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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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For me, the problem with Valentin (besides the fact that JPS won't sign a [!@#$%^&*] long-term contract - which is nuts, because, c'mon, Jimmy, you're so much better than short-lived sitcoms on Disney+) is that the writers WANT him to be a pivotal character with layers, but there are only two of those layers, and both are so damn extreme.  If he's the villain, then he's the moustache-twirling kind who's motivated solely by the needs of the plot; and if he's the tortured romantic hero, he's the kind who's so wimpy (with that [!@#$%^&*] piano-playing) that he makes Spinelli look like Jason!  And I love characters who have a lot of sides to show, but GMAFB!

Edited by Khan
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MY GOD IN HEAVEN! What an unholy idea. The very idea of even mentioning a lightweight but slick guy like Valentin in even the same paragraph as Anthony Herrera's iconic stellar performance as James Stenbeck, a multi-layered villain created by the Dobsons, ... I'm just beside myself at that idea. 

I like it. Although I think the only thing they're doing is keeping him in town, which I approve of, even though I tend to hate the idea that GH thinks a grown-ass adult woman should even consider having a kind of a boyfriend type in a work meeting with her. But, the misogyny at GH runs deep. 

Hating the guy is not caring! I mean ... well, it's hating. I hate him way too much to ... not care.


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Lol everytime I see Sonny, I’m reminded of characters and much more talented actors that have been thrown under the bus for this awful played out tyrant. I dislike Sonny about as much as I dislike Victor Newman, but Victor at least amuses me on occasion. 

Can’t wait for you to see Ric and Liz. She was so pleased to have him there. GIVE ME THE QUAD!

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Always. re: Victor. YOU GOT THAT!?

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Regardless of the Friday cliffhanger I'm not looking forward to, I'm looking forward to seeing those scenes. I definitely love those prickly Ric vs Lucky scenes while Ric stayed scoring points with Liz. And I know MW will give as Ava so YES, PLEASE.



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I'll have to disagree with you there, now granted I don't know what is common in the US but where I am from it is expected that one can have a support person in a work meeting (and the employer cannot legally refuse either) who can be a family member, friend, partner, legal representative, union member or even an emotional support clown lol.

That said, I do think that Ric was clearly the better choice to be the support person in this case.

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That's interesting. I've never heard of that being part of the work culture.

Now, I do understand Ric's presence but it's because he can be her attorney. And, an attorney could & probably should attend any meeting of that sort.

The thing about Ava, right now at least, is that it feels really wrong because you just don't think of Ava as being desperate. It's not a good look for her. And, I am one of the fans who are perplexed about her financial situation because she had money, of her own, long before she had the divorce settlement from Nik. Now it seems she is really pretty broke all because Nik did something with some money, Cassadine money, that he shouldn't have done. And, these Greek officials are taking a hard line, so Ava is not in possession of money she is legally entitled to. As you can see this is fairly convoluted. If she is really considering downgrading her accommodations, then, this is, well, dire. And, another thing, being a gallery owner in a town like Port Charles is the purview of a dilettante. You have to spend a lot of money to get money. 

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The comparisons between James and Valentin would suggest the show sees Valentin as villainous in the way ATWT did with James, I don't think they do.

To be honest, beyond Anthony Herrera's intensity and good looks, I also don't think James was much as a character. But he did serve for some good story here and there in the '80s, which I can't say about Valentin.

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Wow, Willow is a whole hoe. Going through a divorce and invited her side dude to spend Christmas with her. I hate how they are phrasing it like she's so good bc she only wants to be there for Scout and make sure Drew isnt alone for the holidays. Nah hoe, you want him

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I'm just biding my time till she, inevitably, finds out that he's been screwing her mom this whole time! I have no doubt at all that she is going to totally plotz - and I cannot wait! It couldn't happen to a more deserving nitwit. Literally, the only thing they could do to please me more would be to bring up the cult & Shiloh & draw the comparisons between Shiloh then & Drew now. 

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