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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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Truthfully I don’t know what to think. Valentini has allegedly tried repeatedly to lure JMB back to the show, even before a Lucky return was on the table. Genie has made no secret that she would like to work with JJ again, but I don’t think anyone has that kind of pull anymore. Clearly they decided to shore up the Spencer family.

What I see is what was happening before the strike, and most of last year. The show is falling apart at the seams due to lack of actual story. Planned story, intended to last for longer than 30 or 60 days.

A prime example is whatever the hell just happened with Sasha. Robert and Holly are her parents and they are gone shortly after the reveal, leaving her there with a head scratching twist and not an actual story about it.

Edited by titan1978
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It does make me wonder if they're wrapping it up somehow. Willow has spent forever claiming it was all a huge mistake and now she's immediately banging him. Understand, I am far from against them finally fúcking. But there were ways to do that kind of night of passion right and build it up quickly even now - maybe Michael turns horribly verbally abusive, maybe she learns he's been with Sasha or thinks he's serving her with divorce papers - but the total 180 she did from the night before where she sleeps with her husband and vows Drew is in the past to fúcking him in the nursery, with no real call to cheat on Michael in her mind, is just deranged.

To be clear, beyond the scandalousness of this Drew story Sasha and Willow can both go into the farm thresher for me. I think they are both useless and totally overstayed on the show long-term. But if Sasha wants to embrace her inner schemer with her parents' latest abandonment and bleed Michael for all he's worth for awhile, sure, I can allow that as an exit story for both. I also think it might as well be time for Who Killed Drew Q? It's clear no one is committed to developing the character (or Nina) in an interesting way post-Mulcahey.

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Oh lord! Not the baby cam!!!


LOL!!! But seriously, you all were not lying about this being messy. Michael already knows after Willow pulled this fake 'who I just didn't talk to 5 minutes ago' to Drew. And if looks could kill, Michael would have Willow and Drew reduced to ash. But again...can Michael say ANYTHING when he is running around not telling Willow he slept with Sasha. That said...it would be awesome if he showed that video before the election. But then again...he probably will if I'm right that they are burning off the last of stories that were clearly PM's.


I was totally submerged in Alexis and Dante. NLG and DZ were playing their grief to the hilt. OMG NLG has Alexis looking like hell. And I really appreciated that they touched on the very thing that I was worried about for Alexis...if Alexis would fall off the wagon. Her getting back on the wagon and getting her law license back was hard fought. And I would hate it go down the drain. At least right now. So I loved the writers took that head on and Alexis expressed herself.


And Dante and his grief. I thought DZ dropped the ball just a little bit a few episodes back, but this was more in my feels. I loved Sonny AND Olivia being there for him. And when he was talking about what he wanted...to have Sam alive again...I'm not sure who wrote that dialogue...but as someone who has lost someone that he was deeply in love with...that hit. DZ was pitch perfect...and I teared up. DZ sold that and how he's moving around Sam's apartment...just the presence. I really just wanted to hug Dante. That was soooo well done for me. I've been there. I felt that. The ghosts...


If FV is going to do anything, he (just like RC) will find a way to get a guy shirtless. lol. Drew. Lucas. Not that I'm complaining. If malpractice or murder is going on, I do feel they are going a little tooooooo slow with that angle to Sam's death though. But at least they are hinting.


Hm. For some reason, I already thought everyone knew about Sasha and Holly...lol. So it's funny to see Carly didn't know. But it was a nice way for her and Anna to compare notes. And then Brennan with the ID on Sidwell. Now how are they not a triangle again? 



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The only long-form story they plan for anymore is pregnancies. Hence the endless surrogacy. It kills months of airtime and fills space.

The entire Scorpio thing feels like it has only two real purposes: Write out Tristan and make the R/H shipper on staff happy, and above all provide an excuse to keep Sofia Mattsson employed after her near-firing during Mulcahey's tenure.

Did anyone even find out the truth about Wagger?

And then there's the Pikeman thing. I am still baffled by how we are supposed to accept that (IIRC) Brennan was in fact Pikeman or one of the two heads, but managed to get off scot-free by claiming he was merely 'undercover for the WSB' (which I think Anna has said was a crock and a cover story on his part, unless I am wrong) and now he's just a roguish romantic prospect for Carly.

Edited by Vee
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Yeah, I agree. I mean...look at what has happened just in the first part of a spiral...MESS.


Cody at least has had enough of a connection made to Mac and family and a nice written monologue for me to care somewhat. 


Sasha not so much until this latest turn of events and even I picked on the style in which it was done. And sadly, Sasha already appears to be recovering too quick for me. 


Yep. Pretty much.





Hopefully there is not more BTS drama to come from the hidden ABC guy. But then again...



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I'm surprised that they gave Robert a happy ending. I was expecting them to do 2022 again, with Holly leaving town and then Robert going back to appearing once every 4 months or so. That they took the effort, and the writers didn't screw it up with any stupid twists, is really appreciated. 

What is screwed up is making Sasha their daughter. Their daughter should be a charismatic, fun, new character who could shake up the town, and whose name they can say, not "Sasher."

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It was like Sam tragically dying turned Willow/Drew on and that's the strangest thing ever.

Willow has never had a strong enough point of view or personality for me to even give any of her intentions much thought, but she's had a pretty long history of lying and shady behavior so I am not sure why we should like her as a heroine.  

Dropping Nina out of this story was the biggest mistake of course.   I don't mind the mess and I am glad something happened, but they are probably the 4 most boring characters to focus a quad on.  BLQ and Chase being added somehow is the only way to make it more dull.

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Even more depressing to remember the main reason that change happened.

If viewers are meant to commit to Drew being a sleaze and a user, then his using what minimal sadness he felt over Sam's death to get into Willow's designer drawers would make sense. But I'm not sure he is meant to be seen that way, and it doesn't do much for Willow that she went along.

I'm reminded of when JFP used a story about a dead Vietnamese child to justify John committing adultery with Felicia on AW.

Regarding Kristina, I do wonder how far Mulcahey may have intended for her feud with Joss to go. Joss is barely active now (not that I'm too sorry). Weren't some assuming Kristina or Molly would bed Dex? And did he have plans for Gio or was that always just some Frank jerkoff moment? Are we still waiting to learn Gio is Dante and Brooklyn's son?

Hell, maybe he's Robert and Holly's son too...

Edited by DRW50
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TBF, the Kristina/Joss rivalry was slowly being started before the recast and then stopped. A good thing since the audience definitely needed time to get used to the recast. I figured it was completely forgotten so I was glad to see PM pick up the feud. 


Some did assume yes. And then the baby died and Blaze left. And Natalia stayed so Kristina seem like she became a hot potato and not to be touched.


Once Molly started being in scenes with Dex who she never had scenes with...some assumed that might happen. Heck Molly/Dex might still happen. I felt KV emerged as the better actress between her and Kate Mansi so putting her in the middle of mess that still could be potential drama (and still keep Alexis's daughter vs Carly's daughter active...though the appeal of Kristina and Joss feuding was Sonny's daughter vs Carly's daughter or even Sonny's daughter vs Jax's daughter would be higher stakes) a high possiblility. That is if the writers are planning to go there. 

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There were rumors at the time that a fight with Joss would lead to Kristina miscarrying. It would've been an ideal and organic way to go but of course didn't happen.

I do believe there were plans for Gio and Trina initially, and IIRC he was specifically promoted as a new man for Trina at one point (I think) and indicated some interest in her early on onscreen, but that all died on the vine and then got scrapped once Mulcahey was gone. Of course we don't know whose idea the character was anyway - I think he may have been another of those random separate auditions Frank liked and decided to make a character for, but don't quote me. (Which is a common soap opera practice to be fair, but FV has enough characters as is.) I still think in hindsight they should've simply recast Spencer immediately which would've kept the show (and PM) in a stronger position in the spring, and I think Giovanni Mazza might've been capable of it. But we'll never know now, and I think keeping Sprina out of commission suits both FV and the network's preferences.

I do think Drew is genuinely mourning Sam. I just think it's played poorly by both Cameron and the writing.

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