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Y&R: Amy Lewis Returning

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I will never forgive Mal Young for killing her off. I used to want Phyllis and Neil to have faked her death and swept her to a secret facility that could keep her alive but comatose and not tell Devon just in case she didn’t make it, that or a crazed GC Buzz fan. With the latest backstory of Hilary and Amanda’s rich birth family they can just say one of them already knew about the relation and took her.

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@DramatistDreamer@detroitpiston Killing off Hilary make zero sense on so many levels. Sure, put her in a coma like Phyllis. Devon could've still moved on.

Bring her back. In fact, have Amanda first arrive back in town just in time for Devon/Abby wedding. She can get in some good digs at Abby again, but Devon being the sucker, invites Amanda to the wedding. *Amanda* shows up and no one thinks anything of it - until the key moment, when she starts slowly walking down the aisle to reveal she's Hilary.

IDC about any of the backstory BS how she was saved, just get Hilary. Diane is a perfect example of how it can work and revive the show.

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Quite some time ago, someone in the Y&R thread had proposed the idea of having Neil putting Hilary somewhere hidden. At first, I didn’t like the idea because I assumed that it would make Neil the bad guy and I hated the idea of posthumously making such a drastic change in his character. The other day though, I thought what if Hilary was being threatened by someone and turned to Neil for help and his solution was to hide her away until the threat was removed? I thought of a scenario where Hilary, in an effort to revive GC Buzz as a news and current events journal, rather than a gossip vlog and a story that she was secretly pursuing caused her to receive threats to her (and Devon’s) lives. Hilary, wanting to protect Devon goes to Neil for help, swearing him to secrecy. Neil, goes to Victor, to ask what contacts he might have but doesn’t tell Victor why. Victor trusts that it is for a just cause, tells Neil to “say less” and gives a Neil the contacts (it might be cool if Larry Wharton turns out to be one of, but not the crucial contacts) he desperately needs. In the midst of Neil’s sudden death, Hilary (who doesn’t know of his passing) is cut off from every and all things in GC. She doesn’t know that Neil hired a private investigator to find out who was threatening Hilary and Devon and the PI, whose only direct connect was Neil sent a message through an encrypted private message that not only was Neil the sole person who knew the password to unlock the message but no one else knew the existence of this line of communication in the first place. There are are only three people who know that Hilary is alive and only two who know how to get to her and one of them is dead.

The account that sent automatic payments to midwife/caretaker for the care of Hilary and the baby has just run completely out of funds and is forced to admit as much to Hilary who had suspected for some time that something happened to Neil. Now she is sure she has to find out as well as whether Neil was able to neutralize the threat as he promised. She enlists the help of the caretaker and gives her a slip of paper that she says contains the name of the only person who is likely to have the resources to help. Later the caretaker has brought some groceries to stock the pantry and storage. The caretaker has her bag packed, as Hilary assures her that she is confident that she has memorized the codes to the security system as the caretaker urges Hilary to take all precautions and hands Hilary a burner phone and tells her she will be in touch. She gives Hilary a hug and the toddler a cuddle and sets out into the darkness of night.

Later, the caretaker is seen at an airstrip. While on the small plane, she unfolds and stares at the strip of paper. The name Victor Newman is scrawled in faint script.

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 Someone from Y&R is reading these casting ideas and taking notes. 

Lydia Cornell or Charlene Tilton as Patty Williams

Sabrina Le Beauf as Olivia

Grant Goodeve as Steve Williams

Lee Horsley as Matt Miller

Douglas Barr as Greg Foster

Larry Wilcox as Andy Richards

Lindsay Wagner as Dr. Casey Reed

Jaclyn Smith as Jill's long sister Angelica

Karen Valentine as Jill's long lost sister Daphne







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