ron at DAYS. Josh back at Y&R. None of these people are visionary at this point.

My hope is that the same thing does happen again, only this time the lessons need to be learned. Invest in creative voices, and make necessary changes bts to do it. If BTG’s even comes close to strong ratings for today, then other soaps have to evolve, or start planning for their last episodes. 

Edited by titan1978
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