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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It really seems today that there could be a dementia story coming up for Edward. But I doubt it will be getting much screen time. Too bad because it would be amazing. It would give the Qs something to do. And maybe even Monica would get a episode or two. I don't see why they would involve Bobbie. If Bobbie does not show up next month when the Kids are in the hospital, I believe we will not see her anytime soon, no matter what will happen at GH. Also with the budget so tight I believe GH will use the recurring people even less now and the expensive vets (on contract) not more than they have to. Maybe even JE got a cut and now has only a one episode/week contract.

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I know a bunch took a cut to stay on . I know jz hasn't taped in ages.

Such a shame but hey even ingo is being left out of the joss sick story. It is all Carly jarly and some of that costly Shawn dude and I'm sure lucky crying

Lukevus gonna be around a lot fir march just not much with Tracy im afraid

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I could only see it involving Bobbie because if Monica played a large part in griving Edward and being sad about losing him, it would only be logical for Bobbie to be there for her to lean on. Bobbie and Monica were the closest of friends.

Still no word on any possible Bobbie sightings? Do you think you could ask your inside source about any possible dates JZ might be taping?

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Of course Monica and Bobbie are close they both belong to my favorites, but Monica has better chances to show up on our screens than Bobbie. If Monica would be involved she would not get a scene about her feelings about Edward other than with contract players, Gh will not bring out JZ for that. It is such a shame. Jane still is on contract and she is not used much which gives me no hope for other vets on recurring like LC, JZ and DA.

And Jax is not even involved? Unbelievable. GH makes no sense anymore.

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Jax is involved, he just probably won't have the primary POV. Rumour has it this is why BH was spared - to be in this with Jax because of the Jake/Joss connection.

As for any story involving Edward, it would include Tracy, Jason, Michael, Luke, the other Spencermaines, and Sam by extension. Monica and Bobbie are a thing of the past, it would seem. We might get some Monica but I'm afraid Bobbie has been shown the door.

And when talking about connections, I think GH is hitting the mark better these days then it has in months. The relationship between Brenda and Edward/Lila didn't need to be honoured, but it was. J-Lex's friendship goes back for years and we got a reminder of that. Lucky's accurate recounting of his own history was good to see. Even Robin - who annoys me like no other, and that's saying something (yes S&B, I'm looking at you) - was reminding everyone of who befriended whom over the years.

Rumours - which often seem to be negative - are rarely grown to fruition, in my experience. So I wouldn't predict doom and gloom at this point for any of it. I think if we look at the character of Monica TPTB have quite possibly realized they made a mistake a few years back and instead of Alan they should have had Monica killed. But what is done is done, and while it might not be popular with every long standing fan, I can see the reasons behind why stories involve certain characters and not others. Fans will always want their favourites to be highlighted, but that's not always in the show's best interests. I've loved Bobbie since the beginning of my GH viewing, but I'm quite comfortable with her being gone now. If she had remained the emotional powerhouse she had been over the years, I would want her involved with the stories now. But quite frankly I have a hard time even looking at her and don't feel she brings much more than tradition to the canvas. It's sad, but what JZ has done to herself has ruined Bobbie for me.

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So I just read some spoilers that say little Jake is involved in a hit and run accident on the 18th and that Edward, Kristina, Brooke, Sam and Robin are suspects. It sounds to me that if Edward is getting "forgetful" that he might be the culpret? Just sayin' :mellow:

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I definitely see what you are seeing Remos. And I, like others, know that shows have to evolve and new characters have to be brought on. I understand that, and I've long-since made peace with it. The problem that I have with General Hospital is that all of these young characters have SUCH a connection to the true history of the show, but it is ignored. Jason, Carly, Brenda, Sonny, Sam, are pretty much the main characters of the show. Jason is a Quartermaine, though that is ignored. Carly is Bobbie's daughter, but yet Bobbie has never even met her grandaughter. Brenda has a rich history with the Quartermaines, that has been acknowledged twice since her return. Sonny has a long history with the Quartermains, including stealing one of their heirs. But yet that is never brought up. Sam is Alexis' daughter, and while Alexis hasn't been on as long as say Bobbie or the Quartermaines, it is still a connection to history that is only played up for deaths and/or hospital visits. Also, sam is also tied to the Cassadines, an old-school GH family that gets no attention at all.

Then you have characters like Maxie. Maxie's parents are the legendary Frisco and Felicia. And not only did they write Felicia out, they did everything they could to destroy the character and have virtually removed Maxie from the history she came from. Also, Lucky. Lucky and Bobbie always had a very nice relationship, especially back when JJ originated the role, but that has been completely ignored.

Then of course there are the likes of Elizabeth and Steven. These characters are ESPECIALLY important because they are the FINAL remaining ties that the show has to the Hardy's...It's originaal core family! And they do everything they can to crap all over Elizabeth in the writing department, and Steven is nothing more than a prop used for occasional dramatic scenes at the hospital.

Even BrookLynn. Now, I like the Brook/Nik pairing. I do. But it is absolutely RIDICULOUS that they brought Adrianne Leon back to portray this character and have completely ignored her Quartermaine routes. The fact is, when she was in town before, she was a huge part of the Quartermaines. But now they bring her back and act like she hates all of them, they hate her, and it's the last place that she wants to be? It's ridiculous. And while I love the Tracy/Brook relationship, there should be far more too it than one scene a month of Tracy telling Brook what she thinks of Nik.

So, while I understand shows have to evolve, GH bugs me the most. Because they have a ripe young cast of decently talented people who ALL share strong ties to the rich history of the show. But it is blatantly ignored day in and day out. Look at other shows. All My Children and OLTL both embrace their vets, and they often carry the show. Look at Y&R. Victor Newman is still the core of this show after all these years. Same goes for Stephanie/Ridge/Eric/Brooke at B&B. Look at Maggie at Days! And even Julie Horton gets more airtime than Monica and Bobbie do.

So, what annoys me is the lack of respect. If you're going to choose to blot out the history of the show, give the veterans a real ending. Let Monica and Bobbie move off to some third world country to start a clinic together. Let Lesley Webber move to France to be with her daughter. Let Audrey Hardy have SOMETHING other than "babysitting the kids".

So yes, JZ has done too much to her face. But I firmly believe she's the same actress she was. Somewhere inside. And I wish they would either bring these vets back or give them a REAL sendoff (not a callous death). It's not hard to do.

Okay, sorry for the rant!

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I've thought that too. People of his wealth generally don't. However, he also was seen driving a couple years ago during the carnival.

Isn't it funny/ironic that Edward crashing in the carnival almost killed Jake and now he could potentially kill him now?! Man....if that happens I at least hope that Monica and Edward get to find out about Jakes paternity.

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I don't recall Edward ever having a driver, he did just drive to the Archer Pavillion when he heard about the bomb going off and he did drive through that carnival a while back. So it is estabilshed that he drives. Weather or not he SHOULD be driving is another issue.

Edited by nex4evr
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