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GH: Legacy Character Recast

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Didn't you just say "I am close to reporting those kind of posts; it's uncomfortable, and predatory" when mentioning posters commenting on the new Aiden actor?

So you're uncomfortable reading that new Aiden is good looking but don't have a problem with a teen in a relationship with a much older guy???

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Another Aiden recast?  I'm a bit sad they didn't just keep the kid that did the coming out scene, it was such a beautiful scene.  Anyways... hopefully this means they finally have a plan.  

As for Lucas/Aiden, I have no issues if they want Lucas to date a younger guy, having him date a high schooler is kind of gross. At least make it a college age guy. 

Aiden should get a love interest his own age. Go after the Heartstopper crowd. Especially since season 3 is just around the corner... 

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Aiden was fine in the hands of Enzo DeAngelis, who s matter-of-fact"ly" spoke to his Mom.

Lucas has always been a Spencer, and in no universe would Bobbie say to him, "Oh Lucas, the heart wants what it wants, just treat Lucky's son right." 

Rebuilding the relationships among the Spencer family seems to be the way this team is trying to go. Being a supportive uncle that Aiden can ask questions because Lucas has been through the same thing (mentorship, as @Vee was saying) just helps pull the family unit together.

Queer as Folk: Family Edition just doesn't work in this narrative.


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Now you all up in here being messy!!! lol.

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But seriously....AIDAN'S STORYLINE LIVES!!!! Dare I hope...we finally see Tobias??


I mean I wonder what possibilities are in store. Like...would they refilm (or have they given he appears on today's episode?) the cut coming out scenes? Are they going to continue the potential bullying story? Or I just giving the New/Old Writers too much credit? 


I am curious to see where the story goes.

Agree. But I liked BOTH actors. 

Like Tobias? And...amen. Get that crowd how ever you can. 

I wasn't regular viewing at that time so thank you for the info. Mothers know.



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This is good news, especially since it looks like the Spencer/Webber family is being rebuilt and that’s a good thing. 

Hopefully, after all these musical Aiden’s, this recast works out. My only question is, why does Aiden suddenly look like the oldest Webber brother? 

As for a romantic pairing, I think y’all are letting that out of character Jason/Anna thing go to your heads lol Lucas is not the type to date a teen, especially one that was raised as his cousin. If anything, maybe they’ll cast Tobias. Or perhaps pair Aiden with Gio, who’s basically just been a talk to lately. Especially since the rumor was that Gio was originally conceived as a teen character but was aged once Giovanni Mazza got the role. 

I think his work in the Jake/Danny fight scene was the nail in his coffin

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Veering off is fun sometimes

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Now, now... we both know what was meant by what was said in regards to the other user(s) in-question regarding younger actors. And I do mean YOUNGER.

And the storyline is one we've seen play-out, multiple times, on primetime television. Again, it's all hyperbole and guessing of a potential storyline, given two pivotal recasts in relatively close time.

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All the mention of Bobbie not approving and them being family reminds me of when Gloria Monty almost paired her with her biological cousin, although they were the same age, and hadn't seen each other in decades. 

I don't think the show is going to pair Lucas and Aidan, as that would be hugely controversial and GH is mostly averse to controversy, but it speaks volumes of just how barren the canvas is in terms of queer men that it's even a possibility. 

A lot of younger people are smoking again. It's seen as cool in many cases, and the idea seems to be everyone is going to die soon anyway, so who cares.

Given the climate in America today they probably just didn't want to take the risk. Emmerdale had a young man, played by an age-appropriate actor, come out, and were immediately attacked by a lot of viewers, an attempt at pairing him with another character around the same age was called grooming, and that character was quickly written out. The main character then vanished for ages and is still barely used now. And that's in the UK. The US is always somewhat worse on these matters.

GH has never been good with lgbt characters, and I don't see that changing.

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I feel like people complaining about actors playing teens on soaps that look too old, is like those who complain about characters coming back from the dead, or killing off legacy children.  It is the proverbial low-hanging fruit of soap criticism, and is as predictable on social media as the endless postings about soap cancellations. 

Edited by j swift
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I doubt they will care. Nothing about him will probably be long term anyway. Look at how the show treated Jake, who was well-liked by a number of fans. (and now will likely be recast with an actor who is 10-15 years too old for the part to make up for this Aidan).

I laughed when I saw tweets that he looks older than Lucky, because he kind of does.

To me complaining about killing off legacy children isn't low-hanging fruit, it's a decision that often rots away a show and leads to little to no valuable storyline. 

I think much of the time complaints about recasting with actors who look too old is valid, but it is especially so in this case as JJ and Herbst look younger than their ages. Having a son who is meant to be 14 but looks their age or older is odd. It might not stand out as much with parent actors who look older, but in this case, it's as if their child was transported from the Depression and given a makeover.

I also saw mention that he is older than the actor who plays Gio, which just makes me wonder even more why Gio was even brought in.

Edited by DRW50
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This dude is not untalented but too old lol. And if you have me choose between keeping him or Hudson West it's no contest. Very strange how much they've over-aged so many kids that should've stayed younger - Rocco looks ready for college, etc.

Edited by Vee
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