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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My only issue with this is that Tracy is such a fighter. I don't think she'd ever actually kill herself. I'm sure she's probably thought of it at least once, everyone has, I think-but this is TracyQ we're talking about. Her middle name should be "fighter". It's in her blood. Marco Dane nicknamed her "Rocky" for a reason. Not only would she not do it, she'd order Luke not to do it, either.

I AM good with her and/or Luke being killed off, but I can't see suicide for her. HIM on the other hand? If Tracy died, or one of his kids, someone would have to literally pull the barrel out of his mouth, I think.

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I grew up watching soaps, because we only had one TV in the house, and we're talking late seventies/early eighties, when there weren't 250 channels on most people's tv's, to choose from. It's not people and their sensibilities that have changed, so much as it is : popular culture, the aforementioned multiple station choices, and other things to do that distract/take up time. I loved watching DOOL as a teen. The summer after my sophomore year in HS, I would run to the TV at noon to watch Justin/Adrienne and Anjelica (our Jane!). So no, I don't think it's that 12-17 wouldn't be interested in soaps IF you gave them something to be interested in. And I don't necessarily mean other teens. Adrienne/Justin weren't teens. Anjelica/Tracy certainly wasn't a teen, and I LOVE both of them, did back then, still do.

I do think that soaps cannot compete anymore with fresher, newer programs without completely revamping how they are done. That would require a dedication that imo ABCD hasn't had in years.

Perhaps as someone said, web soaps are the new thing?

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I agree GH's days are definately numbered.

As for how Luke is going out?

Well I for one am not expecting a happy ending with Tracy.

Tony pretty much negated that with his SID quote.

Didn't he say Tracy is under no such allusion of a "happily ever after, walk into the sunset" type ending for Lunacy.

Yep, I bet old boy is gonna die in a blaze of glory.

Hey as long as Tony is happy, why not?

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Yes unfortunately this is not only from the oltl clusterfuck poster who said months ago the two soaps were cancelled down to the actual months they are set to go (tgey now say gh is already a done deal and the mouse house ordered end of all soap production and prospect has been put on countdown and tge only reason gh wasn't canceled yet is the replacement wasn't ready yet). I'll bring over their posts

But also from my good source who told me several weeks ago that amc and oltl were done deal and I posted it.

It makes me so sad but I guess soap fans won't go without a fight!

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You know, I'm not sad at all about GH ending, not anymore, had the Q's still been major players, I'd be far more upset.

I WILL be upset if Tracy isn't given something to do. I don't know why I am expecting more for this character, when she hasn't been given anything of her own so far with Guza. But I can't see why they can't give her a swan song story.

What gets under my skin is the way it's all being handled, and the comments from executives and even people in the entertainment industry. What I've read some people have done and said has come across as very rude and unprofessional. It's like, they think that just because it's a done deal, they can talk to and/or about the actors and the fans and the genre itself any way they want. Just awful behavior all the way around. I can't believe they are acting this way in public.

So I wonder if GH's replacement is ready now, and if so, when they'll announce it.

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She does deserves it. But if we can't get a happy ending, then why not go for a euthanasia story? It is a social issue that hasn't been covered to any extent in the history of the soap opera genre. It would be the equivalent of "going out with a roar." Yes, it would not be true to Tracy's character to go through with suicide as ILTQ has stated, however it would be a matter of her loving him enough to want to die with him. She knows how self-destructive he is, and she wouldn't want him to go through that kind of pain after her death. I know I am reaching here, but that is my opinion and I am sticking with it. Haha. Realistically, I want them to get their happy ending and either remain in Port Charles or take that vacation in Italy that Luke was talking about in Helena's dungeon. He wanted to take her to Siena's vineyards. I could see them traveling the world for a while before settling back down in the mansion.

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I just don't want to see Tracy end EVER!!!!

I actually don't know what I would do with my free time - she hasbeen such a huge part of my life for about five years now.

I don't know what I'd do without her - yes I know it sounds lame but Tracy was a comfort during highschool. I didn't have the easiest time during school and Tracy was my constant, she was alway there and after I joinded here you guys were one of the only things that kept me going - I may not have been posting but I was always here.

Seriously. What will I do without GH, even if it is just bitching about how Trac doesn't get enough storyline


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I felt that way back in 93 when Jane left. I was upset about it for several months afterward. The difference is that she was used way more back then, so there was so much more to miss. I even felt that way when Tracy was on The City and it got cancelled in 97, but she was really a lead character even then.

These days, there's not nearly as much to miss, not even close, but I completely understand where you are coming from.

TracyQ has always been the character for me that I know the show doesn't call a heroine or even expect me to love, but I do, anyway. Perhaps because she's such an underdog, even now with Luke. Even now, certain people just assume that at the end of GH, Luke will toss Tracy aside like an old shoe and go running back to Bora. Which makes me just root for Tracy all the harder, because of all the women on this show that I can actually say DESERVES a devoted mate, it's Tracy. As Remos (or someone) said, she's paid her dues. She's had men stomp on her her whole life, including her "daddy". She deserves to have at least one man be with her, who wants to be there, and so far, that has been Luke.

At any rate, there is something about Jane/Tracy that is just LOVEABLE, and I don't know if TIIC saw it when they cast her, knowing that JE would be able to bring the right amount of vulnerability to this character, or if it took them by surprise. But I cannot really imagine anyone else doing as great a job as JE has done with her. SHE is why I love Tracy. A lesser actress would make Tracy just another plotting, eeevvil soap diva. I do not now, nor have I ever, really considered Tracy a villain. At her worst, her actions have been evil, but some of the actions of our soap "heroines" and heroes have been worse. I consider her an "anti-heroine", a perfect foil to Luke's anti-hero.

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from Nancy Lee Grahn on Facebook this morning

Also, new drops on DD say that JI is getting a farewell story and it has no maya and very little Tracy. Guess what it is about? It is about Jason and Michael and Jason making peace with Edward and Edward leaving ELQ to Michael and Michael making a choice between ELQ and the mob. They said to watch dialogue for Jason talking about Alan more and Michael talking about feeling powerless.

I think I want to throw up!

With the complex edward/tracy relationship his exit should be all about those two.

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Excuse me? That just makes me sick.

And where's Monica? Like her or not, Monica is pretty much Edward's daughter too. Obviously, Tracy should be front and center 100%, but Monica should be there too. And if they're getting rid of Edward, they should be bringing back Skye too. And Alan in flashbacks. God I HATE these people.

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